Chapter 19 - ZAP

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Chapter 19 - ZAP

So there I was lying in bed with a half-naked or fully nude Harry Styles in George’s bed. I checked underneath the sheets to see if we had done what I thought we had done. He was wearing tight boxers that said “ZAP!” on them in a similar way to Zayn’s tattoo. I was still fully clothed.

I sighed in relief only to wonder why he was in bed with me. I suddenly realized there was a third person in bed. I looked and I saw thick golden hair tousled over a pretty face. The girl was in Harry’s arms in a tight grasp.

NO! NO! THIS CAN’T BE?! THE THIRD PERSON WAS….TAYLOR SWIFT! I hadn’t seen her in the party; I didn’t even know that she was in the UK.  I thought that they were never ever getting back together!

I decided to avoid the awkward conversation that would occur once either of them woke up. I got out of bed and my head started spinning in dizzy circles. The room tilted to the side and I collapsed on the floor onto a pile of clothes. I hadn’t noticed that JJ was on the floor. Near him Dan from District 3 and Niall from One Direction. They were sprawled across the floor like lazy dogs and I grabbed a hoodie and tip toed through the array of boys and empty cups.

The door was already open and it was a similar scene in the lounge. Most of the guests from the party were spread across the floor. Jaymi was already up, cleaning the surfaces and picking up the rubbish from the floor.

“Morning,” He said cheerfully. I wasn’t looking at him though. I was looking at the sofa in the middle of the room. There, laying there cuddling each other, were…George and Ella. My heart throbbed at the sight of it and I fell back into a chair. I was making sure that tears didn’t start streaming down my cheeks. I stood up and went over to Jaymi and he held out his arms.

“Darling it’s probably nothing, just don’t worry about it,” Jaymi said as I buried my face into his chest like a child. Just then Josh came into the room wearing his onsie. I stepped out of Jaymi’s arms and ran into Josh’s.

“Whoa! You okay?” Josh asked.

“Happy Birthday Joshie!” I said not answering his question. I didn’t even know the answer anyway.

“Thanks Rae!” Josh said using his newly formed nickname for me after watching the whole first series of My Mad Fat Diary on 4oD.

I grabbed the Cheerios, my head spinning and aching again, and poured it into the bowl I used every morning. I didn’t bother with the milk and just ate it lifeless and staring outside.

Josh and Jaymi were chatting away but I didn’t keep track of their conversation. I was too busy thinking about last night, trying to remember everything that happened.

The door of the bedroom slowly opened and Harry appeared in the doorway. He was still only wearing is ZAP underwear and he stopped for a second.

“Hi!” said Harry cheerfully with a big smile and then skipped along to the bathroom. Josh and Jaymi almost fell on the floor in hysterics but I only managed a small giggle.

A few moments later, Taylor came out, fully dressed but no make-up. It was surprising to see her without make-up and realize she was actually naturally pretty. She looked at us. For a brief moment our eyes met and all I could see was a look of regret and self-loathing. She quickly scurried to the front door and went out.

I looked back at the boys who have their eyebrows raised. Then I heard stirring from the sofa. I went over to the bedroom to grab my clothes and get undressed. Dan, Niall and JJ were up talking about an upcoming trip to Pizza Hut when I came in. They all looked at me.

“Hey guys, I kind of need to get dressed so can you …” I pointed towards the door.

“Oh! And I thought that we would be able to stay here and watch,” Niall said with a cheeky smile. Dan laughed but JJ hit them over the head.

“Come one guys, let’s go! Maybe Jaymi will cook something for break…” Niall had got up before JJ had finished the word breakfast. Dan laughed and followed him.

“Thank you,” I said to JJ. He just nodded and followed out, closing the door behind him.

I grabbed my jeans and Hollister jumper and got changed quickly. I then went to the mirror and cleaned up the smeared mascara and applied a new layer of make-up. I breathed deeply before opening the door and entering the lounge. George was sitting on the edge of the sofa; Ella was still sleeping soundly, looking like an innocent kitten.

George looked at me with a weak smile. I guessed he didn’t know that I’d seen him with Ella, cuddling on the sofa as if they had been dating for months. My heart throbbed again.

“Hey babes,” George said in a hoarse voice, “You want to go for a walk?” He was already fully dressed in the same clothes that he wore last night but he didn’t look half bad considering.

I nodded, worried that my voice would crack when I spoke and I would begin to cry.  George got up from his seat and grabbed my hand.

*   *   *

We walked silently on the beach which was quite quiet considering the warm weather. I wondered if George had any particular reason for bringing me out there. George went to sit on the golden sand and I sat next to him.

We sat there staring at the calm sea for a moment before George took a deep breath ready to speak.

“Rachel, I have to tell you something,” George said still looking at the sea.

“Okay, what do you need to talk about?” I asked in a small voice looking at him. He didn’t look at me.

He hesitated for a long moment before speaking, “Last night…I was really drunk.” I didn’t like where this was heading, “I didn’t mean for it to happen, you know how much you mean to me.”

I gritted my teeth, “What happened last night?” I said in a small hard voice. Mixtures of angry and desperate tears were filling in my eyes that threatened to spill over my cheeks.

“Me and Ella…” He couldn’t finish his sentence.

“What?” The tears started spilling over and I looked at him with desperate eyes, “No, No…NO!” I repeated.

“Look we just kissed and that’s all and it meant nothing to me!” George said in a desperate voice.


“WELL MAYBE IF YOU TRUSTED ME MORE THAT WOULDN’T BE A PROBLEM!” he shouted back, “You’ve never trusted me!”

I got up and started to walk. I stopped and looked back, “I thought that this was all too good to be true. But it looks like you’ve been lying from day 1.”

I started running and I couldn’t hear his footsteps behind me.

What do you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen next? Comment below, remember to become my fan and vote for this Chapter. 

GeorgiePayne x

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