Don't Be A Fool

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME (& our girl becky mendessmuffin )

hope you all like this imagine inspired by twitter posts & memes :)

btw sorry for being so inactive lately but i hope y'all can understand! been super busy dealing w fboi's wasting my time and whatnot ;)


"Surprise me."

The bartender gave you a suspicious glance, the young man's tired eyes narrowing on yours with a look that asked you if you were certain, and you just nod in response, waiting.

"Coming right up," he said quietly after a moment, turning his scruffed jaw towards the glasses and bottles in the cabinet behind him, his back towards you.

Your cell phone buzzes on the table of the bar that you leaned over, a single text appearing on the otherwise blank screen.

From: Dad ❤️
How did it go? Did you meet him?

You rest your forehead upon your palm, your eyes shutting slowly as you suppress an exhausted sigh. You couldn't believe you had done this again.

You never gave it much thought before or during, but after-- that was like a tidal wave that threw you under over and over until you were completely tossed, physically and emotionally.

You pick up your phone, sliding over to type a quick response, "no, not today. He cancelled, no refund. Sorry, Daddy."

You felt a churn in your stomach every time you lied to your dad. It was a familiar ping now, it returned each round, and it seemed to feel worse each time.

You couldn't explain why you did it over and over. There was absolutely no chance of snagging the love of your life-- the odds were against you no matter how many piles of cash or signed checks your wealthy father supplied you with.

Something inside of you always felt empty, dry, like a dark void. And seeing that boy always made that emptiness fill, even just for a moment. It gave you something to hold onto, and you couldn't bear letting that hope slip away the moment you step out of the meet & greet line.

Another buzz.

You open your eyes slightly and avert your eyes to the screen below you.

It's okay. Will you be home tonight?

It was a chore to type again, but you forced yourself.

No, I think I'll stay in the city for a day or two.

Last year, you promised yourself that you were done with these childish fantasies. You knew that no matter how many cities you traveled to, no matter how much time and money, you knew that each time you met him with a VIP ticket draped around your neck, you were just another fan in his eyes.

The day would never come when he looked at you and saw something more.

So why try? It was foolish.

Just as the bartender set your drink down on the wooden bar in front of you, your depressing thoughts were interrupted by a wave of high-pitched, desperate squeals that came from outside.

There was a whole group of young girls swarming the streets, overcrowding in a clump around the door, still deafeningly screaming until their voices were hoarse as they attempted to claw and elbow their way to the front.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now