Chapter 11 - Girlfriend

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Chapter 11 - Girlfriend

The crowd was screaming for Union J as George came off stage and hugged me.

 “That was amazing! Better than yesterday even! At least there were no crying girls this time.” I said giggling.

George laughed as well.

“Do you want me to introduce you to the guys?” he asked. I made a face, “Oh yeah of course you do.”

He walked over to the guys who were lounging on the chairs in the room that had been reserved for them.

“Hey guys, this is Rachel. She’s the girl I knocked over yesterday and the one we all helped carry inside,” he said.

The boys eyed it each other with cheeky grins and raised eyebrows.

Josh was the first to get up, “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m…”

“Josh I know. I’m a big fan of the band,” I said finishing his sentence.

Then Jaymi got up and came to give me a hug.

“So honey. Are you better from yesterday?” He said in a soothing voice.

“I’m fine. Better than ever. Maybe the fall knocked some sense into me.” Everyone laughed at my bad humour.

JJ didn’t get up; he just looked at me and said, “Hey!”

“So is it time to go back to the hotel room?” George asked trying to avoid any awkward silences.

“Wait. I just have to get Georgina. Last time I saw her she was with Ella,” Josh said rushing past us and out of the door.

“Who’s Georgina?” I asked.

“Joshy’s new girlfriend. They’ve been going out for about…three months now,” said Jaymi.

“Awwwww! That’s adorable!” I said.

Josh was back soon with Georgina wrapped around his arm.

She had flaming red hair and striking blue eyes. She was pale which made her hair look an even deeper red. She was quite tall and even more so with heels on that she was the same height as Josh.

She unhooked her arm from Josh and came straight over to me.

“Hi, I’m Georgina. You must be Rachel, George’s new girlfriend?” she said in a chirpy pixie like voice.

I looked at George awkwardly and he did the same. We hadn’t said whether we were actually going out or not.

George cut in, “Yes this is my new girlfriend Rachel.”

I felt a wave of pleasure through me. I was George Shelley’s new girlfriend! ME! NO ONE ELSE! ME!

I slipped my hand into his and squeezed it so he knew I was okay with him saying that we were going out.

We then all squished into the back of a big car that seated 7 but there was one empty seat left.

I spent the whole journey chatting to everyone. They were all interesting. Josh was so funny. Georgina was very sweet and nice, but still managed to be quiet and loud at the same time. Jaymi was just an awesome guy. The only person I didn’t have a proper conversation with was JJ.

JJ seemed quite anti-social. He just sat in his seat, slouched back, with his phone right in front of his face texting and occasionally laughing quietly at what he read.

George held my hand the whole journey and I was glad he did. The moment seemed surreal and I was tempted to pinch myself again. So much had happened in the last two days. Before I was a sad girl with a crush on a way out of my league guy. Now I was in a car with four celebrities and one of them was my boyfriend. I realised then how fast mine and George’s relationship was going. We had only met yesterday afternoon and now we were going out. I told myself to shut those thoughts up. I was thinking to negatively, I needed to think positively. I was dating George Shelley, the boy I’d had a crush on since I’d first saw him on the X factor.

We arrived at the hotel and we all scurried out, trying to avoid the paparazzi swarming like flies in a rubbish tip. Once we were in the hotel we went to a big glass elevator. It was a very fancy hotel and I felt slightly out of place with my jeans and leather jacket.

Their room was on the fifth floor, so the crowded elevator journey was short. I would dread the thought of travelling all the way to the twentieth floor in there.

The room was big. Actually correction. It wasn’t just a room it was the whole of the fifth floor. There was even a cooking area. There was a bedroom for each of the boys with massive double beds inside of them. There was even a sofa and a massive plasma HD 3D TV with a Wii! This was in a completely different world to what I was used to.

“Pretty cool huh?” George said looking at my amazed face and smiling.

“It’s incredible!” I said.

“Hey Olly get in here!” Jaymi called. Out of his bedroom emerged a man.

“Olly this is Georgie’s girlfriend Rachel. Rachel this is my fiancé Olly,” Jaymi introduced.

He reached his hand out to shake mine and I did the same.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m glad George finally has a woman in his life,” Olly said chuckling.

I smiled, “It’s nice to meet you too. You Jaymi are such a cute couple.”

They did look so cute together and you could feel as if they had an aura of love around them. It was soothing to have such a happy couple around.

“Hey does anyone want to play Twister?” asked Josh bringing out the colourful Twister box.

“Okay let’s do it in teams. Olly and George. Jaymi and Me. Georgina and Rachel,” announced Josh, “Okay round one: Olly and George.”

Naturally Olly won and George ended up toppling over after about five goes. Next were Jaymi and Josh. Surprisingly Josh was pretty good at Twister and won against Jaymi. The final round was me and Georgina. I felt a bit uncomfortable playing against Georgina but I had fun.

I was almost winning. I could feel Georgina wobbling beneath me.

“Rachel: right foot blue,” announced George.

I tried to get my foot over there but suddenly I wobbled a bit and toppled over onto Georgina.

“Sorry Georgina,” I said getting up but we were both giggling.

“YOU LOSE!” exclaimed Josh, “Congrats Georgie.” Josh met her with a light kiss which I had to look away from, to make their intimate moment more private.

Until then I hadn’t realised that JJ was missing.

“Hey George? Where’s JJ?” I asked him curiously.

“Um…well he’s probably in his room. I don’t know. Lately he’s been kind of anti-social but I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe he’s gone out,” he said sounding slightly worried. I was worried as well, but more about George being worried.

After that we all stayed up and chatted. But one by one each of us went to their bedrooms to go to sleep. It was only me Josh and George. I could tell that my eyelids were getting heavy and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

At one point I was half asleep and I heard whispering between Josh and George.

“You really like this girl don’t you?” Josh asked sincerely.

“More than you know. More than she knows,” George answered.

“Are you ever going to tell about…” Josh asked not finishing his sentence.

George seemed to know what he was saying, “Eventually, or maybe she’ll figure it out.”

I wanted to listen more but I just fell back into a deep sleep and woke up in a bed to the bright lights of the morning.

What do you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen next? Comment below, remember to become my fan and vote for this Chapter. 

GeorgiePayne x

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