Dallas Winston, Who knew you could be sweet?

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Y/N had felt Dally peel himself out of bed slowly in the dark, and with a bleary gaze she watched his tall figure attempt to stealthily walk across her room. He'd been staying with her, staying low as they agreed and with that agreement meant Dally couldn't go perform the rambunctious and rowdy stunts he usually did. It left him restless, craving action or some sort of spontaneous event to keep his mind off the urge to sneak around in Soc territory or get so drunk he could barely walk straight. He would often get up, untangle himself from her warm embrace and pace around in her dark room, anxious for a cigarette and to peer out the window like a caged zoo animal. Though his restlessness could be a bit of an annoyance at times, especially when nights were cold and his large frame was the only thing supplying her with heat. His absence caused her to feel nearly frozen without his hot skin against hers, and his frame warming the spot on the bed next to her. She had grown so used to the routine, that she sometimes dreaded the moment he would awake to carry it out. She was already accustomed to his steady heartbeat against her ear, and his sturdy long arms enveloping her in a tight embrace of safety. The lull of his breathing as she laid upon his chest as it rhythmically rose and fell. Tonight was different, though his routinely cigarette was not, he returned to bed after retrieving it and sat on the edge. His silhouette was splashed by pale moonlight, his hair wispy and kicking out every which way in the back, his pallor skin smooth and contoured by the flattering light. "Feeling all jumpy again?" Y/N asked, her voice still weak and riddled with sleep as she reached up to graze her fingers down his spine, caressing the bare skin in an effort to comfort him. The consolation stiffened him, and as he struck his match to light his reliever, a soft huff escaped his nostrils. "What're you doin' up, doll? Go back to sleep, don't worry about me." He said through clenched teeth as he held the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, but quickly closed his lips around it to take a drag. "You wake me up every time you do this song and dance, Dal', ain't nothing different about tonight." She replied, hoisting herself up with a sigh as she scooted to his side. She watched as he blew smoke from his slightly parted lips, and as it carried into the air, exposed by the blades of moonlight from the window that cut through the sheer curtains. "What am I gonna do with you? You're like a caged wild animal, aren't you?" She murmured as she draped her arms over his shoulders, pressing her nose into his hair as she nearly sprawled across his hunched back. He smelled so much of her now, being he had been staying with her for so long. A mixture of cigarettes, her perfume and the weak remanence of his own cologne. "Well, I've got drink on my mind. Man, am I missing Bucks. It ain't the same when you go during daytime, the daylight steals the thrill from it. The drinkin' the partyin'.. the fightin'" he murmured as he reached up to softly drift his fingertips along her arm that hung off his shoulder. "But I got you, and even when I do get all fussy and bothered, you always know what to say to keep me in check, doll."
A smile braced Y/N's lips as his calloused fingertips drawled across her skin, but she couldn't help but inquire "What do you mean by 'daylight steals the thrill from it'?" And just as the question left her lips, his fingertips halted in their stroking motions, and he slightly turned toward her within their embrace. "Well y'know... you get them snotty little ankle-biters everywhere with their uptight parents, Soc attacks ain't as frequent, ain't nobody day-drinkin' unless they're bad news.." He rambled, before pausing to take a deep drag from his cigarette, and press his fingertips into the spaces between her small knuckles. "You like getting ambushed by Socs?" A scoff rumbled her throat as she replied, but allowed him to go on none the less. "Cool it, I was joking... but sometimes it does get your blood flowin'. And!- and you'd think cops would be lookin' out for us greasers at night? No no, you best believe they're casting an eyeball in the day, waitin' for some poor delinquent grease to take a wrong step in their path before they throw em' in the cooler for breathin' too hard or sportin' a dirty shirt."
Chuckles shook both their frames as they pondered together, Dally shut his eyes as he basked in the sensation of her covering his back. Her soft breathing tickling the nape of his neck and her chest vibrating against him every time she spoke. This was the only thing able to keep him tranquil enough to not leap from the window and break some noses and car windshields. "So to put it simply, you're just restless for a little mischief?" She murmured, before parting from him to pull herself out of bed as well. "Remember that talk we had about you bein' 18, and the cops not takin' it easy on you anymore, Greaser?" She teased, sliding off the bed with a stretch as she ambled across the dark room, vigilant as to where she placed her steps. "No, not mischief, I guess I feel a little suffocated when I lay low. I mean- even when I'm at bucks and I'm drinkin' away, I still feel suffocated. It ain't always about rumblin' or breakin' shit, it's about feeling free. I don't do well with confinement." He explained as he got up to trail up, following closely even in the dark as if to make sure she was listening. He heard the shallow noise of a match, and a fluorescent candle light illuminated the dark— casting dancing orange light on the wallpaper. He could see her face now, and her expression was contorted with question. "You seem to do just fine with confinement when you're in jail, Dal, y'know, 'ohh~ I got out on good behavior this time'" she chuckled, but his sharp features stayed determined. "I'm being serious, confinement, you do fine with it but I've never really had a reliable house to come back and get all cozied up in. In New York things were always movin' action was around the corner, every where you looked there was something to be done—" his speech was cut off by a dismissive wave of her delicate hand, and she shook her head "no more New York rants, Dally, when you get on those you never stop."
He paused for a moment, inhaling a steady breath as he took her small hands in his. "You don't understand, that's alright... you grew up with a home and people who give a shit about you, but I didn't, and I got used to that. Having the freedom of... nobody peekin' over your shoulder. When I'm...-" he paused, chewing on the corner of his lips as he thought about his words, avoiding her curious gaze as it beamed at him. "I just ain't used to having a place to come back to, or a girl..." his tone fell a little soft as he spoke, his gaze scanning over her features with a slight smile on his lips. "Well a girl who don't, y'know, two time me and screw the whole neighborhood while she does it." He drew his large thumbs over the backs of her hand, and his features fell back into their normally hardened state, "And sometimes, not havin' the freedom I did, and having all this new stuff, it gets to be a little too much to..." his voice suddenly faded out, and he squeezed her small hands within his, his brows furrowing together as he brushed over his words once more. "It's a lot to take in? Having a home and someone who cares about you?" She finished his sentence for him, peering up at him as he nodded with thought. "Yeah, that..." in that moment, he retracted his hands from hers, and an uncomfortable feeling bloomed in his chest. He felt too soft, too vulnerable, and with that he whisked away from her to face the window. "Dally?" She called from behind him, staring at his back as he glanced out the windowpanes, an indistinguishable expression on his face. She watched as the candle's firelight danced along his wide shoulders and collided with the blue moonlight on his profile. He looked conflicted, wary almost, as if his tightened lips were holstering words he feared to release. "Why don't you come out with me? Go out there with me so you can see what I mean? We'll go out the window so we don't wake your pops, just like I come in." He suddenly proposed, resting his hands on his hips as his eyes finally found hers again. He expected her to flinch at the proposal, insist they stayed in and evade any trouble with the law or even fellow gangs or Socs, but her eyes were pensive.
A concern furrow pushed her brows together, but she didn't look... opposed quite yet.
"Where would we go?"
"Wherever you want, Doll." He offered, releasing a breath he hadn't known he was holding when he saw her arch a brow.
"The drive in, the park, hell, even Buck's." He coaxed, before signaling his large hand toward the window. "We'll only be out for a little."
He watched as her chest deflated with a breath, and her expression fell neutral once again.
"Okay, show me what it's like."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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