Until The Heat Blows Over, Dallas Winston PT1

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The air was cold, rendering noses cold and red, fingertips numb and blood-blushed.
A six pack and the hood of a car, parked greedily over to spots at a long abandoned drive-in movie. Dally wanted to stay. He wanted to stay for the cold night air, and the stars that freckled the navy blue sky delicately.
"This part of town ain't safe but it sure is pretty."
His voice carried over the breeze, soft and raw. It wasn't soft in a shy way, more calm and collected. It was rare for Dally to ever be like that, observing and mellow.
Y/N sat at his side, soaking in his warmth as her shoulders tucked underneath his leather covered arm. "I know, Dal." She murmured, pressing her beer-bottle to her lips, barely tipping it to reach her tongue.
His skin was pallor in the light of the moon, more pale than usual. Locks of almost silver looking hair cascaded down in wavy silk, ending at the nape of his neck. Where his sideburns started, his hair curled slightly, resting in tufts next to his ears. Ice blue eyes focused on nothing particular, the pads of his fingertips brushing along the fine hem of Y/N's sweater.
He turned his hand over, his knuckles cautiously brushing down over her sweater where the swell of her breasts started. She took his wandering fingers in her much smaller grip, before averting her gaze to his profile.
"What's..." her words halted at the back of her tongue, and her teeth caught her lower lip in a look of inner-debate.
"What?" He pushed, drawing in a long inhale of fresh air not long after.
"What's your plan? For after school y'know? You.. you can't go around getting thrown in the cooler for fighting socs once you turn 18..."
"So what." With a dismissive scoff, he shifted.
"So what? What about your future and all? You got socs coming from every quick stop searching for you."
Eyes of glacier frost, and lips so soft contrast against such hard words and tone of voice. "I ain't got much of a plan, and I don't need to have one. I don't do much thinkin' about all that stuff... I'm protected enough, and greases don't have the same opportunities some do."
She let her gaze fall on his lips, smooth, bitten by stress but smooth. He rarely met her gaze, but she could still see the pallor of his ice blue eyes, shifting over the night sky, finding anything to occupy themselves with.
"Well, you thought of this date. It's much more creative than usual. You've got some potential Usually we'd just go to Buck's, huh? But even there ain't safe for you now, is it?"
His lip curved in a small smirk, before he raised his bottle to his lips to take a swig. "No, Doll, I guess it ain't."
"Thank you for taking me out here, Dal. Risking your own safety. This really is lovely."
He scoffed, "Don't get all soft, we don't want this date to end up in tears, Dollface."
She finally broke her gaze from his blank expression, and instead focused it on his pale neck, sheathed by his leather jacket but still visible under the shade of his sharp jawline.
She rested a hand on his knee, hoisting herself up with draw her soft lips against his cold skin, kissing just below his jaw. A relieved exhale escaped Dally's lips as he shut his eyes and focused on the feather light sensation's of her lips slowly gliding over whatever skin they could reach. His fingertips found her cotton skirt, and they greedily pushed under it to give her thigh a firm squeeze.
"Dal, why don't you come stay with me?" She drawled between kisses that had soon trailed to the side of his face, near the arch of his brown and the wild tufts of silky hair that flicked against his hairline.
"..what?" He spoke, freezing in action, fingertips still flush again Y/N's skin, pawing her exposed flesh with need.
"Why don't you come stay with me for a couple of days? My pa is rarely home,  
You don't gotta stay at Ol' Bucks with all them parties goin' on. Even if it's just for a little while  would you-"
Dally shook his head, pulling away from her slightly. "I can't ask you to do that, come on now. I ain't your problem. I'd be putting you in danger and I ain't gonna do that." His voice was gravelly, still recovering from the shock of her request.
"Oh, but you are. You know... It would be time together. You'd be away from all them Socs lookin' for you. Hiding in plain sight, y'know?"
Deep contemplation splayed on Dally's face, and an oh so familiar furrow knitted his brows together. "Please, Dal? Just until this heat blows over...?"
Finally, when his eyes met hers, shifting over her face for a moment— he gave in.
"Yea alright. Just until the heat blows over.."


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