Chapter 5 - Call Me Maybe

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Chapter 5 - Call Me Maybe

I looked around and there was no one in the room.

“Hello?” I said to the empty room, hoping someone would hear. I heard some talking from outside and suddenly a man came in.

“Hello Miss. I see you’re awake. How are you?” asked the man.

“I’m fine,” I answered. “Are you the one that knocked me over?”

The man chuckled, “Oh no. It wasn’t me. It was George,” The man said casually.

“George Shelley?” I asked shock evident in my voice.

“Yes George Shelley. And JJ, Josh and Jaymi helped carry you in. George wanted to stay in here until you woke up, but I told him to leave you alone.”

I gaped, “Is he still here?” I asked hopeful.

“Yeah, he’s right outside. Do you want me to let him in?” He asked.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. My throat was almost dry but I managed to choke out a small yes.

The man walked out of the room and went outside.

Then the door opened. He stood in the doorway, perfect as ever. Even more perfect close up. Skin that begged to be touched. Eyes so deep I got lost in them. Hair styled perfectly.

George stood with a worried face in the doorway, “Can I come in?”

It took me a minute to answer, “Sure.”

He came in and shut the door.

“Are you ok? I’m so sorry for knocking you over. It was an accident,” he said with an expression that was either worry or guilt on his face.

“I’m fine. But why did you help me like that? Why did you wait for me? You don’t even know me,” I asked though I was thankful to him for doing it.

“I was worried about you. I remembered seeing you in the concert and…I was going to pick you but then my manager told me to choose the girl that was crying, to show that I was being nice. I wished I hadn’t because… I really wanted to pick you,” George said looking at me with his big brown eyes.

“That was my friend Lucy that you choose. Well, ex-friend now. It’s a long story,” I said, not wanting to bore him with my ordinary life.

“Well, I’ve got time and I’m a great listener,” George with a small smile.

“Well…OK I kind of called her a bitch after the show and that’s why I was here so late, because she left without me. I don’t know how I’m going to get home,” I blabbered.

“Oh, well…I could take you home. It wouldn’t be any trouble. My next performance is tomorrow evening,” he replied.

“Really? You would do that for me?” I asked shocked he would want to do something like this for someone he hadn’t even known for very long.

“Well yeah. And plus I kind of owe you for knocking you over. Sorry again,” he apologized.

“It’s ok, it doesn’t hurt munch anymore. And thanks for helping me.” I looked at him and he looked at me. It seemed like a moment only dreams had, and yet I was living this. I pinched myself, just to make sure this wasn’t a dream.

“Ouch!” I squealed.

“What’s wrong? What hurts?” He said in a panicked voice.

“I just pinched myself!” I said, sounding like an idiot.

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