Chapter 14 - Birthday

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Chapter 14 - Birthday

My 18th birthday was only weeks away. I had told my mum that I didn’t want to have a big party or anything that I just wanted to spend time with my mates. Anyway, George had told me that the night of my birthday we would… I couldn’t even think of the word without going into a frenzy of excitement.

On the morning of my birthday I woke early to the sound of a text.


I thought I’d put my phone on silent but obviously didn’t. I stared at the ceiling for a minute before remembering what day it was. June 30th 2013, my 18th birthday. The day I'd have sex George Shelley, my boyfriend and my one reason for living. I started getting excited, but I needed something to get me of the topic. It was starting to get light outside and I grabbed my phone to check the time and my messages.

It was 6:30 a.m. I’d have to get up in half an hour. I decided to get up so that I had plenty of time to eat breakfast and do everything before I set off to school. I caught the bus at 8:00 a.m. so I had plenty of time before then.

I then clicked my Inbox and saw the message. It was from George! It said:

Hey baby happy 18th! Can’t wait for tonight … George x

This text had not been the calming text I had expected. I started jumping around so I got out of bed and grabbed my dressing gown. I tip toed downstairs so that I wouldn’t wake anyone.

The morning dragged on and the excitement did not fade at all. I almost skipped to the bus stop before racing onto the bus to join Lucy.

School was the whole “happy day” kind of feel. Presents, singing, acting stupid, classic birthday stuff. I got mainly jewellery and makeup.

Before I knew it, I was back home having the whole birthday charade with my family. They gave me a cake with 18 candles. I was there ready to blow the candles out thinking about what my wish was going to be.

I thought about many things I could wish for but I finally decided:

I wish that George and I will always find our way back to each other.

It was a very cliché wish but I wanted that. Sometimes I felt like he was slipping away from me, but as long as he came back for me I didn’t care.

It was time for me to get ready for my evening with George. He had told me not to dress up fancy which I was kind of disappointed about. Still I dressed in jeans and my favourite T-shirt and went to sit in front of the TV.

I didn’t concentrate on what was happening in the shown to many times, episode of Big Bang Theory. I think it was something to do with Leonard and Penny getting back together but I just stared blankly at the screen.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. I got up quickly and almost ran to the door. I opened the door and there he was. Perfection in a tuxedo that probably didn’t cost any less than £80. He stood there smiling at me with my favourite smile.

“Hey, gorgeous.” He said in a honey sweet tone.

“Hey babe.”

He gave me a sweet kiss and grabbed my hand.

“Are you ready for your birthday evening?” he asked as I shut the front door and walked with him down the path.

I took a deep breath, “Yes.”

“Okay but we have to stop by my new place….”

I gapped at him. His new place? He had bought a new house?

“You have a new place? Where?” I asked.

“It’s a place for the whole band. We have another one near our recording studio. This house is kind of our holiday house.”

I felt kind of excited. I hadn’t seen the boys for a while and they were all awesome. Well, that I except for JJ. I hoped that JJ would be in a more welcoming mood when I saw him this time.

We got to the house and the first thing as saw as we went in was Josh. He almost ran up to me and gave me a hug.

“Hey Joshy! How are you?” I asked finding it hard to breath in his bear hug.

“I’m great. Happy Birthday.” He said letting me go from his bear hug.

“Thanks.” I looked around for a moment. “Where’s Jaymi?”

“I’m in the kitchen.” A voice said coming from a room away from this one.

Suddenly Jaymi emerged with my second cake of the day. Another chorus of “Happy Birthday” began. I was very grateful that they had made me a cake.

Happy Birthday to you!” They sang as they began to clap.

“Thanks guys,” I said.

“No problem.” Jaymi said putting down the cake and going back to the kitchen.

“Wait. Where’s JJ?” I asked wondering where the forth of their quartet had gone.

They both just shrugged. I guessed they still couldn’t keep him under control. I sighed.  Josh also scattered obviously to George’s unspoken orders.

“So this is my birthday evening?” I said trying not to sound disappointed.

George laughed, “Did you really think that this would be all we did?” I looked towards a door. “Go into there.”

I wondered if he was thinking about what I was thinking about. Still I opened the door and there on the bed….was a beautiful red dress.

“George, I …” I was speechless, I could not put my feelings into words. This dress was amazing!

“I knew you’d like it.” He said. “Put it on now. We’re going to somewhere … fancy for dinner.”

I was completely and utterly speechless. I walked into the bedroom and George closed the door after. I scanned my eyes around the room. His guitar was in the corner on a stand. Piles of CD’s were stacked in a neat pile: McFly, Take That, Tulisa, James Arthur and even Union J’s very own single. They were going to start to record their album soon. They were planning a big party with former contestants from the X Factor 2012 and One Direction.

I grabbed the dress and started undressing. I slipped the dress on but couldn’t managed to get the zip up on the back.

“GEORGE!” I shouted.

George poked his head round the door with his hands over his eyes.

“I’m decent. I just need help putting the zip on the back up,” I said. He uncovered his eyes, even though I knew he had been looking a little bit, and came to help me.

Zipped it up and started to kiss my neck.

“George, later.” I said even though I wanted him to carry on.

He stopped obediently and took my hand, “You ready?”

I couldn’t answer before he whisked me away. We rushed through the house and out the door, not even stopping to say goodbye to the boys. I look out at the road and there…was the most amazing red limo I had ever seen. To be honest I had never seen so I didn’t have anything to compare it with.

I gaped with my mouth open. As a little girl I always had gone on and on about having a limo for my birthday but I had been turned down each year. George seemed to know me more than I knew myself.

“Let’s go,” he said winking at me.

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GeorgiePayne x

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