Sodapop Curtis, Happy Anniversary(PT 1)

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You skipped down the street with glee in every single step. You smelled of flowers, being you were carrying roses. It was silly, you getting roses for Soda and all, but was your 8 month anniversary. You didn't really care if it was weird.
You'd just gotten back from a three day trip to a casino with your mother, so you were tired out and really needed some Sodapop cuddles. You dressed in high waist shorts that complimented your shape, a tight fitted stretchy tank top that cut where the shorts ended and hugged your torso tightly. Your lazy-laced converse were just the cherry on top. It's not like you tried to dress up, you never do. even when you go out on the town with Soda, you just have some very comfy(in your opinion) clothes. You looked at the darkening sky, bummed that you couldn't get back sooner. You were hoping to sit under the sunset with Soda, but that wouldn't happen. It was too late. You jumped up the Curtis porch and opened the door. Everyone seemed to be there, just sitting on the floor and couch watching television with half made popcorn. Even Dallas was there. "Hey guys." You smiled. "Where's Pepsi-Boy?" You hugged the flowers to your chest, kicking the back of your left sneaker with your right foot. Darry looked at the other sheepishly, "he's in his room, but why don't you just stay out here with us. Why do you got flowers?" Some of the boys turned to you, but eagerly switched their gazes back to the television. "It's our anniversary...?" You smiled, before ignoring what Darry had to say and skipping down the hall. You stood outside his door, placing five light knocks. Your chest boiled with the slightest bit of anxiety and excitement. You missed him and couldn't wait to hold him and kiss him. One of your favorite things to do.
You heard the doorknob twist. Your lips curved into a soft smile as it opened. Low and behold.
Blonde, soft blue eyes, Rosy cheeks.
"Hi there?" She said, her tone unpleasant and intimidating.
You swore you felt your heart sink to your feet at that moment. "Hi... who are you?" You asked politely, but you felt deep down that you already knew the answer.
"Open the door, Sandy, who is it?" You heard Soda in the background.
You felt your blood sizzle. You walked in as she stepped aside.
Soda got up quickly "Y/N! How are you, doll?" You sheepishly stood quietly. Trying to absorb the situation and Process it. Sandy cocked her eyebrow. She screamed greaser girl. You fumbled with the hem of your shorts, staring at the dusty hardwood flooring of the room. You felt Sandy's eyes bore into your back. "Soda, who is she?" Sandy said lowly, her gaze seen to stick to you like glue. "This is Y/N, Sandy, Y/N" Soda introduced you two nervously.
An awkward silence layered the room uncomfortably.
You furrowed your eyebrows. "I'm sorry, what is she doing here?" You asked. Your eyes switching from person to person.
"Oh I just came to see Soda. I'm back for a little while and I was wondering if I could pass in a couple smooches before I hit the road anyways."
Your blood boiled and your fingers flexed around the flowers. "You kissed him?"
Soda stared at Sandy with his intense blue eyes, anger boiled in his pupils but you didn't care.
"We've been at it since I came back! Earlier today. I gotta day, he's a good kisser. You'll get there some day sweetie. Aren't you Pony's age?"
Soda sputtered the best he could "Y/N... I"
Your eyes glazed over. "It's Alright Soda. I knew there was something going on... I just want you to be happy." You smiled at him. "Oh and uh... happy anniversary." You handed him the flowers with trembling hands. Your eyes fluttered and you turned before the tears could show. You walked out of the room, avoided gazes with every greaser that dared to look at you.
"Are you alright, Y'N?"

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