Chapter 20 - Mistakes

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Chapter 20 - Mistakes

George’s POV.

I watched her walk away and I put my head in my hands. WHAT THE HELL HAD I DONE?! 1 mistake and it’s all over. Rachel was so special to me and now I ruined it. I should have just told her who I am, who am to her. She talks about it all the time. I wish I could have found the right time to tell her.

I got the car and drove home slowly. When I walked into the house, Jaymi had already finished cleaning and everyone was up and eating breakfast at the small table. When I walked through the front door they all looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

JJ came up to me and walked me to my room.

“Why is everyone looking at me like my dog just died?” I said trying to lighten the mood.

JJ didn’t laugh at all, his expression stayed the same, “Rachel came over and she was…pretty upset.” My expression changed in an instant. “She grabbed all of her stuff and when I asked her what was up, she just said that you were a…asshole…”

I looked around the room. Things had been flung across the room where she had been looking for her stuff. There was a small piece of paper on my desk and I crossed the room to get to it.

It was in my handwriting. It said:

I loved seeing you today. If you would like to go for some coffee tomorrow call me at 07********* and I'll pick you up. I hope you come, George xx

It was the note I’d given to her, that day I’d knocked her down at the X Factor Tour. I didn’t know that she’d kept it. I turned it over and another note was on it, this time in Rachel’s handwriting:

You lied to me. Don’t call me. Rachel.

The words sent stabbing pains in my stomach as I read them. I grabbed the note and shoved it in my pocket.

“George I’m…” I raised my hand to stop him.

“Don’t be sorry.” I said looking at the floor, “Just go.”

JJ left without saying a word.

*   *   *


I slammed my hand on the snooze button and I rolled over to have five more minutes of sleep. But I couldn’t back to sleep. Then I remembered what day it was. It was the second of September. Rachel would be leaving or already left for university. I still hadn’t spoken to her since the morning after the party. And I was in Bristol, so far away from her.

I shook the thought of her out of my head. I needed to get over her. That’s why I had set my alarm. I was going out for brunch with Ella. I was going to ask her out. I needed to get back out there and seeing as I did kind of had feelings for her I thought it be best to go out with her. They do say a relationship is stronger from a friendship, as I have personal experience from…

I got up and stretched. I felt like I’d not got up for days…or had I not? The days and nights moulded together in a blur. I could have been lying here for weeks and I wouldn’t remember. I stubbed my toe on my mini fridge and collapsed onto a pile of crisp packets and coke cans.

“OUCH!” I cussed quietly. The sharp corners of the squashed coke cans dug into my cheeks.  I got up and threw the first clothes in view on. I grabbed the note from Rachel from the desk and shoved it in my pocket, I didn’t go anywhere without it. Even though it was so small it was the only thing I had left of her.

I was about to leave when I saw a small necklace glinting in the light. I walked over and picked it up. It was a locket with the word Rachel on it. I hadn’t seen this for so long. I shoved the locket into the same pocket before leaving the room. I put my mask of happiness on so no one would know how I was really dealing with this break up.

Ella was already outside, chatting to Josh about something I didn’t catch. I looked at Ella and smiled my fake smile and she gave me her real smile back. I could see the worry in her face but I didn’t acknowledge it.

“Hey you ready for brunch?” Ella asked in a sweet voice.

“Of course, I’m starving,” I said smiling.

“That’s because you’re always in your room eating nothing but salt and vinegar crisps,” Josh murmured.

I scowled at Josh and he smiled a sarcastic smile.

“Let’s go,” I said walking quickly towards the front door and Ella followed swiftly.

*    *    *

I didn’t have much to eat when we went out for brunch. I had a croissant and an apple but my stomach churned, stopping me from eating anything else.

The conversation had been dull as dishwater and the only topics on my mind were Union J’s album, her new album and the weather.

After brunch we decided to walk around the coast to let our food go down. I agreed, hoping that it would settle the churning in my stomach. The path was practically empty and me and Ella walked side by side, arms hooked, hands in our coat pockets to protect them from the ice cold autumn breeze.

We sat down on a bench overlooking the vast grey sea under the same grey sky. For a moment we just watched the seagulls swooping down to the sea for fish, until I cleared my throat ready to ask Ella out.

Obviously knowing that I needed to say something, Ella turned to face me.

“Um…Ella?” I asked nerves hopefully not too evident in my voice.

“What?” Ella asked with a smile on her face.

“Um…I was wondering if you’d like….” Ugh. Why was this so hard? “If you would like to go out with me sometime…like on a date?” I heard myself and I sounded like my thirteen year old self asking someone out.

Ella started laughing quietly.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked, but I was almost laughing at how idiotic I had sounded a few moments before.

She looked at me with a massive smile on her face, “Are you crazy??!!” she asked still laughing.

I looked at her with a faced filled with confusion.

“George, I know…” She said.

“Know what?” I asked frowning.

“I know that you’re still not over…her.” My frown disappeared and the stabbing pain in my stomach returned and made me almost breathless.

“But I can’t have her, she doesn’t love me,” I managed to stutter out.

“George you are blind. She’s in love with you! You need to get her back!” Ella said.

I looked at her crazy face, “But she’ll never take me back after what happened…”

She sighed, “You are so stupid George. She wants you back.”

“And how could you possible know that?” I asked.

“JJ has been texting and calling Rachel since you guys broke up, to make sure she was okay. She said to him that she would do anything to have you back. She’s not going to university either! You need to go after her right now!” Ella almost yelled at me.

For one crazy moment I stared into her aqua blue eyes before enveloping her in a massive hug.

“What have I done to deserve a friend like you Ella?” I said and I could tell there was a smile on her face. “Is it awkward because I asked you out?”

“Yes it’s very awkward. Now get the car and drive to Rachel, right is second!” Ella said coming out of the hug.

“But how are you going to get home?” I asked as I got up.

“Don’t worry about me! Now run!” Ella said before I sped on the path to the car.

What do you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen next? Comment below, remember to become my fan and vote for this Chapter. 

GeorgiePayne x

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