Dallas Winston, Seeing Him Again

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Dallas Winston

You sat on top of your car, a few blocks away from your house. You were looking down at the daisy chain you had made, and admiring the way it almost reflected the sunset's pink light. You felt hazy as if you were about to fall asleep when all of a sudden you heard your name.

      "Y/N?" You could barely recognize the voice, which startled you; And suddenly, the car shook and you felt a cold presence hit your back. You spun around, only to be met by blue icy eyes. "Dallas!" You scolded, "You scared the life out of me." You sighed. He sat atop the car with you now, but one of his legs hung off the left side. "Sorry, Doll" He chuckled slightly. "Got a smoke?" He asked, but you shook your head. "I don't smoke," You answered back, shuffling a bit. "How's Sylvia?" He asked, in which you blandly answered back, "Fine." He nodded before questioning you again, "How've you been lately, doll?" You sighed, but you couldn't help but smile.

     You and Dallas had formed nicknames for each other over the course of hanging out constantly for a couple months ever since he walked you home one day. He seemed a bit melancholy that day, which isn't like him, especially around you, and you definitely would know that."Not too good, To be honest..." You looked at him. "What's goin' on?" He asked, slightly nudging you with his shoulder. You and Sylvia had a falling out which ended up with you getting slapped and kicked out of her house around 3 am.

     You began, "Well... Sylvia's boyfriend was hitting on me..." Dallas seemingly tensed up, but immediately went at ease once you continued. "She thought I was the one flirtin' with him and we started arguing, she called me names and slapped me..." You chuckled slightly, moving your hair out of the way of your temple, revealing a purplish pink small bruise forming at the beginning of your cheekbone. "Then She kicked me out so I slept in my car... Since I didn't really want to go home..." He examined the bruise and put the back of his hand to the bruise, but you flinched away. "It hurts.." You looked at him again, and he reached to feel it again but you grabbed his hand. "Come On, Dal, I said it hurts. Now leave it be." You furrowed your brows.


      He huffed, furrowing his brows and growing gradually angrier. "She-" He hesitated. "She's a total..... bitch..." You could tell how angry he was by the way he couldn't finish his sentences without blinking excessively and occasionally looking around to distract himself. "Tell me about it." You mumbled back, "How've you been?" you asked him, turning around to face him instead of the sunset. He simply looked up at you without moving at all. "I've been fine." He lied through his teeth. "Have you really?" You looked him dead in the eye, and for some reason he admitted it. "No I ain't feeling too hot," He sighed, clearing his throat. You slightly tilted your head, "What's going on?" You turned to lay on your side, resting your hand on the side of your temple.

        He just rolled his eyes, "Soc drama, I'm losing my rep... I haven't had a cigarette... I feel off and well... I'm having mixed emotions... Y'know?" He looked at you almost pleadingly, spilling a bit out. "I feel just drained. Emotionally draining, I mean, I feel like I'm going off the rails again.." You looked at him and sympathetically frowned, placing your hand on your shoulder. "Take it easy okay??" You looked at him before his demeanour changed. "I can't take it easy, I can't. I feel like a got a whole gang to take care of, Johnny constantly getting his ass kicked. Pony being chased. Soda's women issues and All the rest... Man, It's a lot to carry on your shoulders." He growled, "And then Sylvia... Two timing me and getting a new boyfriend. And I still want to be with her a little... It's stressful."

        His tone went low, and he looked down at the chipping paint of your car roof. Your heart ached at that last line, you wondered why? He still liked Sylvia? Meaning you had no chance- Wait! Why would you even need a chance... You didn't like Dallas winston.. did you? You freaked yourself out. "I just remembered... I uh, have to go do something." You sat up, "So you're leaving me just like that, Huh Doll?" You felt a bit bad, but you also felt... Betrayed? You got off your car, without another word. You waited for him to get off the car, which he did, trying to talk you out of not leaving. You got into your car, starting it up. You didn't know why you were acting like this.. you and Dallas were nothing but friends. Nothing but friends.

____________________________________8 days later

You had returned home finally, a few days ago actually. Currently, you were taking a shower, rethinking your life really. As the hot beads tapped your back endlessly, you began feeling uneasy. You wondered how Sylvia was, How Dallas was... How all the greasers were. You got out of the shower and dried off, sighing out at the discomfort you had grown from inhaling the flying water. You got dressed and went to your room, packing up a large bag of stuff you needed, since you planned on staying in your car again.

      You grabbed your bag and trotted out of the house and to your car, getting in and driving down to the park, just to look at the stars. You got out of your car and trotted down to the structures, feeling the cold night breeze engulf you in a bite of frost until you built a tolerance. You looked up at the sky for god knows how long. You suddenly heard the sound of boots, echoing and clicking down the street, you heard a bottle break and you turned around. You watched as a young man walked down the dimly lit streets.

      You could see him briefly approaching a streetlight. You squinted your eyes at the guy as he stepped under the streetlight, He kept walking slowly, looking exhausted. It was Dallas, you didn't expect it, but it didn't surprise you. He froze and looked over at your car, which was parked at the curb of the park. You saw him walk over and peek into the windows. You rolled your eyes and made your way through the playground and to your car. You could tell he was on his way to buck's, probably to get even more hammered. You went around the car and stood in front of him. He noticed you and jumped a little.

      "Where've you been?" He snarled, but it wasn't as aggressive as he usually is. You simply answered back, "Working," You put a hand to your forehead, and sighed. "What are you over here for?" You questioned him, and he pinched the bridge between his eyebrows. "I was on my way to buck's and I saw your car. Want to head to bucks with me? Y'know... Get a few drinks-" You interrupted him.

       "I don't drink." He shrugged and nodded. "Then... We can just hang out." You furrowed your brows. "Why not..." You gave in, and sighed. You turned around to see him start walking again. "I'm not walkin' ya git. Get in the car!" You chuckled, opening the driver's seat, getting in before shutting the door quickly.

He turned around and quickly made his way back, hopping into the passenger seat eagerly.

"Alright, where were we?"

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