Chapter Nineteen

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Ryland's POV:

I woke up to Devin getting out of bed and going into the bathroom. I rolled over knowing she'd come back and get in bed with me soon. She came out and shook me. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes. She quickly hugged me and whined.

"Morning baby." I whispered chuckling.

"Ryland. I'm tired of being pregnant." she sighed. I chuckled and pulled her head into my chest.

"I know. But it's gonna be ok sweetie." I whispered kissing her head. She looked up and I pecked her lips.

"We have an appointment in three weeks." She whispered.

"I know I'm the one who made it." I chuckled and kissed her head again.

"I'm hungry." She said and hugged me before falling asleep. I chuckled and pecked her lips.

Amy's POV:

"Ross." I groaned between breaths.

"I'm here darling calm down." Ross whispered pulling me into his lap.

"Ross. I love you so much. Oh my god. I Love You." I cried hugging him.

"What's happening Princess." He said softly and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I hurt. And I had a bad dream. And I just want loved right now." I cried hugging Ross tightly. He hugged me back and rocked me lightly.

"Are you ok baby." He asked in a soothing tone.

"Y-Yea I'll be fine." I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck. I cried and then fell asleep on Ross's chest.

"Amelia." Ross whispered tickling my side.

"Ross stop it." I growled and looked up at him with tired eyes.

"Not until you say Ross Lynch is the sexiest man alive and when I have this children I'm going to fuck him so hard-"

"But you already know I will." I giggled.

"But I want you to say it." Ross said still ticking me.

"Fine. Ross Lynch is the sexiest man alive and whne I have my children I'm going to fuck him so hard that he won't ever tickle me again." I said closing my eyes again and trying to get some more sleep. But that soon failed when Ross kept poking my stomach. "Seriously Ross." I growled lifting my head.

"What." He chuckled.

"Please just let me sleep." I whined. "I'm pregnant I need my sleep damn it Ross." I added.

"Hey I'm bored. I don't know how you can sleep all the time or sit around cant you do something." He groaned.

"Not really. We could go for a walk. But I don't want to." I said and laid my head down in his lap. He sighed and played with my hair.


"Jordan I swear get your ass over here." Rydel yelled waking me up. She was chasing half naked Jordan around the house. Ross caught him and handed him to Rydel.

"Thanks Ross. Sorry if I woke you Amelia. My son is a little brat sometimes." She said and looked Jordan in the eye.

"It's fine. He's a cutie." I chuckled sitting up and leaning on Ross. He smiled and pecked my lips over and over again. I knew what he wanted so I have it to him. I leaned further in and crashed out lips together. He smiled and started kissing me. Before I knew it his tongue was in my mouth and half way down my throat. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and kept kissing him. He moved my hips so they were on both sides of him and kept kissing me. He carefully picked me up and carried me upstairs to the bedroom and laid me down. He hovered above me and smirked before leaning down to kiss me.

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