Chapter 68

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Third person pov

Rasa had converted the bomber via casserole, and all was right in the world. They were having tea. Crumpets. Those tiny finger sandwiches you could eat a hundred of and still crave more. Rasa had taken the terrorist in question in as a casserole apprentice, and that was that. No violence required. No imprisonment. Just casserole, and two dudes chilling in their heelies. Bonding. Manly bonding. This was the true way of the kage. Peace, serenity, and casserole.

"And you know what she said as she left me?" The terrorist— Rasa still didn't know his name— asked. "She said she was taking the cat. My cat. Who the fuck does she think she is?"

"Fucking bitch." Rasa gasped with all the required dramatics. No wonder this poor man had turned to terrorism! If Rasa were in his shoes, he... actually, he didn't think he'd blow people up over a cat. But if someone dared touched his children, he was pretty sure he'd flip his proverbial lid and lose his shit. A pet cat was basically the equivalent to a child, so Rasa could see the connections. He had the brain cells required to figure this one out.

"That's exactly what I said." The terrorist stressed, all but slamming his cup of tea down. "She took my cat anyway, too! And now do you see what happened?"

The terrorist gestured wildly towards the window. Rasa pursed his lips, squinting at all the smoke a debris. What was he looking for here? Why gesture out the window? He really hoped this wasn't foreshadowing to a planned suicide the terrorist was plotting. They'd just met and become friends! Losing him would be devastating!

"Hold on, I've got this one." Rasa insisted, still searching. The terrorist raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me. I know the answer to that question. Give me two minutes."

"I blew everything up." The terrorist said dryly. Rasa let out a gasp, standing up and out of his seat. The tray of crumpets went flying. The finger sandwiches were now all over the floor, and Rasa's tea splashed down onto the table with a sizzling hiss that made the terrorist flinch in surprise.

"You blew everything up?!" Rasa all but screamed. "That's terrorism!"

The terrorist opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again, looking confused. Rasa started to pace. Terrorism, in his own home, performed by his bestest friend! He never would've assumed! How could he fix this mess? He needed to do damage control, and the best way to do that was to—

"You!" Rasa whirled around and pointed an accusing finger at the terrorist, who was mid tea sip. "I need to make two hundred casseroles, and you're going to help."


"Any day now would be great." God said idly, his voice bouncing around the void space. Kakashi hummed in acknowledgement, but still continued to read on. Seriously, this work of art wouldn't exist at the time he went back to. He had to try and sear every line into his brain while he still could. Wasn't God supposed to be all knowing? Seemed like a sham, but that was none of Kakashi's business.

"Does it look like I'm done yet?" Kakashi asked, still not looking away. Could god even see? Holy shit, maybe god didn't have eyes and he was being offensive. Which would be horrible if Kakashi actually cared. He didn't wait for an answer. "No, I didn't think so. You know, I teach all my students patience."

"I'm God." God said in a bland tone, stating the obvious and giving Kakashi absolutely no new information.

"Wow, I didn't notice." Kakashi's voice wasn't sarcastic, but it was far from serious. He has things to do, books to read. God should've consulted him before taking him here to see if he was free, because it was pretty clear Kakashi was busy.

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