Chapter 35

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Embers POV:
When we step out of storms kennel a small kitten walks past us and slips into his kennel. Isn't it gonna like I don't know die?

"That's rain. She was found just like him in the rain. One day she got loose and went into his cage and they have been inseparable since, she breaks out of her cage somehow and always ends up here."

I give Leo a mischievous smirk

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I give Leo a mischievous smirk. "We are taking her too."

"I'm afraid you can't do that." Girl bye, I can do what ever I want

"And why is that?" Leo asks getting annoyed

"Someone already wants her."

"For how much?" I'll double that shit


"I'll give you 500 for her. Come on guys we are going home." I say towards rain and storm I'm in love with the names. "Get me a leash would ya." I say to the bitchy worker who's been eye fucking Leo.

She comes back with a leash and small box with holes. She hands me them and when I go to open the kennel she basically runs a whole ass mile away. Jesus. I attach the leash to storm and put rain in the box but don't close it, it's probably scary in there. I leave Leo with them and go pay since all the cash is in my purse.

My father said no cards and sends us $500,000 a month, talk about daddy's little girl.  The guy from before helps me pay, I don't know why but Leo totally flipped on him and asked for a new worker. Odd.

"And my numbers on the receipt if you ever get bored of him." He winks at me as he hand me my cash and receipt.

"I doubt she would go to you small dick." Leo says. When the fuck did you get there. Boy bye, I'm living with a magician.

He hands me storms leash and then grabs my hand. What kind of fucking coke did he snort today. I want that shit.

Once we get to the car I let Leo drive. Storm sits on my lap and I angle rains box so he can see her. We arrive at the pet store. Leo grabs a cart from outside and lifts storm into it, he may only be a puppy but he's heavy as fuck. I put rain in there with him.

Leo pushes the cart as I pile toys and food and beds in the cart.

"What was with the hand holding and flipping out on the worker Dude." I ask Leo when putting in a hot pink dog harness, what if this dog is going to be affiliated with me it's gotta look the part.

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you." He says sounding like he doesn't want do discuss it more. That Disney mean anything because that was not a solid answer.

"And the hand holding?"

"Felt like it." This dude really doesn't want to talk.

"I was claiming what is mine."  He mumbled it as he walked away with the cart. WHAT DED HE SAYEEEEEEE

I ran up to him and I was about to ask him what he meant but he was staring at someone. I mean if looks could kill this mans body would already be 6 feet down and cold.

The man walks up to us and storm sits up and starts growling. I walk over and start petting him to calm him down.

"Who is this lovely lady you have with you son?" Hold up rewind. SON?

"It's none of your business."

"Ooooo this is stefanos daughter, lovely to meet you I'm lorenzo."he says as he kisses my hand. I feel like I should take a bleach bath. "Well I've been meaning to contact you about my half of the mafia." He father says. What is with everyone being in the mafia.

"If you're not passing it down I'm not listening

"Well you should listen then because I've been thinking of passing it down. I will send you more information and we will meet."  Leo gives him a curt nod and turns to head to check out.

~at home~

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll come back here to help set everything up." I agree and watch Leo leave. Leaving me with  a skeptical Storm and a curious Rain.

I attach Leo's phone to my speakers and play my playlist. After about 20 minutes of playing with them Leo comes in wearing grey sweatpants AND NO SHIRT IS IT HOT IN HERE OR LIKE JUST ME BECAUSE FUCK.

He sits on the ground across from me and helps me set things up.

After an hour I'm completely wiped, who knew setting these things up could be so much work.

Leo lays  next to me on my bed and storm joins while rain cry's at the edge of the bed because she can't jump up.

Leo grabs her and lays her on his chest.

I'm just gonna rest my eyes, yea rest.

Leo's POV:
Ember ended up falling asleep with storm and rain on her. Rain ended up leaving me for ember, ducking traitor.

Storm is laying on her feet when rain is literally on her head.

I lay back down and ember rolls over and rests her head on my chest, rain wakes up and follows embers head. Storm rolls over on his back with his legs floating in the air.

This here, this is nice.

Uh 2 updates in a row I'm on a fucking roll

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