Ponyboy, Train Tracks

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"Y/N! I keep telling you to be careful!" He scolded you as you two ran along the train tracks. You two had been waiting for Johnny for at least a half an hour and had just about had it with the heat. "Man, Pony, Can we just go already? It's so hot! Johnny clearly ain't comin'!" You yelled, trying to balance yourself on one side of the train tracks, your worn down converse slipping every so often which caused Pony's heart to skip a beat.

"Yea I guess..." He said pretty loudly, but you could hear the disappointment in his voice. "Oh come on! It'll be fun just you and me." You waited for him a little so he could catch up. "I know, but Johnny doesn't usually flake. I wonder if a Soc got em' or Dally took him to the dingo or somethin'..." He chewed on his cigarette. You stayed quiet, not really knowing how to react. "I'm sure he's fine, HorseBoy." You looked behind your shoulder at him teasingly, You could see him slowly process your tease and look up. You dashed down the tracks, him on your tail as you kicked dust every sprint you took. "You get back here!" He said as he slowly began to fall behind. "Last one there is a Dirty Soc!"


You both lay on your backs, your jackets sprawled over the green grass serving as a blanket. The pond in front of you was cold on your side, but where the sun hit the water it was warm, so you carefully picked a spot in the shade because that day it was boiling hot. "You know that race wasn't fair right?" Pony informed you, his green eyes sort of gliding over the sky. You could see the clouds reflecting in the whites of his eyes. "Yea it was, I got a little headstart, that's all. And you're faster than me so it was fair."
He looked at you for a second, before sucking his teeth and looking back at the sky.

"Johnny would've beat both of us, he runs all the time. Runs like a scared puppy dog." He smiled, the cigarette bobbing as he closed his lips. "Why don't you light that thing already?" You rolled your eyes, "I don't got a light." He answered after a moment of snapping back to reality.

Pony seemed to hesitate. His mouth went ajar a little, but he quickly shut his mouth again. He took the unlit cigarette out of his mouth and dropped it in the grass. his eyebrows knitted together before he shot up and rested his wait on his right arm, turning to you completely to look at you. "Why do you act so much like a boy?"
"Me? Act like a boy? Psh! No, I don't!"
Pony blinked in disbelief "You do! Girls are supposed to go shopping and get taken to movies by their boyfriends and stuff. You run around with me and Johnny all day. And I think you're stronger than me too!" He laughed,

"You're saying I'm more of a man than you? Maybe that's a good thing." You smirked, getting up offering a hand to him. He didn't take it "You ain't more of a man than me!" He protested, "Can you swim?" You asked bluntly, "Can I swim? Well O' Course I can swim? Can you-"
"Well if you're a man you can swim across the pond and back with no sweat! I sure can Go ahead, Horseboy!" You picked up a couple rocks, "I'll swim with ya' if you're too scared. And- I'll hold your hand." You tossed them, briefly looking at Pony to see his expression. "I ain't scared! I just don't wanna walk home with wet sneakers, Y/N." He complained.

"Who cares, think fast!" You put your hand on his chest, Shoving him into the pond. He sure did think fast because he pulled you with him. You squealed before toppling into the water. There was a drop off so you two had to be in at least 6 feet of water. "Oh, you Ditz!" You complained. You held onto his shoulders, "Your fault." He wiped his hands down his face, getting the water out of his eyes before he placed his arms around you. "It was a hot day anyway." You shrugged, Smiling. "Alright, you ready to race?" You let go of him and he let go of you. "You ain't gonna win." He quoted,

"Go!" You yelled, dipping underwater paddling as fast as you could. You both sped across the pond, lots of water splashing everywhere. You hit the other side a few seconds before pony, before pushing off in a hurry. He was on your tail as usual and even tried to cheat a couple times by trying to get ahold of your blouse. You reached the starting side again and put your hands up "I win!" You dragged yourself ashore when suddenly you felt a weight on top of you. You whipped around and saw Pony.

Water from his hair dripped down on your Chest and neck. "What now Horseboy, sour loser?" You reached up to push him off of you, but with ease, he overpowered you and sort of wrestled with you until he had control again. "You quit calling me that, and I'll let you go." He held your arms above your head. "Never!" You struggled again but to no use. He sort of relaxed, smiling "I am stronger than you after all, Huh?"

You took advantage of this moment and turned the tables. Halfway at the shore of the pond you now held him down. "Never let your guard down..." You got closer to his face "Horseboy." You said teasingly. Today you were being extra annoying, trying to get him out of his stiff mood. He just looked away in defeat. "Okay.. Okay.. You got me." He sighed, "Now would you let me go?" He asked, looking at you with his pretty green eyes...

You seemed to get lost in his eyes. You admired the way the water dripped down his face from his hair and the way his eyelashes held small little drops of water that dripped everytime he blinked.
You leaned down and pressed your lips against his, which caused his breath to hitch. You could feel his heartbeat quicken through the pulse on his wrists you held. You pulled back, feeling your heart sink to your stomach. He opened his eyes, blinking a couple times in confusion.

"Kiss me again," He quoted, which made your heart sink even more. You obliged and lowered down and pressed your lips to his again, which was quickly followed by a response from him. It was peaceful, and one of the best feelings you had ever felt in your life. You let go of his hands and he placed them on your waist. Things almost escalated until you heard a familiar voice

"There you two are! I was looking for you down at the- Train..." Johnny stopped dead in his tracks, his hands flailing out of his pockets. His big puppy dog eyes widening a bit.

You and pony pulled away, immediately trying to scramble off of each other. Pony turned tomato red.


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