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Marco's POV:

I pulled my shirt back on and turned on the lights after Jean had messaged me that he's on his way.

He seems upset about something... 

I still felt the uneasy feeling of embarrassment in my stomach after sending him that video.  I thought for sure that he was into me after he complimented my ass at my store.

Nonetheless, I was excited to see him.

I wonder who his fiance is and if I know her... he?  Them?  Maybe he'll tell me more about them when he's here.  They're a lucky person to be with a man that attractive.

It's been about ten minutes since he's texted me, probably meaning that he lives on the opposite side of town.  

I sat down on the couch with my legs sprawled out in front of me, looking around for my cat so I could pet her while I wait.  

"Kay?"  I called out, soon hearing her make a 'brrp' noise and popping up onto the couch from the side.  She made her way over to my lap, laying down as I pulled my hand across her fur.  Kay was an all white cat besides a dark brown spot around her left eye, both of her eyes being different colors.  One was blue and the one with the brown spot was green.  

I smiled and laughed as she began kneading her paws on my thigh, this cat being my best friend.  

We were interrupted by a knock on the door, Kay jumping off my lap and stretching on the carpet.  I happily made my way over to the door, excited to see the man again.

I opened the door, but it wasn't a sight that I was expecting to see.

"Oh, hi," I smiled at the man, but he just looked extremely stressed.  "Where are my manners, come in," I moved out of the way as he nodded with a forced smile.  

"Thank you," he walked in waiting for me to walk in as well so he could follow.  "Again, I'm sorry for the random message asking to come over so late at night..."

"It's okay," I looked at the man gently, "what's wrong?"  I led him into my small apartment, sitting down on the couch and turning to face him when he sat down as well. 

For some reason, I was expecting him to still be dressed up like he was earlier.  Instead, he was in sweatpants and a hoodie from the University we both supposedly attended.  His hair was all over the place and there were dark circles under his eyes.  Something was obviously bothering him.  Shouldn't engaged people be happy?  This isn't the sight of a happy man.

"My fiance, Emily, is overreacting again," he muttered as he folded his hands in his lap, twiddling his thumbs.  

"What happened?"  I wanted to offer the man some support, it seems as though he's been bottling things up.  

"We don't have to talk about that," he looked at me with his tired eyes and a grin before changing the topic, "do you go to school here?"

"Well, I did," I laughed, "I graduated last semester from the college of art, getting a bachelors in photography."  

"Really?"  He took a glance around my apartment that was filled with frames of photos.  "Did you take these?"  I watched as he stood up and walked over to a photograph that I took of the city when I was out on a late night.  

"Yeah," I smiled at him, watching as the arch of his back curved back with his hips forward where he stood, his bad posture evident.  I couldn't help but to chuckle to myself at him.

"And, this is your cat?"  He looked at the photo directly next to it, a photo of Kay sniffing the various plants that I have around the apartment.  

Deeply Devoted - A JeanxMarco AUWhere stories live. Discover now