Chapter Twelve

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Amy's POV:

The concert was awesome. Ross watched me the whole time though, it kinda got a little weird after awhile. We lined up for the meet and greet and that thing and Devin was really happy.

"Hello. What's your name." Rocky asked as I got to him. He was checking me out big time.

"Amelia. And I'm taken and Pregnant." I said crossing my arms. He frowned and rolled his eyes. I noticed Ross was at the end. Great.

"Hi. How was the concert today." Rydel asked as I placed a paper in front of her.

"It was awesome. I came with my very best friend." I smiled wrapping an arm around Devin's shoulder. She smiled shyly.

"Rocky seemed to think you're pretty Huh." She asked with a giggle.

"Yea. But I told him to stop." I smiled.

"Aww why." She asked with a laugh.

"I'm taken. And sorta pregnant with your brother." I said shyly.

"Uh....I actually think my brothers are Virgins." She frowned annoyed.

"Sorry..." I mumbled and going and standing in front of Ross.

"Hi how was the concert." He asked not looking up.

"It was good. But it would've been a little better if my boyfriend didn't stare at me like I was gonna leave." I said smirking and crossing my arms. He quickly looked up and smiled.

"Amy." He said smiling and hugging me.

"Yes." I whispered as he hugged me tighter.

"What." He asked confused.

"Yes. I'll marry you Ross you were talking to me right." I asked smiling. He pulled out a ring box and opened it. I smiled and let a tear slip from my eye as he placed the ring on my finger.

"I Love You Amelia." He whispered hugging me again.

"I love you too Ross." I smiled and pulled away from our hug. He leaned in and crashed his lips into mine.He pulled back and smiled.

"Come back here with me princess." He said pulling me behind his table. I looked around and tried to find Devin.

"Where's Ryland and Devin." I asked looking around.

"Found them." Ross smiled pointing at them hugging in the back. I smiled at them ant stole Ross's chair.

"That's my chair. I have to finish meet and greet." He said wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Please. Can I sit here my back hurts." I whined.

"Ok. Fine." He chuckled kissing my neck.


Ryland and Devin disappeared durning the meet and Greet. Ross took me back to the hotel and we found the missing couple they were cuddling in the hotel room.

"Ross." I whined sitting on his bed.

"Yea." he smiled sitting next to me.

"I'm hungry." I smiled.

"Oh me too." Devin said walking in with Ryland.

"Well Ross and I wanted to talk to you two." Ryland said sitting Devin down on the bed next to me as Ross got up. They stood in front of us making me nervous

"Look. So I think I can speak for the both of us when I say. I couldn't be more happy that I'm so happy I got to see the person I love most in my life today and to hear that you're pregnant with my kids." Ross started.

"But. We need to figure out our whole situation about our future." Ryland said.

"My...Uh...Mom kicked me out of the house when she found out I was pregnant." I said sadly.

"Ok. But Devin. What about us." Ryland whined kneeling in front of Devin.

"Well...." I smirked. "I may have an idea." I added.

"What." Devin asked scared.

"Probably not the best way but what if you ended up in the hospital for something and you end up calling your parents to be with you and then you tell them and introduce them to Ryland and all and convince them to let you live with Ryland or something." I smiled shyly at the boys.

"I like the idea of it sorta. But why would I end up in the hospital." She asked.

"Well. I couldn't tell you. But I could hurt you." I said worried.

"Ok." She said standing up.

"Are you sure about this you two." Ross asked scared.

"It will be fine. Ryland go and get the car and directions to the closest hospital." I said.

"Please don't hurt my Fiancé or babies badly. Actually don't hurt my babies at all." Ryland said.

I took Devin and stood in front of her. I kicked her right shin and it gave a cracking sound. I bent down and pulled on her ankle making her fall over and scream. I grabbed a knife and quickly sliced her cheek.

"Thanks Amy. Now take me to the hospital." She cried.

"Ross. Come carry Devin to the car." I yelled. He ran in and sighed before picking her up.

"Amy grab my phone and see who texted me please." Ross asked. I grabbed his phone from his pocket and read the text.

"It's from Ryland. He said take Devin to the hospital of she needs to go and he'll be there later because he got caught up in some parents crap." I said.

"Let's go." Ross said and carried Devin out the door.


The doctors made Ross and I wait in the waiting room. A doctor finally came out for us and sighed.

"So..." I asked worried

"Her parents came to see her before she went into surgery." He said.

"Surgery." I asked. "What was wrong." I added.

"She had fractured her shin in six places, Dislocated her ankle, and tore some muscles. We are going to fix her bones right now. But after her pregnancy she will need a few muscular reconstruction surgeries." He said frowning.

"What about her parents how did that go." I asked.

"They fought and she called security to escort them out." He said.

"When will she be done." Ross asked.

"She is already finished." he said smiling.

"May we see her." I asked worried.

"Yes mam please come back." He smiled taking us behind the doors and showing us to Devin's room.

"Devin." I screeched rushing in.

"Geez Amy. You did some damage." She chuckled.

"I'm sorry. So what happened with your parents." I asked siting next to her.

"We talked. I told them. They got upset about it. And they told me that they hope I'm happy with my crappy life decisions." she cried.

"I'm sorry Devin." I hugged her.

"Where's my fiancé." She asked worried.

"I'm right here baby." Ryland said rushing in.

"When do I get to leave and when will I get to walk." Devin asked as the doctor walked back in.

"When your fiancé signs some papers and you get to walk out of here. Keep the boot on for awhile. All the way though your pregnancy would be best." He said as Devin put her shoe on.

Ryland left and then came back to help Devin walk. They went to the store and took the car so Mark came and picked us up.

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