Chapter 16 - Different

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Chapter 16 - Different

The rest of the day I went out with my friends shopping. They all questioned me about it and asked whether he was good in bed or not. They joked around but I could tell that some of them were jealous.

The day whizzed by and some enough I was dropped off at home and I was in my room. I spent most of the night texting George about stuff.

I finally fell asleep around one thirty and didn’t wake up until three in the afternoon. I threw my clothes on and stumbled downstairs. My mum was on the sofa with Hello! Magazine. She was obsessed with the lives of celebrities because she could bitch about them and no one would ever know.

She was sitting there with a stern look on her face, not her usual expression while reading her magazine. She looked up and saw me.

“Rachel I am very disappointed in you,” said mum shaking her head.

“What are talking about?” I said with a little too much attitude than was necessary.

“I’m talking about this,” mum said gesturing towards her magazine.

I went over to her and saw a big double page feature. There was picture on the left side of…NO! The picture was of me and George kissing last night and then another one of us in the morning. The feature was titled “UNION J BOYS, SKANKS AND MORE!”

I read the article:

 It seems like the Union J boys are taking advantage of their new celebrity status. We know that Josh is currently dating professional model Georgina Summers and Jaymi is dating the amazing Olly but George and JJ seem to be getting around. We saw JJ kissing at least 20 girls on one night out and it seems George is secretly dating a skank as we see them stubble into their house at gone midnight, and we all know what they will be doing next….

I couldn’t read anymore. I had read enough to understand what my mum thought about me.

“Mum you think that I’m a slut don’t?” I said in a hard whisper.



“Well, me and your father are getting a divorce. Are you happy now?” She whispered hardly and slapped me across the face. I could tell by the silence that she instantly regretted it. I ran upstairs and grabbed a bag. I stuffed as much as I could into the bag. I had to leave this house. I was looking for an excuse to leave and now she had given me the best reason.

I grabbed my coat and phone and stomped down the stairs. I didn’t even glance at my mum as I pasted her to get to the bathroom.

“Where are you going to go?” she asked angrily.

“To George’s,” I said slamming the bathroom cupboard. I then went to the front door opened it. “And don’t come and look for me.” I slammed the door.

*   *   *

It took an expensive cab ride and a short walk to finally reach the house. I walked to the door and knocked on it. Suddenly I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Josh opened the door and I just jumped into his arms, wiping my eyes on his shirt.

“Rachel? Are you okay?” Josh asked patting my back.

“Rachel?” I heard George’s worried voice. Josh passed me over to him he hugged me.

He led me to the sofa and sat me down. I put my elbows on the table and put my head in my hands. It took them half an hour to get me to stop crying and to tell them what had happened.  Even after I had recited my story I couldn’t stop hyperventilating for another hour and a half after words. By then I felt dizzy and I lay on the sofa. George cuddled next to me and I could feel myself shaking. Eventually I drifted to sleep.

Later on, I woke up in George’s bedroom with George beside me. It was dark outside and George was fast asleep. I lay in the bed for a moment but decided that I was too worked up to sleep now. I crept out of the bedroom and closed the door quietly.

I was surprised to see that JJ was up staring at the large TV with an untouched sandwich in his hand. I hadn’t seen him early this afternoon.

“Hey,” he said casually but a hint of worry in there.

“Hey,” I said in a croaky voice.

“Are you okay after this afternoon?” he asked. I was surprised he was asking me this. I had only seen him as a boy that would walk through the house at night with no emotions, but obviously there was another side to him.

“I…I…” I didn’t know how to answer that, “I don’t know.”

I went to sit in the seat opposite seat to him. He began to look at the screen again. He didn’t seem to take in what was on TV; he was staring at the screen. I saw that he didn’t want all of what his life was now.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

He looked at me for a second. His eyes reminded me of one of an innocent child’s. I saw for a moment why he got so many girls, with his eyes and his face, and if I wasn’t going out with someone as special as George I probably would have been pulled into his wrath. But George was too important to me.

“Rachel? Do you ever wake up in the morning and wish you had done everything in your life differently?” he asked.

I thought for a moment, “I used to…all the time. I thought that my life would just be pointless and I wished I could start over. But it’s because I did those stupid decisions that I’m now with George.” I said thinking about George.

“You really like him then?” he asked with a smile on his face.

JJ was a great person to talk to. He would listen and ask questions that mattered.

“I really do. I love him, maybe too much. Sometime I think maybe things are going too fast for both of us. But then after that I just don’t care about that because it feels right with him. Like he had the last bit of my heart and whenever I’m with him my heart is whole again,” I felt the tacky words roll off my tongue.

“I think you guys are just amazing together. It’s like whenever you’re in the same room as each other, the whole atmosphere of the room changes. It’s like you two have known each other forever.”

JJ was so observant in the short time he’d known me. It was nice to talk to him. I got up to go back to sleep, suddenly at ease after talking to JJ.

“Thank You,” JJ said. I turned to look at him and the expression on his face was sincere.

“Thank You,” I said back as a crept back into George’s bedroom.

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GeorgiePayne x

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