Chapter 9 - Coffee Conversation

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Chapter 9 - Coffee Conversation

After we finally stopped laughing we drank our coffee and I started picking at my muffin. George dug into his brownie.

“Oh my gosh! This brownie is the best brownie in the world. Come one try it.” I went to grab a piece but he put his hand in the way.

“I’ll give to you.” He grabbed a piece and I opened my mouth. He placed the brownie in my mouth as if I was incapable of eating myself.

He wasn’t lying. That brownie had to be the best brownie in the world.

“This is the best thing in the world. Well…almost.” I said.

“What’s the best thing in the world?” He asked curiously.

“Kissing you, talking to you, spending time with you.” The words made me seem like a total creep but I couldn’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth.

I was scared to look at his expression after my words. But as I looked at his face a saw a small smile appear on it.

We started playing a question game. We would say a question and the other person would have to guess what the answer to that question would be for the other person.

“Favourite Band.” I said.

“One Direction and, of course, Union J.” he said with confidence, “I’m guessing you have a crush on Harry Styles?”

“Actually all of that is right. Well, I did until…this year’s X Factor.” I blushed, “I completely had a crush on you from the first time I saw you perform Toxic by Britney Spears. And you’re such a talented musician.” I blushed a deeper red.

George smiled at me.

“How did you know all that stuff anyway?” I asked curiously.

“Well, basically most of our JCats are Directioners. And of course you already told me you were a fan of Union J. And I knew you had crush on Harry because we do look similar,” he smiled at me.

I looked at him to see if I could see the resemblance and suddenly it all fit in.

“Wow! That’s weird! You look so much alike!” I said.

“Yeah I’m good friends with the whole band and we’re constantly joking around about us switching places for a day.”

This was lot to take in and I was just about to ask him whether he could give me Harry Styles’ number when I heard some hysterical screaming coming from the window. I looked to see who it was and it was a young teenage girl who looked like she was crying. George looked too.

“Oh crap. How the hell did they find me?! These fan girls are frickin’ crazy!” he said aggravated, “All I want to do is spend time with a beautiful girl and they ruin it!”

I was about to ask him about him calling me beautiful but I thought it was probably the wrong time.

“We have to get out of here,” said the man in the corner, “The paparazzi will be here soon and it will be all over the papers. The car’s coming now.”

He reached into a big black backpack and gave me a dark coloured hoodie.

“Put this on and pull the hood up. It’s so that the paparazzi don’t see your face,” he said in a demanding voice. I did as instructed, even though the jumper was slightly too big.

George grabbed my hand and we opened the door and the car was there. The whole street was full of screaming girls now and we made our way through to the car. As soon as we were in the car and the door had shut behind us, the car sped away. I quickly grabbed my seat belt, in fear we might crash.

“Are you OK?” George asked in a worried voice.

“I’m fine, is that what happens every time you go out?” I asked thinking what it would be like to walk outside of everything and see a crowd of girls screaming your name.

“Pretty much. It’s very irritating.” He said looking into my eyes as if he were searching for any signs of anxiety or shock.

He then knocked on the sound proof screen separating us from the drivers. The screen slid down to expose the guard, Dave’s face.

“Hey Dave, can we go to the second location please?” He asked in his puppy dog plead.

“Of course, Mr Shelley.” He said in a deep gruff voice.

As the screen was sliding up George said, “Hey Dave just call me George.” But the screen was already up by the time he had finished his words.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Well, if I told you then it wouldn’t be surprise.” He said with a cheeky smile.

I rolled my eyes. I hated surprises. Uncertainty, anticipation, and more uncertainty. It was the worst. But the surprises themselves was not always half bad.

We got out of the car after a short drive and George covered my eyes. I tried to squirm out but was unable to withstand his grip. We walked a short time and I could feel the warmth of the sun on this oddly warm day. We stopped and George uncovered my eyes to the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen….

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GeorgiePayne x

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