Ponyboy Curtis

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E/C- Eye Color
H/C- Hair Color
S/T- Skin Tone
H/T- Hair Type

F/C- Favourite Color
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name
Y/H Your Height

Ponyboy Curtis

You were sitting in the park, the sky was a purplish magenta, introducing the evening's end. You walked slowly, exhausted and tattered. You had been running all day, your legs were tired and your arms felt like jelly.

     You heard commotion suddenly, and someone pleading. You for some reason get the driving urge to figure out what it was. You began running in the direction of the sounds, it sounded as if someone was getting... hurt? Your heart began to beat fast and your whole body completely cleared itself of any exhaustion you had. You clenched your fists and stared at the 6-7 guys, dressed in fancy clothes with nice neat haircuts beating on a guy who looked- less fortunate. Your eyes narrowed, you watched as the poor looking boy cradled himself in a fetal position as they mercilessly kicked and punched him.

        His dark brown greasy locks were covered by his hands, as he screamed for "Darry!" You were overcome with anger, you clenched your fists and roared. "Leave him alone!" You snarled, your fists clenched tighter so your nails nearly dug into the skin on your palms. A rich boy with blonde flowy hair and flower green eyes looked up at you, "Get on outta here, baby." He smirked, "Unless you wanna get pulled into this too.

      His face was malicious as he held down the helpless poor boy in a terribly rough grip. "You let him go or else!" You approached them, your feminine body curved in a belligerent shape as you snarled dangerously and protectively. You realized how animalistic you had become as you now stood face to face with the blonde boy.

                    His friend murmured in the back, "Grab her!" The blonde boy grabbed your arms and you immediately took to action, raking your sharp nails down his face until you felt his skin under your fingernails. You stumbled a bit as he yanked you forward tightening his grip on your arm. You regained your adrenaline rush of power and pulled your foot back before you slammed it right between his legs, causing him to tumble backwards. The poor boy backed away on his palms, staring at the others in fear.

             "You... Bitch" His face turned cherry red as he slowly stood with the help of his friends. You coiled back, blinking a bit. "Get out of here!" You snarled again, seeing the scratches on his red face swell up. He spun around and scurried back to his fancy car. as all of the boys flooded in you turned around.

             "Are you alright?" You wiped your hands on your F/C skirt, near tears at the sight of him. You barely knew the boy, but the way he flinched made your heart churn in pity. You offered a hand, examining his face. He had grey-green eyes, his eyebrow was split and his cheekbone held a purple colour to it. His jawline had two small knife slits and his lip was split.

          "Oh, my... You're not..." You murmured as you helped him to his feet. "Thank you..." He mumbled under his breath. The rush of adrenaline drained from your body and the weak feeling returned. "Do you need some medical help?... We could see if someone could call someone for ya'." You helped him stay steady, he seemed to be completely dazed.

            He must've got hit in the head a bit too hard. "Take me home?" He asked, his voice seemed to be trailing off, "Soda pop... Darry.." You were confused but obliged. Maybe he had a concussion. "Where's your house?" He pointed south. You nodded, "Maybe we should find the nearest phone and call the fuzz-"

He interrupted, "No fuzz..." You nodded and followed his directions.


You arrived at a beat down house, the lights were on, but the blinds were shut. You looked up at the dark night sky and your heart dropped. You knocked on the door, propping up the still dazed boy. Your eyes wandered to him, admiring the growing bruises on his head and cheekbones. his split eyebrow had stopped bleeding, and his lip's swelling went down.

              'Man, he needs to go to a hospital' You thought. Your eyes widened when the door opened. They gleamed, You admired a handsome guy, looking around 16? He looked like a movie star. You stumbled on your words before the beaten boy straightened out. He muttered quietly, "Soda... is Darry mad?" He wondered. 'Who's Soda?' You wondered, then you looked up.

           "I found him in the park- And- Well- A few people were beatin' on him and.. well I helped him here... Uhh. I'm Y/N...Here" You felt your legs shake, your hands shake and your stomach churn in anxiety. Your E/C eyes dilated, as the movie star looking guy pulled him away from you, "Ponyboy?! Uh- Thanks- Y/N. Damn Socs.." He muttered to himself.

       "Darry!" He shouted, "What!?" A male voice wandered back, A large muscular man walked out and his face contorted into shock. "Ponyboy?!" He walked over, looking up at you momentarily. "What happened?" His gaze frantically switched between you and- Soda??

You looked at them fearfully, "I just found him in the park, gettin' beat by some rich boys. He told me to bring him here, maybe he needs to go to the hospital?" You suggested, Darry's cold protective gaze wandered to you "We'll handle this from here."

                  He reached to stop the door, but Soda stopped him. "Come on, Darry, She helped my kid brother- don't be too harsh." They argued for a bit, but it all went fuzzy and you turned around and walked off the porch. You shoved your hands into your coat's pockets and tried to blur out the arguing some more- god you hated arguing. That's why you're on the streets- Fighting and arguing.

          The arguing stopped, and the guys called after you, but you didn't mind stopping. Maybe you'd see that beaten boy again, maybe you wouldn't he probably wouldn't remember you, he looked like he was about to knock out when you got him home. All you know is you've got to start looking for a place to stay tonight because the playground clearly wasn't safe enough.

At least you helped that boy, at least it's something you did well.

【The Outsiders x Reader】(ADULT VERSIONS FROM THIS POINT OUT) 18++حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن