chapter 13

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Embers POV:
We all arrive at the club and go to the VIP section. We take about 5 shots each enough to get tipsy to dance.

"Emberrrrrrrrrrrr." Oh god that's Kendal. Literally the queen of lightweights. "Have I ever told you that I lovvvvvvvveeeee you."

I hear chucking behind me. I can already tell it's Leo. I just ignore him and help Kendal

"Dude how much have you had to drink." She hold her fingers up pinching them trying to say "just a little bit."
"Ok come on I'll take you home." Christian runs up to me and says he's got it. My man is whipped.

After multiple shots of whiskey and vodka. I'm drunk. Not as bad as Kendal but soon to be.

Stumbling back to the bar someone sits next to me. Leo.

"Ember I thought you could handle alcohol."

"I can." I say trying not to slur. "It's just I haven't eaten anything."

"Why haven't you eaten?" I lean over the seat and press my finger to my lips pretending it's a secret.

"Because bob and mommy don't want me to be fat." Drunk me has no fucking filter. I sober up immediately realizing what I just said.

Leo grabs my arm and tells me we're going home. I protest but he just carry's me out. Drunk me doesn't mind because I mean have you seen his arms. I'd take a bite out of that.

All i remember is him carrying me me out and putting me in the passengers seat.

Leo's POV:
What the hell does she mean "Bob and Mommy don't want me to be fat."
I'm guessing bob is her step dad.

That explains when I had to pick her up on the bike trail she was way too light. And why she passed out in the gym. This girl is one heck of a liar.

When we arrive home I get out of the car and pick her up bridal style and take her to her room. She's still awake just too wasted to do anything. I was about to call for a maid when I realize they are asleep and I'm not going to wake them just to change ember.

I go into "my room". (It's really just a guest bedroom where I keep a few things). I grab a shirt and throw it over ember. From over the shirt I pull the straps of the dress down and pull it off her body. She's already taken off her shoes when I was gone. When I tuck her in she groans and tells me to lay with her. I accept and go to my room to change into a pair of .sweat pants. I get into her bed and she immediately puts her head on my bare chest. That action immediately makes my breath hitch for some odd reason. Her breathing slows down and I immediately know she's asleep.

I can't stop thinking about what she said at the bar today.

Embers POV:
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkk.

I'm wearing someone's shirt guessing it's Leo because HES FUCKING SHIRTLESS IN MY BED.

I dont remember anything from last night. Jesus why the hell was i so careless.

I removed myself from his grasp and went and showered and changed. I decided me and Kenny are going shopping.

After years of begging her she finally agreed to go shopping.

"Me and Kendal are going shopping." I yelled  from the front door.

Right as we are about to leave my dad come running down the stairs. He hands me a black card.

"I have my money from my fights I don't need your card."

"Please take it. As your father I'm supposed to spoil you and i missed 18 of those years so please take it for you and Kendal."

After bickering back and forth about the card a finally took it. We arrived at the closest outlet mall and went to town. It's not like me and Kenny shopping will make a dent in his account.

After hours of shopping we ended up with 29 bags in hand. And my father is about 20,000 dollars poorer, but he's probably already made 2 million when we were shopping. What I like being a daddy's girl.

We arrive home and go into our separate rooms and put our clothes away then meet in the theater to which movies.

As I'm putting the clothes away I hear my door open and then Leo walks into the closet. I raise an eyebrow wonder why's he's here then I remember. I might have slept with him, I'm not sure.

"Ember I want to talk to you." Uh what. Why.

"Ok. What about."

"Yesterday you um... you said something."

"God if I said something about sex don't even say anything." He doesn't laugh this is serious. I hate serious.

"No you said that you didn't eat because mommy and bob don't want you to be fat." Fuck.

"T-that was nothing I was just joking get out." He doesn't budge. "Get out." I say harsher. He gets the message and leaves. I'm royally fucked.

Leo's POV:
She's lying I can tell. I wait outside her door for a little and listen for anything. Soon the door swings open revealing ember. She doesn't say anything she just walks away.

Embers POV:
After watching a movie with Kendal I tell her I'm tired and that I'm going to go to bed. I walk up to my room and head to the bathroom. Grabbing a candle i sit on the ground and light the candle.

Tears begin to stream down my face. I need a release. I put my finger directly in the flame waiting 5 seconds I remove it. Doing it again with the other 4 fingers. This isn't enough. It doesn't help.

I get up and go into the closest and into my underwear drawer. Digging through the drawer I found my pocket knife. I flick it open and hold it to wrist, contemplating on whether I should do it. If I do I get the release I've been longing for, but if I do I won't be able to stop.

Placing the knife on my wrist I apply enough pressure to break skin but not enough to scar. I drag it across my wrist. I feel those 5 seconds of shock and that little moment of relief. After those few seconds I realize what I did. I relapsed. I drop the knife to the floor and collapse onto the ground.

I feel 2 strong arms wrap around me, not caring who it is I let them hold me. Then everything goes black.

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