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  • Dedicated to All of my Fans



I would like to dedicate this book to one of my few fans. I don't have many fans and I value each and everyone but this fan has been with me since day one. I would like to dedicate this book to all of you because I am so grateful that you read this book. But, maybe you will read this and decide "I'm not going to read this book because it looks like a piece of sh*t!" That's your opinion and you have an opinion just keep to yourself.

I love writing in my free time because it takes my mind of everything around me. It's a world that I can make anything happen. It's a world where I can make Harry Styles ride on a purple cactus while singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

If you guys hadn't already gathered I am mad! I love you all that read this book! Hope you like the story.

Love you,

GeorgiePayne x

Writers note : This story was written before any knowledge of any album making or song choices for the X Factor Tour were made. Sorry to everyone who is reading this later on in 2013.

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