Dallas Winston, This certain Visit

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You lay in bed, Your bedsheets sprawled messily over your mattress as you tossed and turned. Your room was lit by the silver light that pooled in from the moon in shafts from your window blinds. You lay half asleep, in a thin tank top that draped over your torso loosely.

You had high waisted short like Underwear on that really added to your vulnerable-ness. You lay on your side facing the open window that invited the night's breeze in, flushing out the heat that emitted from your dozens of candles that burned on your dresser.

Tonight was one of those lonely nights, where you think about everyone and everything. The nights you cry alone about all of the relationships that had been destroyed since you and Sylvia had that fallout. Not even Dally had talked to you since you guys went out to buck's, and that was at least 2 weeks ago. You wondered if he maybe got arrested or went back to Sylvia.

You closed your eyes, squeezing them shut as harsh reality set in that those two options were VERY likely. You heard a few noises, but they were comforting enough to send you deeper trance before you fell into a light sleep. The light and quiet tapping that seemed to get closer and closer to your window. It reminded you of a beat of a song almost. You cuddled closer to your blanket underneath you, sighing heavily "Goddamn you Dallas Winston..."

"What did I do to deserve that?"

You heard a very familiar voice, which caused your eyes to shoot open in panic. "Oh my god!" You shot up, putting a hand on your chest as you watched Dally struggle through your small window before finally getting in. "Y/N." He walked over to your bed, his heavy footsteps causing your wooden floors to creak loudly. You breathed in heavily before exhaling shortly. "Dally...Why are you here?" You asked as he sat down on your bed. "I wanted to see you. Why else would I be here?" He scoffed.

"I thought you got arrested or got back with Sylvia or something..." You watched him slip off his jacket, hanging it on your bedpost. "Get back with Sylvia?" He questioned you, laying on his side, resting his weight on his elbow while his palm rest on his temple. "I mean.. That day on the car you said you wanted to..." You didn't want to start now since he did just enter your window, but you felt like you couldn't look at him without getting all of this off your chest. He shook his head, "I don't anymore. I.."

"Y'know... That's been on my mind a lot lately..." You admitted and finally met his harsh gaze. "Why?" he asked quite bluntly, adjusting his position so he was a little more on the bed. "I don't know.. Maybe I fancy you or something." Dally didn't reply, instead, he held a cold, deathly unnerving stare with you. He placed his hand on your leg a bit, caution in his touch "No you don't. Nice girls like you don't fancy hood trash like me."

He referred to what Sylvia called him the day they broke up. You snapped, "Maybe I do! You wouldn't know. Mister matcho Dallas Winston uses women and then throws them aside until he finds one that throws him aside, then he's all hurt, huh? I doubt you know what fancying one single girl really feels like." He knitted his brows together, deep down he was hurt by your statement. He let his hand fall from your leg, the warmth of his hand left your skin quickly. You watched his eyes shift around the room before he pushed himself off of the bed to sit up. He grabbed his jacket and attempted to get up when you grabbed his arm.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean that." You sort of pulled him back, "I don't know what to say, Y/N..." He set his Jacket back down and returned to his position, now less comfortably. "Do you think we'll ever have a chance?" You asked him, to which he slowly nodded, which reassured you at the slightest bit. "I like you. You're one of the most confusing girls I've ever met but I like you." He smiled. You smiled at the slightest bit and lowered yourself to plant a kiss on his cheek.

You pulled back, to see his eyes remained closed. His hand slithered up your arm and he pulled you back down and placed a kiss on your collarbone area. He sort of hoisted himself up to continue but you pulled him up and kissed him on the lips. Something drove you both and he grabbed your shirt with an intense hunger, driven by lust that you didn't share equally. He kissed you a bit more intensely, his lips grazing over every inch of skin on your neck. You didn't hate it, in fact, you loved it. The heat built up between you two and he eventually got on top of you, his free hand wondering up your thigh.

You snapped back to reality. You would NOT be another one of his toys. You grabbed his hand and pulled away, "I don't want to go all the way yet." You said quite bluntly, knowing how he hated when people talked around subjects and demands. He pulled back, disappointment in his eyes. "Why not?" He asked, his necklace dangled down, he was so close that it touched your neck ever so slightly.
"I want to go steady... I don't want to be another toy." You made that clear to him, pushing him off of you a bit. He seemed reluctant but you knew he got it.

"I get it, Doll." He smiled, "We'll go steady, but you better not two time me or I'll make sure the guy you do it with doesn't take another breath." He said quite viciously. "I'm not like her, Dallas." You looked him dead in the eye, "And it's okay to be hurt. You don't have to act tough around me. I'll never treat you like Sylvia did." You took ahold of his shirt as he got off of you, helping you sit up too. He looked fearful almost, his blue eyes pierced you like icy spears. His hair fell over his face in thin strands. He opened his mouth to say something when you heard heavy footsteps from the end of the hall.

You turned around to look at your door nervously before you put a finger to your lips. "You better go," You whispered. He shut his mouth and nodded, before pushing your finger out the way and pressing his lips to yours. He pulled away and you watched him grab his jacket and quietly step towards the window. He pushed it up a bit more so it was easier to get out, before turning around to look at you. You'd never seen his expression so soft before. His lips curved into the sweetest smile and his eyes held a soft glow. "Goodbye, Y/N, I'll see you real soon, okay?"

You nodded,

"Goodbye, Dallas."

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