Chapter 1 - Surprises

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Chapter 1 - Surprises

I was sitting on a warm sandy beach, wearing an orange bikini. I could feel the warmth of the sun touching my bare skin. I suddenly noticed that I was leaning on somebody, a man. I tried to look at his face to see who he was but the sun as in my eyes. Still, I felt the urge to move closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me and put his lips to my ear. He whispered the three greatest words in the English dictionary into my ear, “I love you.” The words ran through my body. He then turned me around and I got to see him.

Brown hair perfectly styled. Brown eyes so deep I felt I would get lost in them.  A Smile so sweet that it melted your heart. This wasn’t just anyone. This was George Shelley.

“I love you too,” I said as he pulled my face towards his. He stopped right before our lips touched and looked into his deep brown eyes. I closed my eyes for just a second, then….


I was woken up by the sound of my alarm. I tried to cling onto the dream for just a second, but there was no hope. That was the fourth time I’d had that dream this week and every time it ended the same way. We would almost kiss, I’d close my eyes and then…POOF! I’m awake. It was very frustrating. And also I knew that all day now, all I would be thinking about would be George. My friends would always get irritated when I went on, and on, and on about him.

I got up from my bed and got dressed into my school clothes, knowing I would be too late to have breakfast. I grabbed my school bag, ran down the stairs and yanked the door open. The bus was just stopping outside. I ran up the path and got to the bus, out of breath and slightly dizzy. I looked round for a moment and then spotted my friend Lucy patting the seat next to her. I sat down with a sigh and looked at her.

“You had the dream again didn’t you?” questioned Lucy.

“How did you know?” I answered.

“Because you always have that face after you have that dream,” she told. At times she scares me how much she knows about me. “Was it the same as the others?”

“Yes! Exactly the same!” I said in an aggravated tone.

“Well, just forget about it, I mean come on. It’s not like you’re ever going to be with him,” she laughed.

I knew it was true but it still sent stabbing pains through me thinking about it.

“I guess…” I said miserably. I stayed quiet for the rest of the bus journey and when we finally got to school the bell for beginning of classes had already gone.

The day’s classes ran by in a blur and sooner than I’d thought it was the end of the day. I hadn’t realised till half way through the day that it was Friday. I was actual surprised to find myself in my room, not clearly remembering the bus journey home or opening the front door. Mum and Dad were at work and my brother Michael could be anywhere. So I was home alone. As usual I went on the laptop to check my Facebook and to look at pictures of George Shelley with his cute smile. I was looking at one picture and staring into his eyes and wondering what it would be like to kiss him, when…


The sound of it made me jump and fall off of my chair. I got up and reached for the phone.


“Oh hey, it’s me Lucy, just wandering if you wanted to come out with me shopping tomorrow.”

I paused for a moment, checking my head for anything important I had to do tomorrow, “Yeah, sure.”

Lucy seemed excited, “Great I’ll pick you up and one?”

“OK, see you! Bye!”

“Bye.” Then she hung up.

I went up to my bedroom to search for some money to take with me, and found forty-three pounds and nine pence. I shoved the money into my purse and shoved the purse into my handbag. I wondered why this seemed so urgent. Lucy seemed to be in a hurry, like she was really excited. Just for shopping? Surely there must be more to it than that.

That night I pondered a little more about what had happened, but got distracted with thoughts of George and the dream that would most surely follow my unconsciousness. I drifted off thinking about it.

That night I had a different dream. I was sitting and I heard the doorbell ring. I ran up to get and there was Lucy coming to pick me up to go shopping. She said hi and told me she had a surprise for me. She told me to close my eyes and to hold my hand out stretched. I did what I was told and I waited. Suddenly someone stepped into my arms and hugged me. I hugged them back knowing who it was…It was George. He stepped back so that he could see my face. I looked him and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.

“Hi, I here you’re a big fan of mine,” George said in a calm sweet voice that he always had.

“Of course I am, you’re amazing and talented and awesome!” I babbled, not knowing what else to say.

He looked at me with those brown eyes and pulled my face against his. I knew how this was going to end but I still savoured the moment until I found myself awake in my bedroom.

That dream had been a great one, but I was hoping that’s what she had planned for today. It was twelve now, which gave me an hour to get ready.

I quickly got dressed into my best clothes and carefully applied some but not a lot of makeup. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and opened the door wide. Lucy stood there, looking surprised that I’d got to the door so fast.


“Hey Lucy,” I said trying to sound calmer than I was.

“I have a surprise for you.” I could feel the excitement building up inside me.

To my surprise, she reached into her bag and gave me two pieces of paper.

“What’s this?” I asked holding up the paper. I hoped that the disappointment wasn’t evident in my voice.

“Look at it!”

I looked down at the writing on the paper. It said “X Factor Live Tour 2013”. These weren’t just pieces of paper; these were tickets.

“Are these…?” I asked but was unable to get the last words out.

“Are they tickets to see the X Factor Live Tour? Well…yes. It’s your Christmas present from all the girls: Amelia, Shelby, Annie, Talia, Becky and Sarah. We really hope you like it.”

I just stood there: Mouth open, eyes wide. The excitement and gratitude came out in a rush. I sprang over to her and hugged her.


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GeorgiePayne x

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