Sodapop Curtis

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Sodapop Curtis

You sat at the DX crying your eyes out. Your nose stung and your eyes were beady and swollen with tears. You dug your fingernails into your sweater's knitting, trying to stop the sob from escaping your lips. Your boyfriend had just abandoned you at the DX, miles and miles away from your house.


Not only did he just drop you off, he also broke up with you after only 6 months. You didn't do much but kiss and stuff, but you still thought you had a connection. After a while, you simply cradled yourself a little bit, and let yourself ease out.

    Your E/C eyes returned to normal, but your melancholy expression had deepened. You were sitting right next to the curb right where the DX sign's pole was planted. You leaned your side against it and held the pole. You wiped your cheeks and rubbed the sides of your arms with your hands, watching the evening sky close in.

          You closed your eyes, and hoped and hoped he would come back and take you home. Suddenly, you heard a door close, and a worker approached you, well seemingly. He was looking down at his keys, flipping through them when all of a sudden he looked up. You got to admire his face, He was handsome.

            He had soft but striking eyes and looked like a movie star, good looking, very good looking. You looked him up and down and went red in the face. You were about to say something when he suddenly chimed in. "Are you alright?" He looked concerned, You hated when people asked you that, especially when you were just getting out of a painful situation because it made you feel even worse.

        You looked up at him and nodded. He raised an eyebrow "You sure?" He offered you a hand, which you took gratefully, before honestly answering the stranger's question. "I.... I'm having a hard time right now." You admitted, Looking him straight in the eye. He looks sympathetic, almost, even though he was just a stranger, you felt so out of it you were ready to spill out whatever you had left. He nodded, "What happened?" He asked, probably thinking your car broke down or something. You shook your head and shut your eyes tight.

      "I had a falling out with my boyfriend- Ex-boyfriend and he dropped me off here and sped off. I... I'm sorry for being here for so long, I can go.." You turned around defeated, you felt as if you were intruding his territory almost, intruding everywhere you went, "You don't have to go, do you need a ride home or somethin'?"

      You perked up, a ride home sounded great, but you couldn't ask him to drive you that far away, you were just moving to Tulsa, and not all of your stuff was at your new house so you still were at your old house. You looked nervous, "It'd be nice, but I don't want to be a burden, besides. My house is all the way in Mannford..." You said quietly, and he looked at the sky.

      "That ain't too far." He shrugged, "I could take you, You seem to be having a real hard time right now and a girl like you shouldn't be out here alone at night." You let out a tired sigh, "Well, Okay.." You loosened up, thinking 'What do I got' to lose?'.

        You followed him to his car and as soon as you two got in he introduced himself. He started the car, before looking at you, "By the way, I'm Sodapop Curtis. You can call me Soda." He smiled his movie star smile, before offering a hand. "Y/N L/N," You shook his hand and smiled. "Thanks, Soda, I really appreciate it. I owe you one." Soda shook his head and smiled, "Nah, you don't owe me nothing." He pulled out of the DX and began on the long car ride.


The whole car ride you two talked, it seemed like you talked for hours, but it wasn't really too long. You told each other everything, strange enough. You really really enjoyed his company, and you could tell he enjoyed yours too. When you arrived at his house, he almost looked sad that you were leaving.

               You looked at him, and curved your eyebrows sadly, matching his expression. "It was really nice meeting you Soda, and... I cannot tell you how much I appreciated this.." You smiled. He nodded, "Wanna see a movie sometime?" You nodded, and smiled, "I'd absolutely love to." He nodded, "I'll give you the house number."

                    You informed him, and he reached into his dashboard drawer, pulling out a receipt and a worn pen handing it to you. You wrote down your house phone and bit your lower lip as you signed your name under the number. You handed it to him and handed him his pen. You smiled again before you said your goodbyes.

        "Goodbye Soda, see you soon." You shut the door, but the window was rolled down, so you could still hear him. "See ya', Y/N." He waved one last time out his window before you went inside your house. He pulled out of the parking curb and sped off.

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