Johnny Cade, Trash talk PT1

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You and Johnny had been taking it slow. He was very sweet, never got angry with you and just Showered you in unconditional love. You guys made it a routine to go to the dingo with Dallas every Friday, so he could talk about his week with Johnny. Not that they didn't spend almost every other day together. But today was somewhat different. Johnny's presence felt strained. As if he was scared of something, or just trying to keep a distance. You didn't like it. You could tell when something was wrong.
As you walked along side him, watching his tousled raven locks sway in the wind every step he took. His tanned skin smooth on his hand that you held, you brushed your thumb over the back but he didn't seem to notice. You trailed behind the two, still holding his hand, but sort of lagging behind.
Your E/C eyes scanned over his figure.
As you approached the dingo, the smell of gut rotting hamburgers hit you, as well as chocolate milkshake and maraschino cherries. "Hey, Y/N, C'mere. You're losin' us." He referred to you lagging behind and walking so slow. You were about to let go of his hand when He pulled you by your hand to his side and let his arm sloppily rest on your shoulders, his affection felt strained and uncomfortable.
As you entered the dingo and found your table, as soon as you sat down you blanked out and stared into your lap. You could hear the Normal conversation starting up between Dallas and Johnny, but you didn't pay close attention to it. The vibe made you feel weird. You couldn't focus on anything. Something must've happened. He's never usually this distant. "Ooh, Johnny, look at her!" He gestured to the girl wearing a revealing skirt on the outskirts of the parking lot. Dallas seemed all riled up so he got up, "hold on Johnny cake I'll be a second." He powered walked out of the joint with pride in his steps. What a douche. You rolled your eyes and turned your attention to Johnny. "Hey," you said simply, resting your hand on his knee, sliding it up a bit and giving it a squeeze. He looked in your direction before looking like he was all hot and bothered. His voice was quiet, and he put his hand atop of yours, easing your grip "Hey, Y/N.."
"Are you okay?" You asked him.
His eyes sort of switched from your gaze to the table. "Yea, why?"
"You're different. Did something happen?"
He shook his head. "Nah... I'm just starting to question things."
Your heart soared. In a bad way. Your fingers tingled and your wrist felt like jelly. You grip on his thigh ceased. "Question.... us?"
He nodded eerily and his eyes seemed to travel to focus on Dallas.
"Did I do something wrong?"
You asked, letting your hand rest on his bicep, and scooting closer to him. You rested your chin on his shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent of stale cigarette smoke, car gas and wilderness. He smelled like the lot. Wilderness as in wet rocks and fresh cut grass.
"Not at all... but ...You know... I've been starting to think the things Dallas has been saying are true. I really should find a girl of my own kind. You're out of my league and I know you're only datin' me because you feel bad for me."
You could see the pain and longing in his eyes as he looked away


Dallas dipped his Pepsi before shoving his chin into the resting of his forearms.
"I'm surprised, Johnny Cake!" He scraped his index finger over the corner of his lip. "You managed to get a privileged girl! Hell, I don't think I can even score that high. I'll tell you what, as soon as she finds out your true nature, she'll go running to one of those, collar-tucked Socs with the nice cars and leather seats for her cute ass to sit on." Dallas's signature smirk curved his lips, when his eyes shot to you. You stood there, face hot with anger. You could see Johnny tense up by the way his jaw muscles were clenched. His tousled raven hair stuck to his temples in smooth locks, but you couldn't help but notice the redness that grew on his cheekbones. He was definitely angry. You set his milkshake in front of him, but he said nothing. He slid his hand to your thigh and stroked it with his thumb a couple of times as you made your way to sit down. You didn't have enough time to grab it before he pulled it away.
"You oughta shut your mouth, Dally." You spoke quietly. Dally laughed, and chewed on his straw. He saw it as a joke. Johnny did nothing. And stayed quiet.


"You really think that?" Your eyes scanned over his figure. Lean, but now well defined. You shook your head. "I think I always knew you were out of my league. I was just fooled by your charms into thinking you'd actually love a greaser like me. Who am I kidding." He laughed to himself. Your heart sunk. You were at a loss of words. For once in your life, you felt helpless, and you didn't know what to do. As he stared blankly at the table, the only thing you could think about was beating the holy shit out of Dallas Winston.

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