Chapter 10 - Summer Love

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Chapter 10 - Summer Love


“Come on Rachel! It’s just a little further!” said the beautiful young boy.

“But I’m tired! I just want to go back to home!” I moaned.

The beautiful boy just carried on dragging me along the stone path.

“Where are we even going?” I asked wondering why we had strayed so far from the original path.

“It’s a surprise!” said the boy smiling at me.

We carried on for a while I seemed to my small legs. We came to a clearing. It was blossoming with daises and wildflowers. The edge of the clearing was lined with willow trees. The sweet chirp of the kingfishers could be heard near the river and flashes of green-blue whizzed pass.

I stared at the boy and he smiled.

“This is beautiful,” I managed to choke out in my childish young girl voice.

The boy moved over to me, “And it’s all ours. No one else’s. It’s just ours.”

I moved into his arms. The boy was quite a bit shorter than him, so my face fit snuggly on his chest.

“I wish we could be together forever.” I said pleadingly…

The boy just kissed me lightly on the cheek and smiled a gorgeous smile.


I struggled to get the words out as I looked at George with a massive smile on his face.

“H-h-o-w d-d-i-d you find this?” I said staring out at the meadow that sent a wave of nostalgia so big I was finding it hard to stand.

“When I came down here as a kid I found this place. It’s beautiful isn’t it? I always wanted someone to share this place with,” he said.

I felt dizzy and I was wobbling. Luckily George caught me before I had the chance to fall.

“Rachel? Are you ok?” he said in a worried tone. He lay me down on the soft grass. He lay down next to me. I felt much better after that.

“It’s just that this brings a lot of memories back. And they’re not all good.” I said.

“What memories?” asked George openly curious.

I took a deep breath and began to say the story of the summer 2002.

“I was just 7 and I was having another carefree summer at home. So one day I was out on the beach when a boy about my age comes up to me. He didn’t look like he had any friends with him and he looked lonely. He asked whether he could make sandcastles with me. I let because I always welcomed anyone who wanted to play with me. But there was something about him.

“We spent every day with each other. His family were down on holiday in a caravan for three weeks and every day he spent with me. We played, we went rock climbing. One day we just spent all day singing on the beach. This boy had the most amazing voice and I was always mesmerized by it.

“He took me one day to this meadow and I realised then that this wasn’t just friendship that we were falling for each other. From that day on, it was the perfect summer love. But even the best summer love has to end.

“We both cried when he had to leave. We decided not to keep in contact and I can never remember why. I still remember seeing him hugging me and his soft whisper telling me he loved me. Then his kiss. Then seeing his car speed down the road.

“But to this day I can’t remember who it was. I have one picture of him and me. My friends think he looks like Harry Styles and are always joking around about me and him being together.”

I hadn’t realised that my face was streaming with tears until George placed his hand on my cheek to wipe them off. I expected him to have the same reaction as everyone else. The classic “Aww!” followed by the sympathetic hug.

“That sounds like you really loved this boy,” he said with worry intent in his voice. George never did what I expected him to do.

We stared into each other’s eyes and suddenly George looked at his watch.

“Oh my gumballs! It’s late! I have to get to practises. Sorry.” He said.

I didn’t want this moment to end but I nodded and we walked back to the car.

The journey was short and I found myself not wanting to leave. He looked at me with the same look.

“DAVE!” George shouted.

The screen came down.

“Yes Mr Shelley?” he said in a formal voice.

“Change of plan. Rachel is coming back with us and is going to have a back stage pass for the show tonight.” He said.

I suddenly felt a wave of excitement and happiness. George really wanted me around didn’t he?

But were we boyfriend and girlfriend? Actually together? I was confused but I decided to savour the moment while I still had it.

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GeorgiePayne x

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