Ponyboy Curtis, Seeing Him Again

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Your hands were cold and your eyes squeezed shut, the frosty winds blew roughly throughout the park. Unfortunately, you couldn't find a safer place and again ended up cuddling up under a tree near the playground. You were awake but so cold it was hard to even function in this type of weather. You curled your legs close to your chest, pushing your hands between your thighs, nearly purring at the little warmth they supplied. You opened your eyes to see the morning sun glaring at you from the sky, its brilliant shiny light.

You sighed, watching your breath blow out of your mouth and rise higher into the sky. You blinked a couple times, trying to dig up your little optimism you had for your day. Eventually, you'd have to go home, so your family still could confirm you were alive and so you could go get ready for another week of school. You remembered all the terrible things that were going on while you lived there full time. The fighting and abuse. You shook your head, clearing the thoughts from your head.

"I don't know how they got me down so quickly." A masculine voice mumbled, and a higher voice replied. "Carry a switchblade... That'll scare em' off." You got up quickly, feeling a wave of fear wash over you. You grabbed your bags and wiped the sleep from your eyes. You fell frantic as you heard footsteps, kicking gravel around. You turned around quickly, admiring the two see boys walking in your direction.

You glared for a moment, looking at the taller more built boy. It was him! The kid you saved- well... I guess you wouldn't say saved. More like helped. You began having a mental war with yourself, freezing in your tracks. You felt as though you should go see if he was doing better, but he probably wouldn't remember you. You stood there until you locked eye contact with him.

He tilted his head slightly before a smile crept across his face. "That's the girl who fought off the socs, Johnny!" You read his lips and heard him just enough to know exactly what he was saying. You felt your heart flutter in pride, but your confidence melt to a puddle. You felt as the anxiety showered down on you as they approached.

You stood there, your arms crossed and your expression soft. You tried to keep your nervousness bundled up inside of you as the boys finally got within arms reach of you. "Hello there," Said the green-grey eyed boy with the greasy brown hair. It really was him, and he looked a lot better.

You simply smiled, "Hey..." You looked around before he began again. "I wanted to say- uh- Thanks..." He put his thumbs in his front pockets and looked at the ground. You loosened up a bit and nodded, "No need to thank me. You're feeling better now, right?" You asked, looking over at his awkward friend who just sort of stared at you. He nodded, "Still ain't feeling too hot... but I've gotten better since the fight. Your name is Y//N, right?" He smiled, flashing pearly white teeth.

You nodded, "How'd you know?" You tilted your head slightly, wondering if you even said your name at all. "My brother told me, Sodapop, you met him at the door didn't ya?" You remembered him, the guy who looked like a movie star! You got the picture and blinked a couple of times. "Oh, yea!" You felt your heart drop, trying to scrape up the memory's little details from the back of your mind. What was his name?


"I found him in the park- And- Well- A few people were beatin' on him and.. well I helped him here... Uhh. I'm Y/N...Here" You felt your legs shake, your hands shake and your stomach churn in anxiety. Your E/C eyes dilated, as the movie star looking guy pulled him away from you, "Ponyboy?! Uh- Thanks- Y/N. Damn Socs.." He muttered to himself.


'Ponyboy!' You thought but were fearful to call him that, afraid that may be a nickname or something. "If you forgot, my name's Ponyboy Curtis, you can call me Pony." He pursed his lips and offered a hand, You took it and kindly shook it.

Pony hesitated for a moment, before he pointed in the direction of open town, "Want to come down to The Dingo with us? We were just gonna get some milkshakes." He offered, causing his friend to tense up.

Your eyes glittered... Milkshakes huh? You nodded quickly, "Sure." You took the offer without a hesitation. You felt your heart flutter when Pony looked at the ground and began walking.

Maybe he was a potential new friend?

I think you could call him a friend, after all, he owes it to you.

【The Outsiders x Reader】(ADULT VERSIONS FROM THIS POINT OUT) 18++Where stories live. Discover now