Chapter 5

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Third person pov

"You wanted to see me, Shikaku?" The Third asked. The man before him did not have his usual calm composure. Shikaku Nara looked absolutely livid, and Hiruzen knew there had to be a good reason too. Nara's weren't easily angered. They were known for their lazy, calm, tranquil nature. It was rare that they outwardly showed distress, let alone anger. Nara's were very smart: they could shield their emotions from the world with relative ease. Shikaku Nara, Hiruzen observed, was the best of the best at this. He could pick an emotion and slip it on, easy as changing out of a t-shirt. The Third, although he would never admit it, was a bit jealous.

"Yes. It's very important, sir. It's about Naruto Uzumaki." Shikaku said earnestly. Hiruzen's face immediately grew serious, and he leaned forward slightly. "What has that boy done this time?" He grumbled, shaking his head. He took in a puff of his pipe, sighing heavily. If Shikaku was this upset, Naruto had to have done something quite horrible. "He didn't do anything. It's this village." Shikaku said angrily, plopping down in one of the seats in front of the Hokage's desk. Hiruzen's eyebrows shot up. This was interesting, and he hadn't been expecting it. What was the village doing to Naruto? He knew how crude they were to him, and how they called him names, but he really couldn't control it. There was just no way. 

"What is it?" The Third's tone was softer. "For one thing, he's been thrown out of the orphanage or no reason whatsoever. He's been homeless for a while." This both shocked and angered Hiruzen. He had not been informed of this! In fact, the orphanage was still turning in evidently fake reports on Naruto's supposed status! They were lying to him, and all because they didn't want the young Uzumaki there! Sure, Naruto was loud, and he played pranks quite often, but he hadn't done anything wrong. He hadn't done anything to deserve this. Hell, he was the son of the Fourth Hokage! If anyone deserved luxury, it was definitely him. 

"I see." Hiruzen gritted out. "I'm not done." Shikaku's voice was cold. The Third felt his heart sink. This wasn't good. "Villagers have been... attacking him." The clan head's fists clenched as he said this. The Third's eyes widened. "P-Physically?" He sounded horrified, and Shikaku couldn't blame the old man. What they were doing to this young boy was horrifying. He wasn't even in the academy yet. "Yes, physically. I spotted some scars on him, and he's... Lord Third, he's missing a toe." Shikaku gritted his teeth, as though he had to force the words out. As though it was painful to speak of it. The third sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes going wide with surprise and rage. 

"T-They what?"


"You tripped, Sasuke? Really?" Naruto asked. "It was the heat of the moment." The young Uchiha defended, holding his stub self consciously. At least he'd actually said something instead of standing there like an idiot. "What a drag. It's too late to take it back now anyway." Shikamaru waved Sasuke off before turning to Naruto, a dark, almost threatening grin on his face. The clearly angry Nara cracked his knuckles, earning a small gulp from his Hokage. It wasn't often that Shikamaru got angry, but Naruto could tell that now was one of those rare moments. "When were you going to tell us that you were homeless?" Shikamaru asked with a menacing smile.

"Hey, I just found out this morning!" Naruto held his hands up. Sasuke set a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder. "Besides, now we can deal with it. He doesn't have to grow up this way." Sasuke assured. The Nara clicked his tongue and turned away angrily, his arms folded over his chest. "Where I sleep isn't important. The future is." Naruto said. "Not here. Someone," Sasuke clearly meant Shikamaru's mother, Yoshino, "might hear us."

"Oh, right." Naruto said in a sheepish tone. "Can you still make seals" Shikamaru questioned, his eyebrows raising. "I can try. My hands might be a little shaky, but I guess it's worth a shot." Naruto shrugged. A seal had to be absolutely perfect to work, and that meant precision. That's one thing his younger self definitely didn't have. However, they needed a home base, and Shikamaru's house was as good as any. If they tried to do it at Sasuke's, Itachi would have them figured out in no time flat, Mikoto would constantly be checking in on them, and Fugaku was just... it wasn't a good idea. Discussing their plans in a compound full of geniuses was risky, but at least they had the smartest of them all with them.

Shikamaru left to go get some paper, brushes and ink. Sure enough, his mother was standing in the hall, clearly having strained to hear. Shikamaru doubted she heard anything important. "I'll be right back." He yawned. Yoshino forced a smile, wiping at her still teary eyes. "O-Of course! I'll go make some snacks." She scurried off the opposite direction from the kitchen, earning a shy from Shikamaru. He smiled a little, "Troublesome woman."

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