The Wedding Day II

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Nell's POV:

"Are you ready Miss Jones?" Hetty asked me, who took my arm as we walked up to the church doors.

"I'm so ready!" I smiled, as we got ready for the music to start playing so I could walk down the isle.

Eric's POV:

I was standing at the altar nervously, shaking and smiling at the crowd in front of me. I took a deep breath in and began to tear up, just thinking about what was actually happening. I saw Kensi and Sydney walk down the isle and sitting down at their seats with the soft music playing, along with Callen and Sam behind, followed by Anna, Fatima, Deeks and Rountree. Aiden walked down last, holding our rings on a red, frilly cushion. They sat at their seats, Aiden standing behind me, and smiled, it was time.

"Forever Starts Today" by Tim Halperin began to play as Kam started to throw flowers down the isle, it was so cute. I turned to Admiral Kilbride and said a soft "Thank you", and he smiled back.

I turned my head back round to see Nell, who had already started walking down the isle with Hetty and I didn't notice. I began to cry, smiling and wiping my tears of joy away as I thought to myself, "Oh god, I can't believe I'm marrying such a beautiful woman". She looked stunning, her dress was beautiful, and so was she.

After what almost felt like eternity, Nell stood up in front of me and whispered "I love you!" as the music began to soften for the ceremony to start.

"We are gathered here today," Kilbride began, "To celebrate the marriage of Mr Eric Beale, and Miss Penelope Jones"

I smiled at Nell, who was tearing up, like me.

"When two people come together in marriage," Killbride continued, "They give themselves to each other. By doing so, both create something more than what they were, something to live up to and to be for the rest of their lives"

Kilbride nodded at me, and hinted me to speak my vows. I looked at Nell and spilled my heart.

"Penelope Jones, my lady, my soulmate, my best friend. From the moment I met you in Ops nine years ago and you kept interrupting my sentences, I knew there was something special. We were best friends for the longest time but when you subbed in at my bar trivia night, that's when everything changed. That's when I knew. That's when I knew I was in love with you. I vow to be your best friend, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

Nell smiled and looked down, a tear rolling down her eye, as she looked up at me and began to speak.

"Eric Beale, my awesome... tech dude, my geek, my nerd. When I first stepped in ops and saw your adorable face, I immediately fell in love with you. That Christmas Eve night when I kissed you under the mistletoe was when I knew that I loved you. You have always been there for me, when you got that new job offer, I couldn't risk losing you. That's when I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. I vow to be your best friend, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part"

Aiden handed me Nell's wedding ring and Nell took mine, I placed her ring on her finger and she did the same to me, when Kilbride began.

"Repeat after me... I, Eric Beale"

"I, Eric Beale..." I shook.

"Will take the, Nell Jones, to be my wedded wife"

"Will take the, Nell Jones, to be my wedded wife" I repeated, smiling and about to cry.

Kilbride asked Nell the same questions, before finishing, "Eric Beale, do you take Penelope Jones to be your wife?"

"I do..."

"Miss Jones, do you take Mr Beale to be your husband?"

"I do" she smiled at me as I lifted up her veil, and Kilbride said, "You may now kiss the bride"

I grabbed Nell's neck and pulled her in close, giving her a hard, passionate kiss, before taking her hand, I lifted her up bridal style and walked her down the isle, as everyone clapped and cheered on.

A/N: okay so this is genuinely cute asf, we wanted to make this as special as possible! Now, watch out, the next few chapters - the honeymoon chapters specifically- are indeed very raunchy, like, fifty shades style- so if you can't handle that, I suggest you skip past those scenes, but if not, don't freak out! (We had to let Nell show a lil skin)

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