T͜͡W͜͡E͜͡N͜͡T͜͡Y͜͡ F͜͡I͜͡V͜͡E͜͡

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"BABY?!" Diane runs out and sees me on the floor.. she rushes towards me and kneels down hurting her knees a little "Sweetheart its okay come here" she pulls me into her embrace before yelling at Cherry "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU", "SHES A FUCKING BITCH!" she yells back and walks out slamming the door behind her. "OH HELL NO" Diane lets go of me and runs out behind Cherry just in her robe and underwear.. Diane turns Cherry around her punches her in the face, she falls on the ground holding her face with shock all over her face. "YOUR FUCKING GIRLFRIEND WAS MINES A YEAR AGO! SHE ABUSED ME AND I HAVE SCRAS ALL OVER ME BACK! I TOLD HER (you) AND SHE (you) FELT BAD FOR ME THAT MARY FUCKING HIT ME OVER HALF A YEAR!".

Tear filled her eyes with sorry filling them as she looked at Diane still holding her face.. since I was little again while sobbing and I start crawling on my knees out the door.. crawling outside, "You have- You have no idea what I've been through!" she yells down at Cherry while tears run down her cheeks "You wanna see what she did to me?!". "N-No i'm sorry" she sobs out as she pushes herself away from Diane.. still on the ground.. I crawl over to Diane while still crying, "And you come here and have the nerves to my baby! Even though you didn't even know what happened!" Diane cries and turns around to me and picks me up putting me on her hip while she cries. "I-I...." her back hits her car as she was still crying.. I cling onto Diane tightly as I sob with a bruised hand mark on my left cheek.

"You know... get the fuck away from us! Y/N doesn't need friends like you! Go and lets yourself get beaten up by Mary" she turns and her robe hands above her ass making all the scars visible as she cries and holds onto me and walks back to the house, I nuzzle my head into her neck making her neck wet with my tears.. Cherry continues crying outside as she forces herself up with the help of her car. Diane turns back around "Tell Mary to delete my number. She texted me but I dont want her in my life. That's the last thing you can do for us" she cries and walks inside closing the door behind her before walking us to the living room "I'm so so sorry baby", I sob harder as my cheeks stings and I nuzzle into her neck more.

She sits down on the couch with me in her lap as she cries and rocks us back and forth, I sniffle and start to calm down a little "W-Why mommy?" I cry out. "I dont-dont know baby" she cries and holds me tight, I sniffle letting out a loud sob as I wrap my arms tightly around her. Even though she was a crying mess she wanted to calm down so she starts to sing "Stars shining bright above you. Night breezes seem to whisper 'I love you'. Birds singing in the sycamore tree. Dream a little dream of me".

I start calming down while licking my tears off my lips, "Say 'Night-ie night' and kiss me. Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me. While I'm alone and blue as can be. Dream a little dream of me" she sings while she still cries. I look up at her with tears on my face as I cup her face and wipe her tears softly "Noz more twears mommy" I say softly, she starts calming down and continues to sing "Stars fading but I linger on, dear. Still craving your kiss. I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear. Just saying this". I kiss her nose softly while still cupping her face looking into her chocolate eyes, she smiles softly and hugs me tightly "Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams whatever they be. Dream a little dream of me".

I hug her back tightly while inhaling her scent, "Stars fading but I linger on, dear. Still craving your kiss. I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear. Just saying this. Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams whatever they be. Dream a little dream of me" she sings the rest and kisses my head. I sniffle wiping my tears off my face harshly "Me wove you mama", "I love you too baby" she hugs me and holds me tight. I smile softly snuggling into her while melting into her touch, she sniffles and inhaled my scent. "C-Can we go in bedzroom?" I say softly.

"Of course baby" she stands up putting me on her hip again, I wrap my limbs around her tightly forgetting that my cheek was stinging. She walks us in the bedroom and lays down with me making me lay on top of her as she holds me tight, I sniffle softly "Canz we watch netfliz?". "Sure baby" she hands me the remote, I grab it and lay my head on her chest while turning on my tv and going to Netflix.. I put on 'Princess and the frog' because its my favorite movie as a little. "You want to have your suckies now? You dont have to write lines anymore. Today was a exhausting day", I sniffle and put my remote down while nodding my head against her chest.

"Okay" she whisper and sits up, I sit up also "Whatz time isz it?" I ask softly while sitting down in her lap. "8pm baby", "Awww man" I pout and rub my eyes softly. "Its okay baby" she kisses my head and puts her bra cup down "Come here baby", I lean down on her chest bringing her nipple inside my mouth softly as I wrap my arms around her and watch the movie. She wraps her arms around me and relaxes while watching the movie, I sigh softly as I continue sucking softly as a singing part comes on and I hum the song softly.

She strokes my hair while she sings along softly, I rub my eyes softly while continuing watching the movie. She plays with my hair, I melt into her touches as I let go of her nipple and I look up at her sadly. She looks down at me.

"What's wrong baby?"

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