Johnny Cade, Trash Talk Pt2

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You looked at Johnny and glared, "you really think that?" You asked coldly, your gaze hit him like ice. Johnny looked nervous, his blood went cold. "I don't know, Y/N. It's just... I think Dally is right." He put his face in his hands. You hissed, "Johnny! I wouldn't have been wasting' all this time on you if I didn't like ya." Shook your head, "and what do you mean I'm out of your league? Are you callin' me a Soc?"
Johnny was taken aback. "No, Y/N, but you sure as hell ain't no poor greaser girl." He swallowed hard. Johnny wasn't necessarily a confrontational person. You could tell your intensity was scaring him. "Johnny that doesn't mean we can't be together? I still like you!" You felt tears swell up in your eyes.
Johnny furrowed his brows, turning away. "But soon you won't. You're gonna find some fancy lookin' soc and leave me. You're too pretty and you're too smart. And you've got too much money. I ain't middle classed. Hell, I'm lower than lower class. I'm a greaser Y/N! You may not be a soc but you're damn close to one!" He turned to you again, returning your intensity. His eyes seem to change when they landed on you again. "I might be, but I'd never leave you." You shot back, wiping away your tears.
"Bullshit." He growled under his breath. You coiled back. "Johnny... if you're gonna leave, just leave now. And never show your face to me again. After all, I've done. After all, we've been through together I still can't believe you'd leave me just cause your dumb old friend says I'm too good for you. To hell with that!" Johnny didn't reply.

He stayed quiet, but he kept his gaze on you. "Hell... y'know I might even love ya..." you got up. "But fine."

Johnny stared at you, shocked. He parted his lips to say something, but you didn't have it. You turned away. "Leave me. Be in your own thoughts." You hissed. You took a deep breath and stormed out the dingo. You walked past Dallas, turning to his slowly.

"Dallas Winston." You growled lowly. He turned to you with an arched brow and twisted his cancer stick around with his lips. "What?" He said bluntly. "Damn you." You walked away. You wouldn't give them any more piece of mind. If Johnny was so easily convinced you were too much for him, you didn't need him. Right?


It was a cold, late night. Hell, you thought maybe it would snow. You wondered if Johnny was out on the lot. He never went home anymore. He could be at the Curtis house.. but he hated burdening them. Johnny wasn't your boyfriend anymore. Why would you care? You stared out your window, the frosty night seemed to capture you. It reminded you of when Johnny stayed with you that night.... you flicked some stray hairs out of your face. You really did have feelings for him. But after what he said, did you really want to try again? You let the cold breeze hug your figure, sending chills through your entire being. You got up quickly and grabbed whatever sweater was lying around.

You slipped your wool sweater of and flipped your H/C hair out of the collar. You looked around desperately. If he was there, you couldn't bring him back to your place, so why not stay there with him. You finally picked up a small blanket from off the end of your bed, bunching it into a ball to fit under your arm. You had heard screaming down the block, and automatically assumed it had been Johnny's house, knowing Johnny, he definitely wouldn't hang around there.

You crept towards your door, opening it slowly. You cringed at the harsh creaking noise it made, but you continued on your way. You managed to get out of the house with little to no sound and pad peacefully down the cold, wet pavement of the street. it felt harsh on your flats. You made your way down the streets, walking to the dewy mats of grass that slowly started to reveal the beginning of the lot. You saw a tiny little fire from a distance you picked up your speed, still hugging yourself close you began to lightly jog. Bingo.

Johnny lay there, hugging himself close in his jean jacket. He was using a newspaper as a blanket. His hair wasn't greased to the side, instead, it rested over his eyes in dry, soft looking locks. His eyes were closed and he looked very cold. You stood there, trying to decide what to do. You dug your nails into the wool of your sweater.
"Ta' hell with it." You muttered under your breath. Johnny had really hurt you, but for some reason, that didn't matter anymore. You sprawled the blanket over him, and he jumped awake. His eyes shot around before they landed on you and grew soft. "Y/N... what are you doin' out here?-" He murmured, trying to tear himself from sleep. You got down and lay next to him. "It's good you know how to make fires. and it's good it stopped misting." Johnny's lips parted. You smiled, "I'm not mad anymore, JohnnyCake." You sighed sadly "Even if we're only just friends-" You were interrupted when Johnny wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled his face into your neck. You froze for a moment before turning to him and resting your arms around his torso. Johnny pulled away from your neck before he kissed you. it was deep and passionate. As if he had been longing for it. You smiled into the kiss and turned to the side. He kissed your cheek then your neck. "Y/N. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said any of that. Dally just gets in my head sometimes." He looked a bit guilty. You were about to say something when he continued. "And I.." He paused before he hugged you close to him.

"I really do love you."

【The Outsiders x Reader】(ADULT VERSIONS FROM THIS POINT OUT) 18++Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora