Ponyboy Curtis, A fight at bucks.

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It had been a rough, lonely day, so you decided to go ahead and visit Pony. You both sat on the couch, staring at the TV in a trance.
You lay a little distance away from him, every so often you'd glance in his direction, just to see how he was doing and if he was falling asleep or not. You had your legs curled up under your skirt, laying on your side, feeling the bite of cold air swoosh in from the window. You saw his crossed arms hug closer to his torso. He bit his lower lip and rested his head back against the couch.

The silver light that danced across his face made his eyes shine like spheres of a pale emerald. His expression was bland but didn't make him any less handsome of course. His shiny, ungreased and relaxed chestnut brown locks fell in whisks over his forehead, some curling at his temples and at the end of the nape of his neck.

He looked almost like Dally. You looked at his crossed arms, admiring the delicate scars from the countless hours of roughhousing he did growing up. His one cut under his jaw from the Soc attack. You smiled to yourself. What a Greaser.

"You gonna keep starin' at me or are ya gonna say somethin'?" Pony asked, his voice calm and soothing as usual. You chuckled, "I like your hair when it ain't Greased, Pony."
Pony cocked a brow, "I sure don't. I look too soft." He finally let his eyes rest from the television and tiredly land on you. You smiled even brighter, "Nah, you look Cute." You smiled a little tauntingly, which he looked at you with displeasure. "Ain't that even worse." He hugged closer to himself as more cold air pooled into the room. Goosebumps rose on his arms.

You got up and put your hand on his right leg, using your free one to play with his tousled locks. He smiled a little bit and closed his eyes."When's Dally and Johnny getting back here?" You asked, "I don't know, They said midnight but I wouldn't be surprised if they got back around two. It's just what they do. They're probably getting drunk at buck's or somethin'." He said, his tone growing more mellow.
"Pony, why can't we shut that window?" He shrugged, "Well Dally always says he likes the window open so we can smoke inside. And the thing is jammed." He wrapped an arm around the small of your back. You could tell he was hesitant but you didn't mind. He pulled you down into his lap before you let your hands fall from his hair and onto his arm.

He smiled a little bit. "If anything you're the cute one, Y/N" He chuckled, reaching down to play with your hair. You slapped his hand away playfully. "Oh shush." You closed your eyes and felt his fingertips stroke against the side of your face. It seemed really out of character for him. "Pony, you're a softie." You chuckled lightly, feeling him pause for a moment before laughing too. "Only for you." He said quietly before you opened your eyes to see his staring down at you. "You're bein' cheesy."
You sat up and planted a kiss on his cheek, watching his eyes flutter. "You wanna go to sleep, Pon'?" You asked. His lips parted to answer, but an abrupt ringing emitted annoyingly from the wall phone. "Who could that be?" You asked as you ripped away from Pony and made your way over to it. You wearily picked the wall phone up, "Uh- Hello?"

"Y/N?" You heard a drunken slur over the phone. "Ay- Johnny and I got into a fight I need you and Pony to come get us."

"Come get you? Dallas, It wouldn't be any different if you walked alone, Ya Ditz!" You furrowed your brows, looking at Pony who's eyes squinted in questioning. "What's he sayin'?"

"No, Doll, I mean go wake up Darry. We need him to come get us in the truck, we lost em' but we can't be so sure we're safe. Hey-Johnny.. Johnny Don't mess with that." His voice sort of faded.

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