Chapter two

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Ross's POV:

"Mom where's Ryland." I yelled seeing half of his stuff is gone.

"Went camping you might not see him for a few months." She yelled.

"Oh ok. Mom I needed to tell you something." I said running into the kitchen where she was at the sink. Huh.

"What's that dear." She smiled as Rocky and Rydel rushed in with Ellington chasing them. Ellington pinned Rydel to the floor and looked her in the eye. Gross. Ok so Ellington was chasing Rydel and Rocky was....after food. Makes more sense.

"Sorry like I was saying. Exciting stuff." I stated smiling.

"Go on dear. You two not on my kitchen floor." She said to Rydel and Ellington who were still gazing into each other's eyes deeply. That's gross.

"I got a movie Audition but it's gonna be a few months that I'll be gone because I have to travel with the producers. I'm auditioning people." I said excitedly. She came around the counter and hugged me.

"Congrats honey when do you leave." She asked.

"Now." I said and rushed off. "What Ross." She yelled.

"It was last minuet mom." I said and kissed her cheek before leaving with my stuff.


"Ross Lynch." Someone asked as I arrived to the airport. I quickly turned around and saw a tall man in a suit and a mask.

"Um I'm sorry sir I'm actually on my way to another convention." I smiled about to walk away.

"Mr. Ross Lynch I'm going to need you to come with me please." He said like a business person. I shrugged and followed him to a car where I was blindfolded and handcuffed.

"Whoa whoa whoa this was not part of the deal where the hell you taking me." I asked.

"We are not going to hurt you Ross trust us this will be over and you'll be done before you know it. Now be quiet and wait." They said and tapped the side of my face. I growled and sighed.

Devin's POV:

"Hello." I asked answering the phone.

"Hi sweetie how's your trip so far." My mom asked.

"It's good I can't believe I'm spending a whole year here in Cali. I just got over jet lag though and I'm now touring the shops." I smiled looking up at the sky.

"Sounds like fun I hope you have a good time we miss you so much already." She whined.

"I know. Oh mom I'm about to go and eat I'll call you later ok." I smiled standing in front of a Starbucks.

"Ok Darling love you." She sniffed.

"Love you too mom bye."


I walked over to the Starbucks and accidentally ran into someone as I tried getting to the door.

"Excuse me. I'm really sorry sir." I said looking at him.

"Are you Miss Devin." He asked. Ok this place is a little more odd than I thought it would be.

"Yes. Why." I said slowly.

"I'm gonna need you to come with me please." He reached for me. I quickly pulled back and almost ran.

"Buy me Starbucks and I'll be quiet and go." I crossed my arms and protested.

"Fine. What do you want come with me." He sighed.

"Carmel frapachino regular 2 shots of chocolate on the bottom whipped cream and Carmel on top." I said. He shook his head and dragged me inside. We got my drink and then took me to the car.

"Let's go miss." He said pulling me in. I was handcuffed and blindfolded. There was another person in the car also he was also blindfolded. And cranky.

"Where's my Starbucks you idiot." I growled getting upset and scared.

"Calm down miss. Shut up kid." He growled at the blonde kid next to me.

"What she got Starbucks. This is an outrage." He yelled.

"Shut the fuck up the both of you here." He said and handed me my cup sorta he held it while I drank.


Ok so also short chapter but Amy Devin Ross and Ryland are main charters in this book and they have all been captured. Remember that ok. Good. Keep reading.

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