Sodapop Curtis, Happy Anniversary (PT 2)

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>>Trigger warning

You sulked past the others, not answering a single word they had to ask. You simply glance over your shoulder at them, before turning to leave. The inviting warmth of the Curtis house had completely drained from your entirety and you began to walk farther and farther from the residence. You wanted to go home, and be alone. That's exactly what you planned to do.
Maybe your ex was right. Greasers don't love Socs. You didn't consider yourself a Soc and never would, but to the average eye, you were the average Soc eyesore for the greasers. You might've been pretty, but as soon as your class in recognized you were an enemy. Maybe that's why Soda did this. Maybe he was embarrassed to be with a Soc girl.


Y/N's mind had failed to travel far from the fact that Soda cheated on her. She had been long done crying. She had gradually been coming to terms with it, but the words Sandy uttered repeated so clearly it was like she was reliving the moment. It had felt like months since that happened to her but it was only been two weeks. She pushed herself off her bed, sprayed on her favorite perfume and fluffed her shiny H/C hair, brushing the locks so they bounced perfectly on her shoulders. She slipped on a typical soft pink pinup dress, and some white flats. She hooked a pearl necklace around her neck before slipping a baby blue sweater on. Typical Soc. She trotted quickly out of her room and down the stairs. She wondered if he had arrived yet. She peeked out the window, trying to set her eyes on a mustang of the color yellow, but was yet to see one.
She waited, calm and collected, sitting on the porch under a pool of orange rays from her front door light. She could smell the faint aroma of berry pie from her next door neighbors. The cool of the night after an easy summer day was the most relaxing thing ever. It had been raining for the past couple of weeks despite summer being just around the corner, but now she felt like it would stop. The rain would stop just for her tonight.
She was snapped out of her trance when she heard a deep, boisterous engine approach. She stood up to see the familiar yellow mustang come to a halt at The front of her house. Y/N felt her heart skip a bit. She didn't know if she was ready for this yet. She quickly made her way over to the car regardless and got in. She smelled the stale scent of liquor and tobacco. She shut the door and sat back, lying her hands neatly in her lap. "Hey, Y/N" his words were like a blade, cutting through the thin ambient. She looked over. Familiar green eyes, fair tan skin and dirty blonde hair. He hadn't changed one bit. She smiled at him, "hey now." Y/N said softly. "Let's go then?" He asked, stepping on the gas slightly. She nodded, before hesitantly asking "how've you been, Mike?" Her fingers fidgety. She watched his lips part, before he finally answered. "Not too good. Without you, I felt like I was nothing." He looked at her, sliding a hand on her thigh. Memories of Soda and her came rushing in, she remembered the feeling of his smooth palm running along her thigh, to her inner thigh and cupping her cheeks when they kissed. She put a hand on his and felt his grip get harder. "You went off with that Greaser, it's not important now because you're back." Y/N wasn't used to him being so- confident. She sat in silence for awhile, before she finally spoke up. "He cheated on me." She looked over at Mike, but just felt his grip on her thigh get stronger. "That's what Greasers do, they have no respect for women."
She shook her head, "He wasn't like that..." Mike looked over and nodded, "He was. He cheated on you didn't he? Look... let's forget about him. Let's talk about us. And what we've missed." She nodded, watching him pull into the drive in movie lot, and park his car a bit a ways from any others. He Unbuckled his seat belt, pushing himself off his seat. He drew his lips over Y/N's in a light graze, before pushing them roughly against hers. He snaked his hand into her inner thigh again, rubbing along her underwear line with his thumb. She kissed him back, but put her hand against his arm to prevent him from going further. He kissed her roughly, from her lips to her jaw to her neck, rhythmically pushing his lips on and off her skin. His left hand caressed her side, but she tried to push him off. "Stop." She said, and he pulled back. "Why?" She looked down at her lap, "I don't think I'm ready for that yet." Mike took her words to heart, "why? Are you a virgin? Do you not love me?"
He asked in a low tone, his lips curved in a frown. She looked to her right, closing her eyes slowly. She had lost her virginity to Soda months ago, so she wasn't scared to. She just didn't want to. "It's not that. I just don't feel like it right now." She put a hand to her neck, rubbing the back of it nervously. Mike has a strange look in his eye, he lunged at her again. This time his kissing was rough and impatient. "I know you want to." He said between the many kisses that he placed along her chest and collarbones now. "I said stop it!" But he didn't, he gripped her wrists and kicked the seat back so she she was struggling to get out of his grasp. "Mike please!" She pleaded, she felt his torso graze against her lower half as he began to get on top of her, when a knock on the window suddenly interrupted him.
Y/N couldn't see who it was, she could only see Mike's head turned in the direction of the person.
She hoped this person would help her.
"Hey! You get off of her!"
Mike stared for a second before he growled back, "she's fine! You mind your own business Pal!"
Y/N's heart dropped, she could feel her heartbeat in her ears.
She tried to push Mike off, "Soda!" She yelled, but Mike Reached over and locked the door before Soda could pry it open. Soda yelled, "you get off of her or I'll beat the damn tar outta you!" Soda roared, banging on the window. Mikey put a hand over Y/N's mouth and turned to Soda against and yelled, "Go away you filthy Grease!" Soda paused, going to the back door to glance in, filled with absolutely rage. He could only think about getting you out. He sucked it up. He went to the front and began to smash his fist into the window, Mike turned around and yelled, "Hey! You quit that!" His grip on Y/N became strained as he tried his best to scare Soda off. Y/N shoved him and scratched him, trying to make her way out while Soda distracted him but he was too strong. Finally after the pounding started having an affect, Mike felt his heart jump, "No!"
The window shattered, causing pieces of glass to fly all around the car, hitting mike but barely hitting Y/N as he shielded her, being on top of her. Soda reached in, his fist bloody, and grabbed Mike by the collar of his shirt, pulling him off of her and out the car. She sat up, exhausted from the fight and let herself out of the car. She heard the sound of Soda beating on Mike, but didn't feel desire to stop him. She walked around the car quickly and watched momentarily before People started crowding around. Mike lay on the floor, his face covered in his own and Soda's blood. He held his weight on his left arm, as fellow Greasers pulled Soda off, saying things like "He's down, Man." And "It's over."
Soda looked up, walked over and grabbed her. "Why were you with him?" He asked, both of his hand holding Y/N's upper arms tightly. She thought She could smell the blood on him, metallic and bone chilling. She couldn't reply, she just began to cry. She looked up and saw Soda's alarmed face. Blue bell eyes, hair falling over his forehead in sunshine gold wisps. He looked so concerned. She felt hot tears rush down her face, "why do you care?" She hastily looked away. Soda made her look at him, "why wouldn't I?" He pulled her close to him, engulfing her in a warm, big hug. She felt his heartbeat, so fast and strong. She missed the feeling of this, so dearly. She felt his fingertips draw over her back as he hugged her tighter, whispering in her ear "Let's get you home."


Soda came back with one of his sweaters, since he had gotten blood on Y/N's. She slid her sweater off and took his, sliding it on. He sat down next to her with bandages for his hand and peroxide to clean the wound. He priorly had retrieved a throw blanket for her, so she wouldn't be cold and got her some tea from the kitchen. "Thank you, Soda." Y/N said quietly, watching him clean the many cuts on his hand from the window. "Don't thank me." He said quietly, "it's my pleasure." He tried wrapping his hand, but he seemed to miss the cuts every time he added a layer. Y/N gingerly took his hand in her own, watching his eyes fearfully wonder to her. She picked the remaining pieces of glass out of the few cuts he had missed, and took the bandage and began ever so gently wrapping it. He watched her, feeling his heart flutter like it always did. The warmth of her hand caressing his made him feel whole again. As she finished, he felt her let go of his hand, which made his heart ache for more. "I'm not mad anymore." She spoke softly, taking some of the blanket around her shoulders and draping it on his in a sign of affection. He stared at her with his blue bell eyes, he almost felt like crying. He'd missed his girlfriend so much. Soda took his good hand and drew his fingertips to her temple, leaning in and kissing her gently. He pulled away and let out a sigh. "I learned something, being away from you.." Y/N rested her hands on either sides of his shoulders. "And what's that?"
"Being without you for the past few weeks... hurt me far more than sandy did leaving without a goodbye."
She nodded, "I missed you, Sodapop." Her hands snaked around his neck as she pulled herself closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her again, he'd needed this.

"I love you Y/N. I'll never betray you ever again."

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