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I mumble, "Yes baby and I'm sorry but that's on your account". I sniffle and I cling onto her putting my head on her bare chest, "Calm down baby so I can get you ready for bed" she strokes my hair. I nod my head as I wipe my tears off my face harshly, "Good girl. And now stand up so I can get you ready". I sniffle softly and I stand up rubbing my eyes.

She stands up as well and picks me up putting me on her hip as she starts walking to the bathroom, I wrap my arms and legs around her as I put my head on her shoulder. She walks in the bathroom and sits me down on the closed toilet..she grabs my toothbrush and puts some toothpaste on it "Open your mouth baby" she says and kneels down in front of me, I open my mouth slowly. She gently starts brushing my teeth, I look at her and I stroke her hair gently. She smiles at me softly and continues brushing my teeth, I continue stroking her hair as I sniffle softly. "I'm sorry baby but you have to listen to mommy if you don't want to get punished" she continues brushing my teeth.

I nod my head slowly as I continue stroking her hair, "Good. I'm glad you understand" she continues brushing my teeth. I wipe my nose softly with my hand, she takes the toothbrush out "Spit and rinse your mouth out baby" she stands up and wash off the toothbrush and put it back. I stand up and go over to the sink spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing my mouth out, she grabs my hairbrush and starts to brush my hair. I look at her in the mirror as I lick my lips. She looks at my hair while she brush it and starts to braid it, I tap my finger on the bathroom counter.

She fixes my hair with a hair tie "Okay baby all done" she picks me up again, I cling onto her tightly while inhaling her scent. She carries my back in the bedroom and sits me down on the bed and goes to my closet where she picks me an outfit and hand it to me, I take my outfit and I stand up taking off my clothes and putting on the outfit she gave me.

 She carries my back in the bedroom and sits me down on the bed and goes to my closet where she picks me an outfit and hand it to me, I take my outfit and I stand up taking off my clothes and putting on the outfit she gave me

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"Good girl" she lays me down and tucks me in "When you wake up tomorrow, you can come in the living room and wake mommy up so I can make you breakfast okay?".

I nod my head "Mommy can you make me milky?" I hold out my sippy cup, "Yes I'll make you some warm milk. But then you'll go to sleep okay?" she takes the cup. "Otay" I mumble and hold onto my stuffie as I bite down on my lip, she walks into the kitchen and takes out some milk and starts to warm it up. As I wait for her I grab my remote and I turn on my tv going to Netflix and turning on princess and the frog, she pours the milk in the sippy cup and walks back into the room "Here baby. Drink and then go to sleep" she takes the remote and turns the tv off.
"Mommy me was watching that" I pout, "Baby. Drink now and then go to sleep, Don't make me punish you more"

I groan rolling my eyes as I grab the sippy cup and put it in my mouth sucking on the nub feeling the warm milk go into my mouth, she keeps the remote in her hand and waits for me to finish up. I continue drinking almost done as I stare at her squinting my eyes, she looks at me and squints her eyes back. I giggle and finish my milk, she smiles softly and takes the cup. I smile and grab my pacifier, she kisses me forehead and smiles. "Nooo mommyyy" I pucker out my lips wanting a kiss.

She sighs and gives me a softly kiss "Goodnight baby" she walks to the door with the remote and the cup in her hand, "Mommy tvvvv pweaseeee" I pout sticking the pacifier in my mouth. "No baby you need to go to sleep. We can watch tomorrow. Sleep well little one" she smiles softly and leaves the room turning the light off as she walks out, I groan loudly turning on my side as I cuddle my stuffie and suck on my pacifier. She brings the cup in the kitchen and rinse it out, my eyes start getting droopy as I slow my pace down on sucking my pacifier. She puts the sippy cup in the cupboard and walks into the living room, my eyes close as my pacifier falls out my mouth and I start snoring softly.

She sits down on the couch and lays down and covers herself with a blanket, I snore softly as I peacefully sleep. Her eyes get heavier and she starts drifting off, I snuggle more into my stuffie drooling on it.

She sleeps in and snores softly.

Mommy Diane🖤Where stories live. Discover now