Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ross's POV:

Amy walked out of the room to see what Ryland needed so I sat down on the edge of the bed by Devin.

"Is Ryland ok." She asked frightened.

"He's going to be fine Devin. But he has no memory of you two together being and your babies. But for the best we all agreed that you and him should stay apart until he can get enough memory of you. He's going to stay on the couch at bedrest until he starts remembering more things. You can be around him but I think we should avoid conversation between you two. Ok." I explained softly. She nodded and hugged me.

"I did this to the person I love most Ross. I put him through this." She cried.

"Devin. Shit happens." I said softly.

"Do you think he will hate me." she sniffed.

"No. No. Devin. Ryland loves you and your kids to the end of the earth. I promise you he still loves you. He just forgot how." I smiled and pulled away.

"Ok. I'm hungry." She said about to stand.

"Stay here and get some rest. I'll get you something. Anything you need or want." I said.

"Wanna list." She smirked playfully.

"Write down everything. And I will do my best to do everything I can. Along with Amy and my brothers and my parents are all going to help you.and try and keep you as happy as possible." I explained. She nodded and I handed her a pad of paper and a pen. She chuckled and started writing stuff down.

"Can you bring me something to eat Ross." She asked softly.

"Sure. What would you like Devin." I asked smiling.

"Do you have donuts or chicken." She said shyly.

"I'm not sure but I can sure get you some if you would like some. You and Amy love donuts and chicken together. I don't get it." He chuckled.

"I can't help it. And some peanut butter. There should be a jar with my name on It in the fridge will you bring that for now." She smiled. I nodded and went downstairs to get peanut butter.

"Hey Ross." Ryland said waving over the back of the couch.

"Hey man. So how do how are you feeling." I asked and found peanut butter.

"I feel like I'm missing something. Not like objects but something weird." He said frowning to think.

"Amy why does Devin want a jar of peanut butter." I asked confused.

"Same way I eat peanut butter Ross. With a spoon and a glass of milk." She smiled and kissed my cheek before placing ice on Ryland's head

"Oh ok. Oh Rocky. Do you mind going out and getting the girls donuts and chicken. And more peanut butter please." I said as Rocky walked passed.

"Sure." He said and grabbed his keys from the country before leaving. I took the peanut butter upstairs and found Devin crying on the bed.

"Hey what's wrong." I asked and set down the jar.

"You won't understand. I need Amy and Stormie." She cried holding her stomach.

"Mom. Amy." I yelled worried. "Please come quick something's wrong with Devin."

"What's wrong Ross." Amy said and my mom soon appeared after. Devin was crying and groaned. Mom rushed in by her side. Amy brushed past me and went to Devin. I grabbed her arm and have her a scared face.

"What's going on." I asked.

"I don't know. She's probably in pain. She's going to be ok though." She said softly and pecked my lips. I grabbed her before she walked off and pecked her lips again.

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