Dallas Winston

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Dallas Winston

You were walking down the street on your way to work, the evening was fresh, the sky was a golden pink as the sun gleamed in the frosty sky. You were a waitress and being a waitress wasn't great, in your opinion; Especially at the place you worked at, The Dingo.

You cringed at the thought of that place, surrounded by a bunch of boys that call themselves The Greasers. You didn't mind most of them, there was just this certain one, who had a reputation for being a public enemy, Dallas Winston.

Man, did he give you a hard time. He was harsh to you, with his striking icy eyes, that gave you a cold stare of hatred every time you walked to his table to take his order. He'd give you complicated orders, talking fast so it was hard to jot down what he wanted by the second. His friends, who looked a bit younger than him, were polite and patient when ordering.

One boy, Dallas seemed to always sit by was very shy, and sometimes Dallas would order for him, especially aggressive when he did. You walked into the diner, seeing how many boys had already crowded up at the place. You looked at your boss who sat at the front, seemingly writing papers. Ms.Fields! You walked up to her, smiling. She was a middle-aged woman, tired, but she was a mother figure to you, that's partially why you had the job, cause of her.

She looked up, "Y/N, You're late." She cocked her eyebrow, examining you with her tired worn down eyes. "Sorry, Ma, Me and my dad were having a bad scuffle.." You mumbled, rubbing your arm nervously under her stern gaze. She nodded, understandingly. Her gaze grew soft, she stood up and put her warm palm on the side of your face, "Go get ready for work, your shift starts 3:30, okay?" She smiled, as you nodded, "I'm out for today, See you tomorrow honey."

She turned and grabbed her belongings, before sympathetically glancing at you again. She made her way out the door, and you relaxed a bit. 3:30? Seems she's giving you a break. It was 3 already and- "Oh no..." You mumbled under your breath. The handsome but cruel guy walked in, white hair and icy blue eyes.

You recognized his brown leather jacket, worn and tattered, his stern expression and the smaller coloured boy that trotted submissively at his side. You looked behind The coloured boy and saw a larger, but smaller than Dallas, with greasy brown locks, combed back neatly. You hurried to the back to get ready, though your shift was 30 minutes away.

You looked over, seeing the brawny cook already holding your notepad in his batter covered hand. "Thanks, Richard!" You bowed slightly, as you shoved your dingo shirt under your high waisted bell bottom jeans. He looked at you with a bland Unimpressed gaze, "You need to work over hours tonight." He said sourly. 'Dangit,' You thought, you nodded and pushed your H/C hair behind your ear. "Yea- Yea okay, thanks.." You grabbed your clipboard and made your way onto the floor, a few guys cheered, but you immediately were instructed to go to table number 6. 'Shit!' You looked up, fate got you good.

You stared at the three boys who had just entered. You looked over at the worker her raised her eyebrows at you, waiting for you to go over. You make your way over, "Welcome back," You smile at them, and immediately you expect Dallas to chime in telling you what he wanted to drink, But the boy with the big black eyes ordered first, "I'll have a coke," He said politely. You noted that, and then looked at the Brown-haired boy, "Uh, me too." He said quietly. You nodded and then looked at Dallas, "And You, Sir?" You ask, ready to take his order, "Pepsi," He murmured, He stared at your hand.

"Where'd you get that ring?" He looked more intensely at your hand. You looked at your hand, starting at the ring you had on, "Oh, a friend..." You looked at him questioningly, "Who?" He furrowed his brows. "Her name is Sylvia.." It all hit you, that was Dallas Winston! Sylvia's Boyfrie- Ex.. ex-boyfriend... You panicked, before spurring out messily, "She's a friend of mine and- I mean. She just gave this to me-" You stopped yourself, "Your orders will be right with you..." You turned around, as your face flushed a deep red.

You gave the kitchen the order, and soon returned with the 2 cokes and a Pepsi- Yikes, he's a Pepsi type. You set down the drinks carefully, and avoided Dallas's gaze, "Anything else?" You asked, folding the tray neatly so it rested at your side. Dallas spoke quietly, "I think we're good, Y/N." He gave a sarcastic smile, staring at your nametag that sat above your heart, clipped to your shirt. You nodded and steadily walked away to take another order.


You took off your work shirt and shoved it into the work cubbies. You slipped on a more casual shirt, tying the pretty collar loosely around your neck. You held your bag in your hand, before slinging the long strap over your head to rest on your shoulder.

"See ya later Richard!" You waved to the Chef from the door, and he effortlessly waved back, "Be safe, girlie." He warned you as you slipped out of the diner. You walked around the building, looking at the ground. You let your silky H/C down from its ponytail, brushing it out with your fingers. You sighed and crossed your arms as you rested against the side of the building. You looked down at the ring Dallas had questioned you about and traced your fingertip over the pretty design engraved in the silver.

You looked up, only to be met by a horrifying sight. Dallas Winston, as intimidating as ever, was approaching you- but his expression was soft, not nearly as mean and tough looking as it normally is. "Hey-" He paused, looking desperately for your nametag. You mentally rolled your eyes "Y/N..." You mumbled, and he nodded, "Can I walk you home?" He asked, his hands were in his worn down leather jacket pockets and his white hair wasn't as slicked back as it was when he first arrived at the diner.

You stared at him, "Uh why?" You stumbled on your words, "Because I wanna talk to ya'" he walked to your side, and began walking in the direction of your house with you. "About what?" He sighed, "How is Sylvia..." He asked quietly, "She's doing just fine," You looked at him, "Why do you ask? Do you miss her?" He looked at you quickly and shook his head, "God, No. Just wanted to know." He shuffled a bit, "She's got a boyfriend, he's been taking all of her time up, so I haven't been able to see her lately." You looked up at the darkening sky, shedding it's sea green light over the whole town.

You saw hurt flood his expression, and you for once felt sympathetic for him. But something burned in your brain, you had to ask him. "Do you... Y'know.. Not like me?" You looked at him with curious beady E/C eyes. "Why would you think that?" He looked at you, his stern expression returned. "I don't know.. You sort of give me a hard time at the diner, and I just thought maybe you didn't like me?" He shook his head.

"I don't even know ya, sweetheart." You nodded, "Y/N L/N, I know who you are, I think everyone does... Nice meeting you," You stopped with him in front of your gates. He nodded, and looked at the ring on your hand, "You know I gave that to Sylvia, early on before-" You chimed in, "Before she two-timed you, I know." He froze, before nodding nonchalantly.

You turned to see a brawny, mean looking man staring at Dallas coldly- Your dad. "Listen, I'll talk to you later, you oughta' get outta here-" You said quietly to Dallas, smiling at him softly before going into your gate, "Bye Dallas.." You turned away. Dallas smiled back before he caught your father's glare and returned it without hesitation.

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