Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Sasuke, Hinata, Itachi, and Gaara all slowly made their way into the cave. At that moment, Itachi had never been more grateful that they were all ninjas. Being ninjas had allowed them to hone their stealth skills.

Skills that they were desperately going to need, if they were to save daughter and her team. Every footstep felt like crossing an ocean. Every second felt like an eternity. The walk inside the cave was pure Hell.

"I see." Itachi could hear a cold dark chuckle. "I bet you fancy yourself quite the chivalrous sort. A little Uchiha Prince?" Wait. Uchiha Prince?! "Well that matters not here. If you wish to save your sister though, I would advise that you sign the Contract." Not only had Aiya been kidnapped, but they had gotten Arashi as well!

Predictably, his foolish little brother was outraged. Itachi barely managed to stop Sasuke from flying at them. What was more disturbing though was the fact that Gaara had to stop Hinata from doing the same!

He felt the same way of course. Itachi wanted nothing more than to tear this man limb from limb, but rushing in wouldn't end well. They were just as likely to harm their children as they were the kidnappers!

"Believe me, Hinata." Gaara looks at her through Kami's eyes. "I understand how much you must want to kill that son of a bitch, but we have to thoroughly assess the situation first." His voice was scarcely more than a whiper, but Hinata must have heard him because "Tenten" nods slowly after a moment or two.

Itachi glances at Sasuke. "Did you hear that?" He didn't feel like repeating Gaara and every time they spoke, they risked being detected.

To his relief Sasuke nodded. What wasn't a relief was what Itachi heard next though. "Leave him alone!" I'm the oldest!" Oh yes, Aiya was definitely Sasuke's daughter! "I'm the one that you want!" She was very foolish, but brave. Just like his brother.

"And such a brave little princess." Someone laughs. "I almost feel guilty. I can scarcely believe the old fools were really this frightened of you that they were willing to pay me their entire lifesavings, just to ensure you never learned the Gentle Fist Technique."

"Kira and Kaiden." Itachi hears his wife his under her breath. "We should have killed them." That honestly shocked him.

He would have expected to hear Sasuke say something like that. Hell he had been thinking it himself, but not their sweet wife. Being a mother could change people though. It could make them extremely vicious when it came to protecting their children.

The real Kami seemed to be reading his mind. "You mean you went through all this trouble, just to get them to sign a Contract for a couple of dead people?!" Kami sounded just as shocked as he felt.

At this, even Gaara twitched. That was when Itachi knew that stealth wasn't going to be a factor for long. The normally stoic Kazekage was hanging onto his own self-control by a thread.

The leader just laughs. "Yes, I know it does sound rather irrational, but I can only get paid if they sign it." This was about money. Kira and Kaiden had paid this man to force their children to sign the Contract and to prevent them from learning the Gentle Fist!

Hinata's eyes scan the place. "They captured Team Seven and Team Eight." Thank goodness for the Byakugan. "They're all restrained. Chakra cuffs and blindfolds." They obviously weren't taking any chances.

This man was someone who was familiar enough with the Byakugan to realize it could see through solid objects, but chakra was necessary to activate it. Without access to their chakra, the blindfolds would work.

"Gaara, can your sand grab them and get them to safety?" Sasuke's eyes plead with the Kazekage.

The red head pauses, but nods. "I think so. It's worth a try." The chaos such an action would cause might be enough time to get them out of there, Itachi thinks to himself.

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