Reception I

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Nell's POV:

As we were all standing and dancing around in the reception area with soft music playing, Kensi stood up and clancked her glass with a fork, and began to quieten everyone down. She went up to the front of the hall, and began a speech. The DJ turned down the music and handed her a microphone, and she turned it on.

"Uhh, hello," Kensi began, tapping on the mic. "I would like to thank everyone for coming here today to celebrate the marriage of two of my dearest friends, best friends and colleagues, Eric and Nell."

Everyone began to clap, and I smiled at Eric, also clapping.

"Now, I have a few words to say, and so do a few other people, so I'd like to start off by saying a huge congratulations, you two are so cute together and you're perfect for each other. I hope the pair of you enjoy beginning your geeky life together! Eric, look after her. If you don't.... this bad bitch is coming for you" she pointed at herself and then to Eric. He laughed without trying to look scared, and I giggled. Once Kensi had finished her speech, she passed the mic round the hall, starting off with Deeks.

"Well, Eric, congratulations on finding a girl that you love, and that we approve of, and as for Nell, you really married this guy!?" He laughed, pointing at Eric. "I'm kidding, congratulations on both of you, and Eric, I hope you find your fantasies" I turned to Eric and laughed, putting my head on his shoulder and sipping my wine.

"Ahhh, you guys are too cute" Callen began. "I knew from the moment you two looked at each other, that there was something there and, well... I was right! I'm not really good at speeches or this whole mushy gushy thing, but I do wanna say congratulations on starting your new lives together and wishing you guys all the best!" He smiled, and handed the mic to Rountree, sitting back down. Everyone clapped, and Rountree began to speak.

"Okay you guys," he started. "I haven't even known you that long because like, I only started my job last year but, I can see that you guys are soulmates and you have this wonderful relationship, I love how you're so into eachother, it's all anyone could ask for. I hope that you guys never leave each other because like, why would you!? I wish you guys all the best, and congratulations!"

The mic was passed onto Fatima next, who I knew was urging to speak. "Thank you..... ahh, this is a nice view" she giggled. "Anyway, me and Rountree are pretty new to the team as he mentioned, but when we met Nell and Eric I knew there was something so special between them. After a big mission with the team, I was discouraged and overwhelmed and had so many what-ifs. After that I realised and couldn't believe that's that what they did on a regular basis. But, Nell came in to the armory and said "You think I'm built for this?" Her calmness encouraged me to keep going and I am honored to be here today celebrating the union of these two wonderful geeky souls!!" We clapped.

Fatima passed the mic to Anna, who smiled at us. "Eric, Nell, I know that I haven't really been part of this team for a long time but every time I am, you two have a special connection and I am so glad that you guys found each other! Congratulations!" Sydney took the front and took out some paper too.

"Nell, my little Togo, my peanut, as much as I bother you while playing Nancy Drew and Togo, I really do love you so much. I am so glad you found someone to share your nerdyness with. Eric, I can just tell by the way you look at Nell that you love her! Take care of her and if you hurt her I know where you live!" She winked at him, he rolled his eyes at her but smiled. "Congratulations you two!"

"Awww thank you guys!" I said, clapping. Hetty began walking over to Rountree, nodded, and took out a small piece of paper. She began to read from it, as we all smiled graciously.

"Mr and Mrs Jones-Beale," she began, and I smiled at the liking of my boss saying my new surname. "From the moment I paired you two for that undercover assignment a few years ago, I knew you two were meant for each other. You two compliment each other so well and I'm so fortunate to get to spend the start of your new lives with you guys! Congratulations and all the best! But just because you're married now doesn't mean that you can't stay professional" she smirked. "Congratulations!"

A Neric Love Story 👩🏻‍🦰💗👨🏼Where stories live. Discover now