I Love You

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hey! it's avey. I rewrote this imagine & hope you enjoy. didn't really like the first plot. lol


"This looks like a lovely meal Mrs. Mendes," you compliment the dark eyed woman sitting across the table from you, drumming her shiny fingernails on the white linen tablecloth.

"Oh, thank you, sweetheart," she smiles kindly, placing a hand over her chest. "I hope it tastes lovely as well."

"I'm sure it will," Mr. Mendes chimes in, sliding into his seat at the far end of the table next to his wife, placing the glass of water he had fetched for her next to her plate.

You and your long time boyfriend, Shawn, had arrived at his home several minutes ago for an early dinner with his family. It was the first time you had ever met a guy's parents, and it was significantly awkward-- especially under your given circumstances.

You and Shawn began seeing each other casually near the middle of your sophomore year of high school. The two of you spent more and more frequent time together throughout the year and summer, and you couldn't deny that you throughly enjoyed hanging out with him and getting to know him.

By the beginning of your junior year, you two had become intimate. It was quite a beautiful experience, at first. You'd never expected for everything to turn out exactly how you wanted in a high school relationship. But soon enough, without warning, the unthinkable happened.

It was your worst nightmare as a high school student. Your entire world was turned upside down by one single mistake, one that you swore long ago you would be specifically careful and attentive enough to ensure that you never make. Despite your precautions, you'd discovered sometimes love has a habit of flickering off your common sense switch-- and you had sustained pregnancy.

You had never been more terrified. There were several instances in which the agitation held you wide awake all through the night, the fear of tackling motherhood so young in your life stressed against you like a loaded gun. Lucky for you, Shawn didn't run from his faults. And it just so happens that the fraught situation had brought out most of the bravery and valiance that he held inside.

In contempt of you hitting an overwhelming roadblock in your life, you were strictly determined to find the courage and guidance to continue receiving your education and eventually acquire a well-paying job to provide for your child.

You were overjoyed when you came to realize how supportive and loving your boyfriend was, and how responsible he was becoming as your pregnancy progressed. He's almost like a constant physical reminder that you can do this-- that you've got this.

However, his parents were most definitely not near as supportive-- or loving. Quite the opposite, actually. As a matter of fact, getting you to climb into the passenger seat to drive over here today was a chore that Shawn surprisingly accomplished.

More than once, you'd overheard Shawn bickering on the phone with either of his parents, using phrases like, "would you stop calling her that?", "why would she be ashamed?", and "no, Mom, and be thankful that I'm not telling Y/N that you just said that."

It was infuriating that you were nearly six months along and neither of them had yet developed true respect or faith in you. Of course, they had both faked it. They had not been direct with you regarding any of their doubts, but then again, you had never been direct with them until now.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now