Chapter 13 - The New

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Chapter 13 - The New

We walked up the path that I’d walked up many times throughout my life but never with a guy as amazing as George Shelley. He gripped my hand, which gave me comfort for the thing that lay ahead.

George meeting my parents had not been on my “Things to do before I die” list. Actually it would most likely be on my “Things NOT to do before I die” list, which included meeting Justin Bieber and eating olives.

I was lost in thought about how I hated Justin Bieber evening though he was actually quite cute and talented, when I realised we were at the front door and that George had already knocked firmly.

I heard scurrying to get to the door. I looked at George with a worried expression and he smiled a comforting smile.

Mum opened the door with a smile which quickly disappeared as he looked at us both, hand in hand.

“Hello,” Mum said sounding shocked.

“Hey mum. This is…” I said.

“George Shelley. Of course I know who he is.” She still had a frown on her face.

“Yes. This is George my b-,” the word felt weird in my throat, “Boyfriend.”

I saw Mum’s eyebrows rising and her mouth slid wide open.

“Hello Mrs Thomas how are you?” George asked holding out his hand for her to shake it.

Wait. How did he know my last name? Had I ever told him my last name? He knew so much about me that I never even told him.

“I’m good thank you George,” Said Mum shaking George’s hand a little bit too much. “It’s nice that Rachel brings back a nice boy for once. Some of the boys she brings home are complete…”

“Okay Mum,” I cut her off, “I think George has to get back to his hotel now.”

George looked at me with an amused face and then looked back to Mum, “Okay goodbye Mrs Thomas.”

Then he looked at me, “Goodbye sweetie. See you soon. Text me,” He kissed on the cheek and then left out to the car.

Once the door shut Mum’s questions and opinions came out in a blur. Seriously when it came to the boys I brought home she was like a teen again.

I managed to escape away from her by 3.p.m. I then went to my bedroom ready to call all of my friends. I needed to come back to reality after a few days in heaven. So first I called Lucy.

I talked all about what had happened from me being knocked down till right this moment.

“WOW! I can’t believe you’re going out with GEORGE SHELLEY!!!!” Lucy screeched into the phone.

“He is awesome. But this doesn’t feel…normal. It feels special with him. But please don’t tell anyone else about me and George.” I felt like I was blabbering on about George forever.

“Okay I promise. I have to go but call me on the weekend. Okay?” Lucy said sounding slightly bored.

“Okay, see you.” I hung up the phone.

After that I called all of my friends and repeated the story. But I didn’t get less excited as I told over and over again. As I ended each conversation with the same ending, that none of them tell anyone.

*       *      *

The days at school passed with no incident and I got to see George less and less. He texted me every day and called me every night, but I only got to see him for very short periods on weekends. I missed him at school and he was all I thought about. I worried about how are relationship was being affected by being away from each other.

Each time he saw me he took me away to somewhere amazing for a date. They were all as magical as each other, but each ended the same way. He drove me home; he walked me to my door; he kisses me, the most amazing kiss ever; and he left. Seeing his car gave me an indescribable pain, I couldn’t stand to see it.

I just hoped with all my heart that everything would get better soon.

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GeorgiePayne x

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