Ponyboy Curtis, Lips of fire

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On your way to the Curtis house, you dropped your coco-cola bottle while jumping in puddles.  Like an idiot, you fell and cut your leg. You didn't even know how it managed to happen either. "Shit!!" You didn't feel much besides the soggy mist of the dying down rains sticking to your skin in layers. You could feel the stinging of glass in your palm though. Shit. Good thing you're close to the Curtis house. You really wanted to just get there and rest, but of course, your day wasn't right without some sort of problem happening. You quickly made your way down the sidewalk, trying to avoid eye-contact with the gash populated with little shards of glass that neatly decorated your calf. You tried not to put much pressure on that leg, being more blood spilled out every time you did. You've had worse, by the sight of blood made you nauseous sometimes, and your palm hurt like a bitch. You whimpered a bit, as a piece of glass dug into your palm with a serrated edge. You walked up the creaky old wooden porch And held your palm to your side, using your un-injured hand to open the door shield and the door. And in you walked, to be welcomed by the only person you came to see.
Pony smiled at you from the couch, "Hey Y/N"
You froze, not really wanting him to see the wound on your leg, because you feared he'd lecture you about safety and go on about how careful him and Johnny are when they run around the ghetto. Typical horseboy. You nervously put a hand to the back of your neck. Shit! You felt a sharp pain make your palm tingle, and you saw pony's eyes flash in concern. "Wait! Y/N what happened to your hand?" He got up from his comfy place on the couch and walked over to you. It seems as though he'd been outside too. His sneakers clicked against the wood floor, emitting a disturbing screech noise every time he stepped. He reached to your neck and pulled your hand away, examining the glass filled wound carefully. "What'd you do this time?" He held your hand gently from the back, slowly walking you over to the bathroom, probably for peroxide. "I dropped my coco-cola bottle and it shattered, and you know me, I'm clumsy-Ow!!" Your leg hit the door as you guys entered and you fell to the floor, your hands hovering over your leg wound, fearful to touch it. "Jesus- oh-" pony began to frantically look for the first aid kit that they always had stored. He rummaged under the sink, pulling out a rather large but flat box. The familiar Red Cross on the top put you at ease as he quickly popped it open. "I wish you were more careful." He growled under his breath, grabbing your hand. He began to pick the glass shards out, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as his green-grey eyes focused in on the open laceration. He smelled sort of like pancakes. What a weird observation. You just wanted this to be over so you and pony could rough-house and play the silly games you usually do. You guys had a thing for antagonizing each other. You chuckled under your breath. Pony's gaze set on you, "this is not funny." Now he was getting serious. He placed his palm on the back of your Hand and finished cleaning the wound, grabbing a thick bandage and sprawling it over your delicate skin with extra precision. You rolled your eyes, "I can do this myself. And besides, I'm not fragile-"
"But you are Y/N.. you're not one of the guys. You get bruised and cut up easily. You may act like us but you sure as hell ain't built like us." He reached for your leg, but you stopped him. "I can do this." You stated coldly, when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist and toss it away. "Lay off. I want to help you." He said simply, taking your ankle and pulling your leg in his lap. He again, picked out the shards of glass, but much more carefully. "This is gnarly." He expressed, his tone quiet. "Are you sure you just dropped a coco-cola bottle?" He plucked a large piece of glass out of your wound. "Ouch!" You tried to pull away but his grip got harder, "sorry.." he said softly, but still cleared the glass from your wound quickly. Once it was all gone, he grabbed cotton and peroxide and did the same routine. Clean the wound until the skin or flesh is dry of blood. "I'm sorry." Your tone was believable enough for him to look up at you. "It's okay." He quoted, as he fished out a rap-around-bandage from the kit and starting to patch you up. "Where'd you learn to do all of this?" You giggled. Pony's cheeks got hot, but he ignored it. "My mom used to have to clean me and Soda's cuts and injuries all the time. We were hard-headed. So over the years I just Watched her. I was the only one who listened to what she was saying too." He chuckled a bit, furrowing his brows as he finally finished. "Let me see your palm," he ordered, as you held out your hand. He took the back of your hand in his palm, and used his free hand to draw circles over the bandaged wound. "This is how she used to ease my pain." He said quietly. His eyes showed something unreadable. Observably, He was in deep thought. You got up, switching his hand around to hold yours. You pulled him up. "Let's go to your room. It's cold." You nodded to him, and he shrugged. You opened the bathroom door and lead him out, discarding the First aid kit mess he had made. You lead him down the small spacing in the house and to his room. Surprisingly it was more neat than last time. You let go of his hand and walked into the middle of the room. "It looks nice in here for once." You turned and smiled to him, he seemed to be looking at you, but he wasn't with you. Wonder what put him in such a train of thought. You slipped off your coat, and hung it on the door knob, kicking off your shoes and unbuttoning your over shirt. Jeez, it wasn't that cold outside. You over bundled for sure.
"Mm?" He snapped out of his trance.
"Are you doing okay??" You put a hand on his shoulder as you made your way to sit down next to him.
"Just thinking about my parents..." his voice died down a little bit, he looked away. "Hey, it's okay to cry." You tried to look at him, but he just turned farther away. "Greasers don't cry." He said flatly. "Hell, Pony, would you drop that? It's okay to cry about your parents. I would."
"You're a girl Y/N."
"That doesn't mean anything... come here." You pulled at him, but he didn't budge. He didn't want you to see his tears. You stopped trying to pry him and simply looked at his back. You stopped trying but let his head hang low. You finally, after pestering him, pulled him into a tight hug, and stroked his back gently. Oh the cigarettes and pancake smell lingered everywhere he went. You felt him finally return your hug, very weakly. "Pony..." you brushed your hand through the hair that ended that the nape of his neck. You pulled him up on the bed with you and laid back. You couldn't support his weight alone. "You know when we kissed at the pond?" He sort of supported his own weight and flopped beside you and rested his head in his hand, propping it up so he could look at you. His eyes held curiosity, but the same dull sad look they did in the bathroom. "Yea what about it?" You asked, resting your hands on your chest. "I think... ever since then... I've kind of fancied you." You slowly looked at him dead in the eye. "I thought you fancied that chick... uhhh... cherry." You stated quietly. "I had a small crush on her, but to be true... I think you're a lot prettier than her."
You parted your lips to say something, but quickly shut them. "You don't think it would be weird if me n' you had a thing, because Johnny... right?"
You cautiously rested a hand on the crease of his neck, looking down to avoid his gaze that seemed to shamelessly bore into you. "Why would it be?" He asked, resting his hand atop of yours. "Because we're three best friends. Not three best friends but two are more than friends. That's third wheeling poor Puppy-dog Johnny."
He looked down, resting his eyes on the hem of your shirt that sloppily rested on your chest. The shirt was too loose for you. "I think he'd understand." Pony locked gazes with you. You felt heat boil in your chest. Some weird sensation shot through you as soon as you stared into his beautiful green eyes...

You turned onto your side turning away from him. He immediately put his hand on your shoulder and pulled you back. He pressed his lips to yours. They felt like fire. Something burning for more. You placed a sprawled hand against his cheek. Your mouths danced together, electricity you both shared short through you making it hard to pull away. He pushed himself to hover over you until you had to sit up a little in order to keep the kiss strong. You pulled him back down on top of you, and wrapped your arms around him. So comfortable. Feeling the beat of his heat against yours. The heat that built up between you two, but also the warm comfort that swallowed you both in a single embrace. Heaven on earth.
"I love you"

【The Outsiders x Reader】(ADULT VERSIONS FROM THIS POINT OUT) 18++Where stories live. Discover now