Sodapop Curtis, Seeing Him Again

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Sodapop Curtis

You sat there, your eyes half-lidded and your legs crossed. You occasionally looked over at Soda to see if he was enjoying the movie, which he was, very much... But you just weren't into it. After he drove you home, you two had a couple dates, and you really, really liked him... But today, just wasn't a movie day, y'know? You stared at the screen before you felt a bit woozy, tired and cold.

You scooted your chair closer to him, and rested your shoulder to his, which he didn't take notice to since he was so deeply involved in the fictional thriller you were watching. You felt a bit of social anxiety, since you counted over 45 people in the theatre, and frankly, it was intimidating when most of them were 'Socs' as Soda called them. You lay your head on his shoulder a bit, and he slightly looked over, flashing his movie star smile.

"You look real tired," He quoted, "I am," You answered back, before slowly looking back to the movie screen. "The main character's a ditz, Sodapop." He chuckled, "I dig em'! I think he's pretty cool..." He mumbled to you, "But this movie has dragged on for far too long... Want to head back to my place?" He asked, which surprised you a lot. He's never asked that in the several dates you've had. "Sure!" You chirped quietly, but excitedly.

He nodded, and you sat up, getting up from your seat and inching your way past the other people with him. You guys escaped the theatre, finally getting a breath of fresh air without the overwhelming scent of buttered popcorn and stale coco-cola flooding your senses. You walked by his side before he spoke up. "So how've you been lately? We didn't really get the chance to talk much... since we went straight to the movie.." You looked at him with a weak smile, "I've been alright... Moving sure is stressful." He looked at you, "I bet... The DX has been flooded with Socs, so I ain't feeling too hot either."

You studied his expression some more, and your eyes landed on a purplish bruise near his temple. You furrowed your brows, somewhat horrified at the sight, but mostly curious. "Sodapop?" You asked, stopping him and placing a hand on his shoulder. You felt the night's cold breeze set in, as you two stopped. He looked at you nervously, he seemed anxious once again.

"What's that bruise on your face?" You reached up and put your palm to the bruise, causing him to slightly flinch. Instead of pulling away, he sort of just shut his eyes and sighed, "That's why I'm stressed about the Socs being around the DX, Y/N, I got into a little fight with one of em' and their buddy knocked me in the face." You boiled up in anger, "Those damn..." He stopped you, "Don't even worry bout' it... I'm fine now."

You looked at him Sympathetically. "Soda... You don't deserve any of this... You don't deserve it at all." He looked at you for a silent moment, you could tell he didn't know what to say, but it was okay. He smiled at you before you two began to walk again. "Who did it?" You asked suddenly, crossing your arm with his. He looked at you with, his blue bell eyes soft, but filled with almost... fear? "Soda?" You let your arm fall from his and he just looked at the ground. "We'll talk when we get home."


You nearly shivered as soon as you stepped into the warm house, finally. You tucked your hair behind your ear as Soda led you to his room. As soon as you got in there, you took off your jacket and sat on the end of his bed.

"Soda?" You asked, "Hm?" He said with his back turned to you, "Mind tellin' me what happened now?" You looked at him with pleading eyes, and he nodded. "Yea I'll tell ya'.." He said as he made his way over to the bed, sitting down next to you. "But if I do tell you... I don't want you goin' around endangering yourself over this and confronting the one who did it. Okay?" You nodded, "Solid." He began, describing his whole day briefly before he got to the fight.

The fight was horrid sounding, but he seemed to protect himself well. But the most horrifying thing about this situation... was the person who had hit Soda. Was your Ex-boyfriend. You put your hand to your mouth and slightly slumped over. You were so enraged that tears welled up in your eyes. "Y/N, I didn't mean to make you sad!" He inquired quickly, trying to pry your hands away from your face gently. "You don't hate me... right?" You mumbled, which he grimaced, "Of course not! Why would I hate you?"

"Cause this is all my fault..."


"He wouldn't be hurting you if it weren't for me..."

"No, Y/N it's been like this for years. Socs hate Greasers, Greasers hate Socs."

"I'm so sorry.."

"Don't be sorry! It's not your fault,"

"I'll get him for that-"

Soda hugged you, but you still felt wrong because you should've been the strong one. You were acting like the victim when he was the one who got attacked. You've never felt dumber in your entire life.

You hugged him back, but you felt the need to just let it all out. "Soda... I really dig you... Y'know?" He pulled away, "You're not pullin' my chain, right?" You shook your head. "I really do, and I hate seeing you get hurt..." You put your fingertips to your temples, trying to massage away the headache you had formed from being so enraged. You looked at him, admiring his soft blue eyes. You smiled weakly, trying your best to hide your frustration, upright shame and guilt.

You felt your heart flutter when he looked down at his lap. You wanted to show him how much you cared. But you couldn't. He didn't know how precious he had become to you over these few months, the phone calls, hangouts and everything. You absolutely adored him. You loved him. A lot.

You turned and scooted closer to him, ducking down so you meet his gaze once again. He seemingly eased up, and lightly wrapped his arms around you in a what seemed to intentionally be a brief hug, But instead, you lay your head on his shoulder and adjusted at his side. He lay back, "I think we should be steady." You smiled up at him.

"Sure... Soda, I'd love that."

【The Outsiders x Reader】(ADULT VERSIONS FROM THIS POINT OUT) 18++Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora