Johnny Cade, Seeing Him Again

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Johnny Cade

"Hey, Johnny!" You jumped to his side, which made him jump in fear. "Oh... Jeez, Y/N you scared the lights out of me..." You laughed a little, "How's it been?" You asked, "I haven't seen you in awhile." He smiled a little bit, "I've been staying with ponyboy... My parents aren't wantin' me home very much anymore.." You frowned a bit. "I'm sorry..." He shook his head in protest, "Oh don't be, it Ain't your fault. How've you been? I've missed you, Y'know?" He Affirmed.

You felt your heart flutter, "I've missed you too, JohnnyCake, and I've been okay." He nodded, "Anything new?" He finally took his hands out of his pockets, pulling a lighter and a pack of cigarettes while doing so. "Nah... Not much." You mumbled.

You admired the bruise on his cheekbone and the way he cradled his right arm in a way. You knew what had happened, but you knew you couldn't stop it. "Did they hit ya'?" You put your palm to the side of his face, feeling the swelling of the bruise- It was bad- It looked really painful. He nodded, and put his hand over yours, "It ain't as bad as it looks." You nodded, but you didn't believe him.

You stroked your thumb along the bruise, before letting your hand drop to his shoulder. "You oughta' stay with me for a little. That cut right there don't look treated." You gestured to the deep cut above his bruise. "If it's alright with you, it's alright with me." He put a cigarette in his mouth as he spoke, taking out his flip lighter and lighting the tip. "How long would you stay?" You plucked the cigarette from his lips, taking a drag before you handed it back.

He looked down at the ground, placing his hand on his arm, which had become more muscular, the more he grew. You have noticed since you met him he had sprouted a couple inches, and he had filled out a bit more since he was getting fed up with being thrown around by socs he started fighting more with Dally and such.

Your dad nor mom would be back for a couple months, so it was really just you and your big brother. "Couple days..?" He questioned, seemingly sketched. "Perfect," He brushed his thick black hair out of his eyes, and blinked a couple times. "You sure? I don't have to stay with ya'"

"No, it's all good! Besides, ain't nobody else gonna keep me company, JohnnyCake."


He walked into your room, seemingly uneasy. You turned around quickly. "Hey Johnny," You had been staring outside, watching the night sky grow pitch black. It was a cold, windy night; The house was cold, everything was stagnant and unnervingly lifeless.

Probably freaked Johnny out. "It's real cold." He closed the door behind him, looking over at your open windows. "Y/N? Are you tryin' to give yourself a cold?" He walked over to your windows and closed them shut, looking at you in disbelief as of how you endured that temperature without a shiver. You were getting ready for bed, well, before you were night gazing. He sat on the end of your bed, surely he was cautious about it.

He stared at you until you confirmed it was okay for him to sit there. "I guess I was distracted, didn't even notice how cold it was." He nodded, "Where am I sleeping tonight?" He questioned you, his big pleading puppy dog eyes riddled with exhaustion. The whites of his eyes reflected the dimly lit room. You thought for a moment, trotting over to your nightstand lamp and turning it on. "I could sleep on the couch?" He tested, shifting under his covers. "No, Johnny, that's not only unsafe cause of my big brother, but I also don't want you sleepin' on a creaky old couch. It's uncomfortable." He nodded, "It ain't too bad, Nowhere near as bad as my bed back at home.." He mumbled.

You felt an imaginary hand grip your heart and squeeze it. Man, he made you feel so privileged. "Sleep on my bed with me," You ordered. He looked up, "Oh Y/N, You don't have to do that." He protested you can see the guilt build up in his eyes, "I know I don't, but I want to, Now turn around." He nodded, but then questioned you "Why?" You arched your brow. "So I can get dressed silly," His eyes widened and he nodded, hesitantly turning around.

You slipped off your normal clothes, before pulling a silk top over your head. You pulled up your silk shorts and sighed. "Alright, it's all good now." You walked over to your bed, climbed up and sat at the head. Johnny sort of just sat there at the end awkwardly, cradling himself like a puppy. You looked at him for awhile, "Hey JohnnyCake, you can come up here with me now." You invited, and he quickly obliged.

You lay down on your side, with your back to him. "Y/N" He asked as he lay next to you, his back to you as well. "Hm?"

"You cold?"

"Little bit,"

"Can I come a little closer?"

You hesitated, but nodded into your pillow,


You felt him shift, before he turned around, resting his arm over your waist area. You felt comfortable, uncomfortable and happy at the same time. Weird.

You waited for a while before you crept your hand to his and laced your fingers with his, with your hand atop. You could tell he was very startled by this because you felt his breath hitch on your back. You pulled his hand a bit, pulling him closer to your backside. You could feel his breathing on the back of your neck, and he gradually snaked his arm farther over you until it was around your waist. You suddenly felt woozy, "Y/N,"


"I fancy you, a lot, y'know."

You felt your heart skip a beat, and I bet he did too. You no longer felt tired or woozy, you felt shocked. You had no idea what to do!

"You do?"

"Big time." He mumbled,

"I feel the same, Johnny."

He slightly sat up, smiling down at you, "Would you ever consider, y'know, being with me?"

You looked at him and nodded. "Sure would,"

He lay back down and pulled you closer, this time he wasn't shy about it. "Do you want to?" You asked him, "Want to be with you?" He answered back, but his voice was quiet. "Yea, Do you?" You turned your head a bit, so you could see a little bit of his expression. "Yea I do," You smiled at his answer, "Let's go steady."



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