Johnny Cade

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Johnny Cade

There was a boy, mid-teens, leather jacket and greasy hair. Large black beady Puppy dog eyes and messy thick black hair that fell over his eyes. His dark tan skin smooth and blemishless, besides the cuts that sliced across his cheek, scabbing red and mahogany. Your

eyelids fluttered as you watched him sit on the curb, his expression sad but.. almost nonchalant at the same time. Confusing. Melancholy body language for sure, but you couldn't pinpoint how you feel.

Man- you really wanted to talk to him. You searched the depths of your brain on any excuse you could come up with to go talk to him. He was smoking a cigarette and fiddling with his thumbs- You got it! You'll ask for a cig! You walked over and nervously held your right arm. "Hey..." You stood there for a bit, and you began to panic as he looked up at you in fear. "Can I have a drag?" You asked, his big black eyes fearfully darted to you, but quickly softened when you warmly smiled at him. "Of my cigarette?" He asked, "Yea." You answered back, taking a seat next to him on the curb.

He nervously handed it over, watching your every move. You found it strange how fearful he seemed, but you inhaled the cancer stick before handing it back. "Thanks." You exhaled the smoke, "I'm Y/N," You rested your elbows on your knees and met his gaze. "Johnny Cade." He answered back. You nodded, "You live around here?" You asked, desperately trying to start up a conversation.

"Yea, I do." He mumbled quietly. You nodded, "Greaser territory.. right?" You chuckled, and he smiled slightly, "I'm a Greaser.." He said smoothly, a small smirk of pride curved his lips. You looked at him quickly, and he flinched back expecting to be scolded for it. "Cool, would you tell me about your gang?" He looked a bit shocked, but he obliged and began describing everything.


Johnny and you walked home together and talked. It took you awhile to get home since you both were walking slow to savour the moment of conversation

. You walked into the lot and sighed, "Well... Here's my place... Uhh... Want to get a milkshake sometime?" You asked him, and he nodded eagerly. "Yea, That sounds great... I'll come by when I can.. Okay?" He nodded to you. You smiled and nodded right back. "Nice meeting you, Johnny... Bye.." You turned and walked through your gate. "You too Y/N."

Sorry, this one is short as hell!! ~.~

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