Chapter six

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Amy's POV:

I woke up to my boyfriend's annoying snore, I swear I'm gonna tape a pillow to his face, but I won't. I like him too much. I rolled over and stood up to stretch out my back. I've been sleeping on a cold ass floor for two months now and it's killing me. The other two were asleep in the other side of the room apparently Ross and Ryland are brothers. And I actually know Devin. We were penpals until she and I both went off. We were like best friends that have never met. Ross and I are all on good terms. Devin and Ryland are a cute couple to be honest.

"Hey Princess." Ross whispered stretching out across the floor and yawning. I smiled and sat on his stomach. We all got used to being naked we don't ever say anything or even look. We ignore it.

"I can't breath Amy." He whined rolling over and pushing me off of him he hovered over me and smiled.

"Hey." I laughed tackling him down. We wrestled a lot when we were bored because it's fun and cute. Devin and Ryland have already had their first kiss. I'm jealous though, I'm sure Ross has thought about kissing me and all but I would never want to rush anything with someone like Ross.

"Hey you two woke us up." Ryland growled hugging Devin. She's been in a rough place lately her grandfather died last month so it's been rough. She was crying into Ryland's chest and he was playing with her hair. If anything I think she's pretty talented. She's been crying almost nonstop for a month now.

"Sorry Ryland." I apologized sitting on Ross.

"Just ignore him he's a fun killer." Ross said taking me off of him and setting me on his lap not his chest, where I was before.

"Ross his girlfriend is in a rough place right now just let them be. She's getting better." I said to him and smiled.

"I guess whatever though." he sighed playing with my Hair. Oh I know why I knew Ross. Yea my boyfriend is the Ross lynch from Disney channel. In R5 yea epic shit.

"Not whatever Ross what if I was going through something harsh like that you would want to love and support your girlfriend as best you can until she's ok right." I argued.

"Yea." He said.

"Well think that's what Ryland is doing for Devin he's loving and supporting her until she feels well again." I said poking his nose. He laughed and poked me back, "stopit." I squealed laughing my voice cracked making me laugh so hard I started making snorting noises like a pig. Devin looked up from Ryland and smiled.

"A...Amy what's so funny." She asked quietly, still hugging her boyfriend in a death grip. I continued laughing.

"My voice cracked." I laughed laying on my back. Ross was laid back against the wall watching me like I was a comedy movie. Devin also started laughing which made Ryland smile.

I had finally got rid of the giggles and the hiccups and Ross and I cuddled after lunch and talked while Devin and Ryland talked and cuddled. Apparently all Devin needed was a good laugh. She's seemed happier lately. It made Ryland happier also.

"Devin." I asked picking my head up from Ross's chest. She looked up from Ryland and smiled shyly.

"Yea." She said quietly, she's like two years younger than me, she seems scared about everything around her. She hid in Ryland's chest. He chuckled and picked her up before carrying her over to me and Ross.

"Devin I'm sure Ross and his girlfriend aren't gonna hurt us no need to be like this." Ryland whispered kissing her neck. I smiled at him and he also laughed. Ross picked me up and set me in his lap and Ryland scooted over with Devin in his lap.

"My princess won't bite. Hopefully." Ross said putting his finger up to my face. I bit his finger and shook his hand. "Ow ow ow. Amelia bad girl let go." He said pulling his finger away. Devin was laughing me. As Ross sucked on his bleeding finger. "Look now kiss it better." He whined holding it out. I kissed it and put it in his face.

Ryland's POV:

Devin has been happier today since she and Amy started getting along. They could be best friends Devin is getting better and not being so scared of everything less jumpy for sure. I've known her for four months and we are on good terms we love to talk and hug and cuddle and we really love to kiss.

"Ryland." Devin asked as Ross and Amy moved closer to us.

"Yes." I smiled at her. She ran her hand through my hair and giggled. I laughed and kissed her nose.

"Why does it hurt so much when you lose someone you love so much." She asked.

"Because you loved him. And you know he's in a better place and all it's just hard to accept that he's gone. But think that god took someone you loved and brought someone else in your life not to replace him or his love but to receive more love in your life." I smiled and kissed her head.

"Ryland. Do you love me." She asked. I smiled and nodded slowly.

"I do. Really and truly I do. I love you with all of my heart and love I could ever give and that you could take. You are special and so much more Devin. You're true, not afraid to be yourself. You aren't afraid to show how you feel. You're honest. Caring, sweet, and so many more things that add up. The little things Devin is what adds up and makes me love you most. I thought I felt this way about Savannah but I was very very wrong I fell Beyond that with you." I said smiling and taking the box from behind my back. These guys here aren't afraid to do us a favor I mean seriously they will go out and buy us Starbucks if we ask. "Devin I want to be with you for a long time. After we get out of here. But for one I want you to promise me you will love me as much as I love you and no matter what we will always be together." I opened the box which revealed two rings.

"What is this Ryland." She asked confused.

"A promise ring." I replied. She nodded and pecked my lips before I took hers from the box and slipped it on her finger. Her ring said 'remember I love you' on the outside and the inside of the ring was my name. I have a ring also that says 'I won't forget' and her name on the inside.

"I love it Ryland. And I love you." She said hugging me. I smiled and kissed her.

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