Chapter 69

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I do apologize for my own extensive absence. Issues with Wattpad support and the password pertaining to this account persisted, and it was not always my top priority to attempt solving them. Finally, Wattpad Support received adequate proof of my ownership of this account and allowed me to reset the password, bringing us to now. I apologize for my absence, and I hope that a few other members of ANBU will be willing to return should they so wish. 

Without further ado, the final chapter of A Couple Steps Back, after a year's wait. 

Third person pov

God wasn't super sure why Naruto Uzumaki was praying so loud. The little asshole had caused more than a few problems in the past, but he'd never been religious. Now he was screaming at the top of his lungs to give him their sensei back. Something about sealing a fox in him? He didn't know. He just worked here, honestly. This was the timeline he'd sort of given up on. He was only willing to send Kakashi back because if anyone was going to fix it, it was probably going to be the lazy, porn-reading super ninja who apparently couldn't die. God had counted how many times he'd almost bit the dust, and lets just say he couldn't fit the amount on two hands. Even he wasn't sure how that had happened, and he was the creator of like... everything. Aside from hummus. That was all them.

Anyway, it was unwise of him to underestimate the determination of Naruto Uzumaki. He'd seen that firsthand whilst marathoning through this entire time period. He was a force to be reckoned with for sure, and if anyone was going to find a way up here to heaven to kick his ass, it would be that slimy little brat. For someone who had never said a prayer in his life, he sure was loud about it. God had just gotten over his seasonal allergies too. He wasn't trying to get another migraine right out of the gate.

"Your blonde student is requesting I send you back down." God reported to the porn-reading man. The audacity. If God cared a little more, maybe he'd have sent the guy to hell. Knowing the masked man, he'd probably crawl his way back out. If he cared enough at that point. At most it would probably be nothing more than a minor inconvenience to the guy. "It seems they want to seal some sort of fox in you and send you back in time themselves."

"Uh huh." Kakashi said absent-mindedly. God pursed his lips. Did this man just not care? Because the next best option was Orochimaru, who also had a track record of not dying when he should've. The guy was definitely a pedophile though, and as God, there was a moral dilemma in sending him back. At least Kakashi would probably save the future, unlike Orochimaru, who would definitely ruin something in some way at some point. He didn't care how reformed he apparently was. He was fucking creepy, and that was coming from a man who'd willingly approved the creation of Coconut Crabs. A fucking mistake. They were terrifying. 

"I could do it. Send you back down, I mean. The seem very adamant." God toyed with the idea. It could definitely be more amusing. Kakashi with a demon in his stomach, trying to romance his previous teammate into not running off into the sunset with that Madara figure. A little fruity, but God was not going to discriminate. "The one with the spikey hair is praying now too." 

Kakashi looked up at that, raising a brow. God was surprised that had gotten any reaction, honestly. Going back in time seemed to be the least of this man's concerns. God guessed it didn't make much of a difference when he left. The sooner, the better, but he'd be going back into his younger body either way. God was just bored. He needed some comedic relief that wasn't a complete clusterfuck that would probably end with him hosting a couple hundred new souls here in heaven. His secretary had quit ages ago, so he'd have to deal with them head on. He didn't really want that. Corporate would have his head if another timeline fell in the gutter.

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