The Pond's Memories, Ponyboy Curtis

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"Do you think Greasers and socs will ever get along?"
Pony mumbled, folding his hands behind his head as he stared over the pond. Y/N and Pony been to this little hidden spot some over year ago, just around the time Pony turned fifteen. A lot had changed since then
Now eighteen, he found the place nostalgic, he liked to walk along the train tracks and reminisce in fond memories.
Y/N shook her head, "No, Pony. That's not how it works."
He averted his gaze down to her, watching as she ran cold water over her already soaked hair. "It ain't that difficult to get along, in my opinion."
"That's because you're as sweet as they come, Ponyboy. I don't think you got a mean bone in your body."
He scoffed, shifting his arms so he sat up a little straighter.
Y/N turned toward the deep end of the pond, walking carefully in until the water was up to her chest. "You might've got tougher, but you still got a heart of gold, now get in here."
Pony grumbled something under his breath "you ever seen me in a rumble, nowadays? Soda can barely keep up with me. Darry is still the strongest, sure, but I can take out—"
"Pony, get yourself in this water!"!
A soft wind caressed Pony's shoulders as he reluctantly slid his shirt off and pushed himself up, offering a few cautious steps into the shallows.
The water was warm, being the summer night could barely offer a twinge of cold. The pond was surrounded by a lot more greenery than usual, since it had been so long since the two had visited it.
"Oh, man, this ain't that bad..." he mumbled as he shuffled toward Y/N in the water, watching as she ran her hands through the water to see how the waves were cut in the spaces of her fingers.
Suddenly, before she could turn around she heard a quick splash, and Pony was out of sight.
"You better not scare me! It's dark, Pony! I'm gonna kick you." She waited, defensively holding her arms out as she frantically peered around.
"I wasn't planning on scarin' you, but you shouldn't give me ideas like that." He chuckled after surfacing from the water, startling her as she whipped around to face him.
"Oh you're no good!"
She looked up at him, before she reached out to push him playfully— but he caught her wrists in his much bigger hands. "Y/N, 'you remember when you were bout' the same height as me? Maybe a little shorter.. First time we came around here.." he smiled playfully as he peered down at her, his emerald gaze holding that of fondness as he watched the droplets of water that streamed down her cheeks, joining together at her jaw. "Mhm... what about it? Now you're taller and stronger than me, so what. You wanna brag?" She pushed against his grip, but it only tightened around her little wrists, and he chuckled at her outstretched fingers as she attempted to reach him. "No, it's just funny how much we've both grown." He mumbled, shrugging a little as his eyes wandered down her face.. to her neck and chest. He blinked a couple times, cursing himself mentally as he tried to rip his gaze away from her exposed skin.
Y/N stopped fighting against his hold, and instead followed his gaze. "You dog!"
She ripped her hands away and covered her chest, giggling a little as he blinked away his trance.
He didn't laugh along with her though, instead her let his eyes drawl back up to her face, dazed with her intoxicating figure. She soon caught on, and met his gaze. "What? Pony?"
His lips parted, like his words sat idle on his tongue, but his eyes shifted over hers, swimming with thoughts. Finally, after a few heartbeats, he pulled his hand from the depths of the water, drawing his palm over her shoulder. Though he doused her soft skin in pond water, his soft touch smoothing down her arm was enough to excuse the splash.
With a gentleness, like he was handling porcelain, he cupped his hand around the back of her neck and brought his lips to hers in a kiss so vehemently passionate it made a cold chill crawl up her spine.
She reached up and gripped his shoulders in her lithe fingers, feeling his taut muscles shift under her grip as he pressed her small body closer to his. His right hand rested at the small of her back, and his left ran down from her neck to wrap around her torso. With her chest pressed against his, he pulled away from the kiss, only to pepper kisses carefully down her neck. She tipped her jaw up a little, allowing him access to the soft skin of her neck, brushing her fingers through his wet hair. Her nails scratched his scalp as her fingertips tousled the wild tufts of his hair, and she slowly lifted her leg so it perched against his hip. He accommodated her gesture by quickly hooking his fingers under the inside of her knee, holding her up as she pulled her other leg up to wrap around him.
His strong arms held her with such ease that felt feather light in his grip, and as her body pressed flush against his, his heart rate sped with the pace of their kisses. Desire, desperation and need pulsed through his veins. Even after all the time they'd been sweet on each other, he'd never felt such an overwhelming strength compel him to touch her in such a fashion. Her hands explored the plains of muscle that made up his back, gliding over the many scars and tatters from the rumbles he had attended, and the ambushes he endured. Contrast to him, her soft skin wasn't littered with little scars, only scuffs along her elbows and knees that brushed along the backs of his forearms.
The only thing blocking him from all of her was her thin cotton undergarments that was near sheer with pond waters.
Pony trudged towards the shallows, before he lowered her onto the bay, resting his weight on his elbows on either side of her. Suddenly, he pulled away, staring down at her with eyes rendered a pallor green. His chest rising and falling with each heavy breath, his eyes suddenly looked pensive. His fingertips ached with a need to feel her against his skin again, but he halted those bliss desires.
"Do you.. want to?" He asked breathlessly.
She stared up at him, eyes almost glazed over with pleasure. She nodded, raptured with his shifting gaze before reaching up to press an inviting kiss to his lips.


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