Chapter Twenty

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Ryland's POV:

"Ryland." Devin yelled from downstairs. I sighed and set my laptop and walked downstairs. She was sitting on the couch with Amy.

"What's wrong sweetie." I asked leaning. Over the back of the couch.

"Look feel." She said and grabbed my hand. I went around the couch and sat next to her.

"Hi babies." I whispered with a chuckle. I felt something funny in her belly and smiled.

"They are saying hi to their daddy because they love you baby." Devin said and groaned.

"What's wrong." I asked worried.

"Cramps." She groaned. I pulled her into my lap and smiled. She cuddled into my chest. But I laid her down and lifted up her shirt.

"You're getting big." I whispered and kissed her stomach. I rubbed circles on her belly lightly and she smiled.

"I know. I'm a whale." She chuckled.

"You're beautiful. I Love You." I chuckled and pecked her lips.

"Hey baby girl." Ross said and sat down with Amy.

*** (Doctors office.)

Devin finished filling out paperwork for her check and they took us in and did all the vitals and stuff. Devin laid on the table and lifted up her shirt to reveal her big beautiful baby bump. I kissed her stomach and smiled. The nurse put the wand on her stomach and smiled.

"Looks like your twins are doing fine. Right now they are practicing opening and closing their mouths and also breathing. We are able to tell the sex today would you two like to know." She asked smiling.

"No thank you. We want it to be a surprise. We want two healthy babies born on time." I smiled and squeezed her hand

"Ok. Well it looks like you two are on the right track. Keep doing what you're doing and I'll see you next month." She said as Devin wiped the gel away from her stomach. She stood up and pecked my lips.

Ross's POV:

We finished filing paperwork out and then the doctor took us in and checked her blood pressure and stuff.

"So your twins are looking normal. And it looks like we will be able to tell the sex of them both." The nurse said.

"May we know." Amy asked.

"Yes. Ok. Let's see." She said and moved the wand around. "It looks like you're having a" she said smiling. I smiled and kissed Amy. She wiped the gel off her stomach and we went out to the car. I sat in the driver's seat and looked over at Amy. She looked up and had tears in her eyes. I smiled and hugged her.

"A Boy and a girl baby." She whispered and cried.

"I know. I'm so excited." I whispered and kissed her cheek. She hugged me and laid her head on my shoulder as she Cried.

"Me too Ross. I love you so much." She sniffed and pulled away. We planned on meeting Devin and Ryland at a cafe down the street. I drove over and Ryland was sitting with Devin at the table.

"Hey you two." Ryland smiled as Amy sat down and started talking to Devin. They have been working on the sequel of their book together and it's been causing a lot of stress sometimes for Devin. Sometimes I wish she wouldn't put so much pressure on herself and on Amy about the book.

Amy's POV:

"So how was the appointment." I asked as Devin sat down.

"Good. Our babies are doing great. We don't know the sex. We want it to be a surprise. But what about you." She asked smiled and set her hand on her stomach.

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