Chapter 6 - Simple But Effective

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Dedicated to rhianmusiclover because she helped me write this chapter. Well, I say help but all she was doing was telling me to put a naked Harry Styles in it. Thanks xx

Chapter 6 - Simple But Effective

My mum had yelled at me for being so late home. It had been 8 p.m. when I got home and I told her this morning I’d be back by 6 p.m. I didn’t tell her about me being knocked over or being driven home with George Shelley. I just told her that Lucy had gotten annoyed with me and the rest of the girls had already gone, so I had got a cheap taxi home and that the taxi driver got lost.

I was now in my bedroom, staring at the number on the note. I was wondering whether to text him now or later on. It had only been five minutes since I’d got home. I didn’t want to come across needy.  In the end I decided I didn’t really have a shot with him anyway so I might as well just text him.

It took me a while to get the right words in the text message but I eventually managed it:

Hello George. I loved meeting you today too. Yeah I will go out for coffee with you tomorrow. What time will you be picking me up? (I thought about putting love at the end but quickly changed my mind. I didn’t want to get carried away with all of this.) From Rachel x

I hovered over the send button but closed my eyes and hit the button. It sent. I waited. And waited. And waited. Still nothing. Obviously he’d found it clingy that I’d texted him so soon so he didn’t want anything do with me. I threw my phone across the room towards the wall. Just as it hit the wall it buzzed. I’d got a text!

“SHIT!” I cursed very loudly. I paused to hear if my parents had heard. There was no sign that they had I guess I got lucky this time.

I walked over to my phone that was in pieces, expecting the worst. To my surprise, all that had happened was that the back, the battery and the Sim card had come off. It also had a small chip in the edge but that was all. I quickly resembled the phone and waited impatiently for it to turn on.

Quickly, I checked my messages. The words “1 UNREAD MESSAGE” were displayed on the screen. My heart thudded unevenly as I clicked the READ button. And it said….

I couldn’t believe my eyes! I read over the words several times.

Hey Rachel. I’m sorry about leaving today. I should have told about it. I’m sorry and I can’t blame you for calling me a bitch. I’ll do anything to make it up with you. Are you home now? How did you get home? Sorry again. Love Lucy xx

Lucy was never the sort of person to forgive easy. I was so glad that she texted me, even though a part of me was disappointed that it hadn’t been from George. I texted back quickly.

No I’m sorry for calling you a bitch. I shouldn’t take those sorts of things personal. But you’ll never guess how I got home? You know George Shelley? He took me home! NO JOKE! I HAVE HIS NUMBER AND EVERYTHING! Love Rachel xx P.S. I’m not giving it to you :P

I sent immediately but I didn’t wait for a reply. I rushed off to get in the shower to clean myself up. I spent a while in the shower thinking about the events of the day. It had been a real rollercoaster of emotions. I’d been excited, happy, sad, angry, hurt, and … I couldn’t think of the right word for what I felt when I was with George.

I then got out of the shower, shut the water off, wrapped a towel around me and ran off to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and glanced at my phone. It said in bold letters “1 UNREAD MESSAGE”. I guessed it would be from Lucy. I picked up my phone and opened the message. To my extreme surprise the message wasn’t from Lucy, it was from George. I started shaking with excitement. I read the message slowly and carefully:

Pick you up at 1. George x

It was the simplest of texts, but it made my heart pound against my rib cage. I was going to go on a date with George Shelley!! But, I didn’t really know whether it WAS a date or not. He’d said that he really liked me but that could have been a joke.

I decided to get an early night so that I would not be tired when I’d be out with George. But I found myself starring at the ceiling, unable to close my eyes and drift off. I plugged my IPod into my ears and listened to One Direction songs and I slowly drifted into my newest dream.

I was in an enchanted garden. The Garden was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life. Willow trees were everywhere with their branches hanging like waterfalls around their base. There were butterflies in every colour of the world. Suddenly, I saw a more beautiful thing than this garden and anything else in my world.

George crossed the garden to see me. He slipped his hand into mine and we walked through the garden. Though we weren’t even talking it was the best moment in the world. Suddenly his hand was slipping out of mine. It was as if he was being taken by some massive gravitational pull, leaving me trying to grab him. I ran towards him but he just got further and further away from me. I suddenly fell to the ground hitting the ground hard.

Then, suddenly the ground didn’t feel like the hard concrete floor that had been under foot. I turned over and opened my eyes to find myself on the floor of my bedroom having fallen out of bed.

What do you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen next? Comment below, rememeber to become my fan and vote for this Chapter. 

GeorgiePayne x

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